Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 750: Exploration team

Looking ahead, Luo Luomanfu saw a huge sinkhole.

The tiankeng is huge, with a diameter of no less than two hundred meters and an irregular circle.

As I approached, when I came to the edge of the tiankeng, I looked into the depths, only to see darkness.

A light green gas is constantly pouring out of the darkness, sweeping to both sides of the tiankeng.

Because of the presence of gas, there seems to be an extra color in the air, a light green color.

At this time, on the edge of the tiankeng, many mobilized soldiers were walking around, installing a rope-skiing device.

Many colorful ropes have been thrown into the sky. Beside the equipment, the mobilized soldiers are "laying out the ropes", trying to find out the depth of the tiankeng.

"How is it? Can you find out the depth?"

When he came to the rope-slide equipment, Luo Rumanfu asked the mobilized soldiers who operated the equipment.

A mobilizer shook his head and said: "The rope has been lowered for nearly five kilometers, and the sensor at the end still does not sound an alarm. The depth of this sinkhole is extremely alarming."

"Wait! Here, the rope is at the end."

The yellow indicator light suddenly lit up on the bloated device.

This surprised the mobilizers operating the equipment and said quickly.

The yellow warning light flashes, which means that the sensor at the end of the rope has touched the ground and transmitted information to the ground in time.

"How much rice?"

Looking at the deep tiankeng, Luo Rumanfu asked the mobilizer who operated the equipment.

"5321 meters, more than 5,300 meters deep."

The mobilizer who operated the equipment replied.

More than five thousand meters deep?

In the helmet, Luo Luomanfu looked solemn.

With such a depth, it is not so easy to explore, you must be fully prepared.


Luo Luomanfu shouted suddenly.

At this time, a mobilized soldier responded and said, "Yes!"

Turning around, Luo Luomanfu looked at Vanya next to him, and said: "First send two teams to explore the road. Remember, everyone must bring an extra bottle of oxygen tanks. The underground oxygen is thin, and only power is used to fight. The oxygen in the suit cannot last for too long."


Vanya responded.

Luo Ruomanfu nodded and said, "Go! Perform the task."

Turning around, Vanya used the communicator to give orders to his subordinates.

"The first and second teams, immediately prepare to explore the Tiankeng. Take care to bring the oxygen tank. Ten minutes later, gather by the Tiankeng slide rope."



Two responses came from the communicator.

Following Luo Luomanfu's order, the personnel to explore the pit were selected.

Ten minutes later, two teams, 22 soldiers, each carrying a bottle of oxygen tank, gathered at the rope-slide equipment next to the tiankeng.

Wearing a powered combat uniform and carrying a half-meter long oxygen tank, this made the mobilized soldiers look even heavier.

Looking at the squad that lined up in two rows, Wanya said solemnly: "This mission is extremely dangerous. It is out of reach. Please withdraw immediately. Captains, your mission is to ensure that every soldier can return safely. Now, lets go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Vanya gave way to the mobilization of troops.

With an order, the exploratory team of the vanguard set off.

Using the six rope sliding devices next to the tiankeng, 22 soldiers slid down the ropes to the depths of the tiankeng.

Standing on the edge of the tiankeng, Luo Ruomanfu silently watched the mobilized soldiers getting deeper and deeper, watching their departure.

The exploratory team descended quickly, and in the blink of an eye, more than twenty soldiers disappeared into the darkness.

The tiankeng is almost vertical, and the upper layer is still mixed with mud. As the mobilized troops for exploration descend to a certain depth, the cliff wall is pure rock.

The rock is dark brown, and there are countless drops of liquid on the surface. The liquid is light green, which seems to be related to the light green smoke.

Down the rope all the way, getting farther and farther away from the ground, the surrounding area was pitch black, quietly, looking over the head, only the light at that point could be seen.

"Turn on the night vision function, drop at a steady speed, and be alert."

In the darkness, as the blue light flickered, the mobilized soldiers who slid down the rope opened the night vision function in the helmet.

In the slight sound of mechanical operation, the darkness suddenly disappeared.

The huge space suddenly came into the eyes of the mobilizers.

They were still in the tiankeng, in a cylindrical vertical passage, at first glance, only the rock wall could be seen.


The vast space makes the mobilized soldiers sliding down close to the rock wall look like insignificant ants, like a few black spots.

At this time, on the ground, relying on the sensing device in the rope, ground personnel are always monitoring the exploration team.

"Where are they now?"

On the side of the tiankeng, in front of a monitoring device, looking at a huge screen, Luo Rumanfu asked.

The enquiry of the chief sergeant made the monitor in front of the screen say: "Now it has dropped to 1,500 meters. After about half an hour, they will be able to reach the bottom of the tiankeng."

"Can I still reach them?"

Luo Luomanfu continued to ask.

"No, there is a lot of interference from underground signals. I lost contact with them a few minutes ago. When they reach the bottom, which is the other end of the rope, relying on the wired communication interface at the other end of the rope, they will resume communication with the ground."

The ropes used in this mobilization are not just ropes. Many miniature sensors are installed in the ropes, and there is also a wired communication line.

For this exploration, the First Army made full preparations.

In the sinkhole.

In the sound of "hiss" rubbing with the rope, the exploration team is descending all the way down the rock wall.

The observation distance of the night vision goggles is limited. Looking down, the deep darkness is like a man-eating monster with an open mouth. The weightlessness under the feet, the vast space, no strong willpower, and environmental pressure It's crazy enough.

As for the exploration team, since entering the sinkhole, it has been silent and no one left.

In the "hissing" friction sound, the team always keeps the same speed drop, and the separation between the personnel always maintains the observable distance.

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