Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 744: go away

Only Sakiya would not refuse any request from him, even if the request was just a casual sentence.

Seeing the silent Sakuya, Li Meng smiled silently. From the moment she entered the pavilion, she seemed to have something in her heart.

Li Meng could clearly feel this.

He beckoned to Sakuya, Li Meng said softly, "Sakuya! Come here!"

Sakiya's expression moved slightly at the call of His Highness.

When she got up and walked towards His Royal Highness again, Sakuya thought, and the dark power of death suddenly surged out, entwining her body.

The dark energy lasted only a moment, and then disappeared.

As the power of death dissipated, Sakuya's skirt disappeared and turned into an exquisite black Gothic dress.

Under the exquisite dress, Sakuya looked petite and pleasant, exuding a soft temperament.

In Li Meng's gaze, Sakuya gently entered his arms and sat sideways in Li Meng's arms.

With a tender body in his arms, Li Meng gently embraced Sakuya's waist, smelling the long-lost body scent on Sakiya.

Between the silver-white hair, Li Meng took a deep breath.

In Li Meng's arms, Sakuya looked quietly, quietly feeling the long-lost breath of His Highness.

With his head buried in the silver-white hair, his right hand quietly stroked the proud mountain. On the mountain, Li Meng lightly clicked and said muffledly: "Here, I can feel you have something on your mind. tell me!"

The strange hand on his chest made Saya's white face slightly ruddy.

The whisper of His Highness in the ear made Sakiya's eyes flicker.

Speaking slightly, she resisted the numb movement of her chest, and Sakiya said with a trembling voice: "Wendy, she has become different from before. In her body, I can feel the breath of your Royal Highness. "

It turned out to be because of this.

Hearing Sakuya's words, Li Meng couldn't help but chuckle.

Leaving the towering mountain with his right hand, Li Meng pinched Sakuya's chin, letting the white face face him.

Looking at that pure white face and unwavering gaze, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "Well, because Wendy is so tempting, I can't help but eat her."

Glancing across Sakiya's whole body, Li Mengxie smiled and said, "Or, Sakiya! You want me to eat you."

Leaning to Sakuya's ear, Li Meng repressed and said: "Your delicious meal, I have been coveting it for a long time!"

With regard to His Highness's words that seemed like love words, Sakuya flushed and lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at the face that was close at hand.

Such blatant words made her long silent heart beat uncontrollably.

Seeing Sakuya's long-lost shyness, Li Meng petted and stroked that little head.

Lightly said: "Sakuya! You belong to me. You are not only my servant, but also my woman. I am a man, whether I am alive or when I die, my heart is very big. I never conceal what I want. I will try to get it. I don’t care about anyone’s vision or external pressure. This kind of wanton life is what I always wanted. Now, I have With this power, I will not let any tragedies happen."

With a slight sigh, Li Meng said softly: "The time of the dead is too long. In the long years, it is easy to be wiped out by time. If there is no thought, who knows what kind of existence will become in the future."

Nothing can be eternal, even as a dead person.

Because time is the enemy of the species.

Even if the body can be eternal, the soul will be consumed little by little by time.

Leaning gently against His Highness's chest, Sakiya whispered softly: "I know, Sakiya has been waiting. When your Highness wants to eat this feast, Sakiya will prepare it in advance."

With such heart-warming words, Li Meng patted Sakiya's little head affectionately.

She quietly embraced Sakuya's gripping waist, letting her warm body close to her, and feeling the softness of her body.

The guards in the pavilion watched enviously, and they hugged each other quietly on the seats.

In the pavilion, a warm atmosphere rose up.

It didn't take long for Wendy who had left to return.

When Wendy entered the pavilion, she saw this blushing scene.

Wendy looked at the two people embracing each other in the seats as usual, but walked to Li Meng's body lightly, and said softly: "Master! The ship is ready, you can set off to Qingcheng anytime!"

It's time to leave.

He patted Sakuya's fragrant shoulder, and Li Meng said, "Let's go! Come back to the temple with me!"


Responding softly, Sakiya got up and left the arms of His Highness.

Getting up, Li Meng also left the seat.

Glancing at the garden outside the pavilion, Li Meng stepped forward and said at the same time: "Let's go!"

At the departure of the figure, Wendy and Sakiya hurriedly followed.

The guards in the pavilion also stepped forward and followed up.

I have been on the ship for more than 20 days, and now it is time to leave.

When everyone left the garden and passed the swimming pool, Li Meng stopped.

Turning to the pool, Li Meng said softly, looking at Clarelia in the pool, "Stay at ease, I will see you when I have time."


The slender figure in the pool flashed by, and Kleilia rushed out of the water and lay on the edge of the pool beside Li Meng's feet.

The blue pupils looked at the condescending Li Meng, she looked calm and said: "Are you leaving?"

Klelia could feel that they were very close to the land.

She knows that humans will not live on the sea for a long time and will return to land one day.

Facing Clelia's gaze, Li Meng nodded.

"I know!"

The fish's tail swung lightly, Kleilia retracted into the water again, swimming back and forth in the pool.

Although the swimming pool is big, it is still too small for her.

Compared with the vast sea, the small swimming pool suffocated her.

Glancing at Kleilia in the pond again, Li Meng left silently, leading the crowd and heading towards the elevator.

"Leave a few people to look after her!"

As he walked, Li Meng said to Wendy behind him.


Wendy responded, then stopped and motioned to the guards behind him.

At Wendy's signal, the three guards turned and left. They will stay in the "Emperor" to take care of Cleilia in the pool.

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