Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 751: platform

I don't know how long it has passed. For the exploration team, the scene before them has been repeated for a long time, almost unchanged.

"Here! We are done to the end."

In the darkness, a certain mobilizer suddenly let out a soft cry.

This allowed the exploratory team to keep their eyes under the soles of their feet.

At the end of the line of sight, it was no longer deep darkness, but land.

It was not underground, but a platform protruding outwards. On the other side of the platform, there was still deep darkness.

"Slow down and prepare to land!"

With an order from the captain, the mobilized soldiers sliding down quickly tightened the restraint devices.

With the harsh sound of the "hissing" friction, the exploratory team descending rapidly, the speed of sliding down suddenly, slowed down a lot.

At this time, the platform underneath was already close at hand.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the darkness, as the figure shook, multiple slight impacts sounded one after another.

The exploration team fell on the platform one by one.

Gently stomped his feet on the platform, and when he felt the thickness of the platform, the exploration team was relieved.

Although I don't know how thick and strong the platform is, it should be no problem to bear the weight of more than two dozen of them.

"Untie the rope, survey the endurance of this platform, and immediately connect it to the ground."

Under the order, the exploration team untied the rope and moved in an orderly manner.

A mobilizer opened the socket on the helmet, plugged the communication connector at the end of the rope into the helmet, and was connecting with the ground.

The other mobilized soldiers dispersed and explored the surroundings.

This platform is very large, occupying almost one-third of the cylindrical space, and the farthest ground in a straight line is close to 100 meters.

When we came to the edge of the platform and surveyed the firmness of the platform, the deep darkness outside silenced the exploration team.

Sure enough!

They did not reach the bottom of the tiankeng. The depth below is unfathomable, and no one knows how deep it is.

"Captain! It seems we still have some distance from the bottom."

The voice echoed in the darkness.

At this time, another voice rang: "The survey of the platform is completed. We are standing on a huge rock protruding outward. The density of the rock is very high. Let alone us people, even if we have another destroyer of several thousand tons. , This platform is also sufficient."

Hearing this, the mobilized soldiers who were investigating everywhere were relieved, their actions were no longer cautious, and they became bolder.

"Captain! Communication with the ground has been connected."

After some attempts, the mobilized soldiers by the rock face finally connected with the ground.

"Report the situation here to the ground immediately!"

In the darkness, the leader of the exploration team immediately gave the order.


On the ground, in the temporary command center next to the tiankeng.

Upon learning of the report from the exploration team, the correspondent immediately reported to Luo Rumanfu.

"Report! There is a report from the exploration team that the exploration team has reached the end of the rope, but it is not the bottom of the tiankeng, but a platform protruding outwards. The depth of the tiankeng is still unknown!"

In the temporary command center, Luo Ruomanfu's expression changed slightly, somewhat inconceivable.

It's more than 5,000 meters deep, but it hasn't reached the bottom?

How deep is this sinkhole?

As he marveled at the depth of the tiankeng, Luo Luomanfu's expression became more cautious.

He has never forgotten that a polluting beast appeared in this sinkhole.

The deeper the sinkhole, the more complicated the situation.

After a little meditation, Luo Rumanfu said: "Immediately send a message to the base that more equipment is needed here, so that they can find a way to transport it as soon as possible."


The correspondent in charge of the remote connection responded.

Although the Tiankeng is some distance from Qingcheng, it is beyond the communication range.

But this is not a problem, because there is no shortage of mobilizers in this forest.

As long as the message is transferred, it can also send relevant information to the base in Qingcheng within a short time.


Luo Luomanfu looked at Wanya who was aside.


Hearing Luo Luomanfu's call, Wanya responded with a military salute.

Looking at Vanya, Luo Luomanfu said: "Immediately lead all your subordinates, bring rope equipment, and go to the place where the exploration team is, and build our outpost there. If possible, put the sinkhole as soon as possible. According to the in-depth confirmation, the corresponding equipment will arrive within five hours."

The tiankeng is too deep, and this exploration mission may not be completed in a short time, and the hidden threat in the tiankeng cannot be ignored.

Caution is necessary and must be prepared for long-term exploration.

And that platform is a good outpost. With a simple outpost, the exploration of the sinkhole will undoubtedly be much easier.


In response, Wanya left.

Vanya is a first-class sergeant, so his team is a hundred people.

The advance team has already gone down 22 soldiers, and when he goes down this time, he will take the rest of his subordinates.

After some preparations, Vanya gathered his troops next to the tiankeng.

The sliding equipment is already in place and tied to the sliding rope. With the help of the pulley, the sliding rope equipment will slide into the sky deep under the control of the mobilizer.

Facing more than seventy figures in front of him, Vanya didn't say much, just said: "Go!"

As soon as the words fell, Wanya first turned and came to the tiankeng, hung the restraint around his waist on the sliding rope, holding the sliding rope device, and jumped down under the gaze of many eyes.

The falling figure quickly descended, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Seeing Sergeant Vanya leaping down, the soldiers followed.

Came to the Tiankeng, hung the rope, and jumped down.

After a riot, more than 70 soldiers disappeared into the darkness one by one along the rope.

Darkness, a piece of darkness.

Even if the night vision device is turned on, the darkness in the distance has not dissipated.

Under the feet, there is a deep darkness.

With the uncomfortable feeling of weightlessness and the "hissing" friction in his ears, even Vanya couldn't help feeling nervous.

Not to mention the other mobilized soldiers.

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