Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 757: mobilization

"finally reached!"

When the platform above could be seen in sight, Vanya breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking down, in more than two hours, the climbing behemoth has long been gone.

Vanya knew very well that the behemoth had not left, just a little behind.

From below the tiankeng, listen carefully, and you can hear the noise caused by it climbing.

When they boarded the platform with the help of mobilized soldiers on the platform, Vanya immediately issued the order.

"All retreat! There is a big guy following us, you have half an hour!"

Vanya's words made the mobilized soldiers staying on the platform slightly stunned, then their expressions changed and they moved quickly.

Under the instructions of the team leaders, the platform was caught in a riot.

The mobilizers scattered around the platform withdrew and ran quickly to the rope on one side of the rock wall.

Hanging up the rope, amidst the sound of the machine's operation, each mobilized soldier began to return, and every figure disappeared into the darkness above.

When the mobilizers began to evacuate, Vaniya used the cable communication in the rope to contact the ground and reported the situation to him.

And transmitted to the ground the pictures he specially shot in the underground space.

In the transmitted picture, there is a beautiful and shocking underground space, as well as the giant beast.

The riot lasted more than ten minutes.

When there was no one on the platform and more than a hundred people had left, Wanya hung up the rope and left the platform.

The rising figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After the mobilized soldiers left, the huge platform returned to calm.

Only a small amount of leftover equipment proved the traces of the arrival of the First Army.

On the ground, in the temporary command room next to the tiankeng.

Looking at the transitioning pictures on the screen, Luo Ruomanfu looked solemn.

This is the image transmitted back by the exploration team in the Tiankeng.

The beautiful underground space is not to mention, although the picture is beautiful, like a scene that can only appear in a fairy tale, Luo Luomanfu cares more about the behemoth.

The behemoth shown on the screen is too scary.

The huge body, bone-like body, its hideous appearance is simply born for killing.

What worries Luo Ruomanfu even more is that the behemoth is coming to the ground.

"Can't let it leave the ground!"

Looking at the giant beast in the picture on the screen, Luo Luomanfu thought to himself.

Such a giant beast is the largest and the most terrifying that Luo Luomanfu has ever seen in this world.

According to Vanya, even the rockets cannot cause any damage to it.

Such a fierce beast, if it were allowed to leave the ground, Qingcheng would suffer.

"Quick! Immediately transfer the sickle mecha in the base, and you must be there within an hour!"

The fighters of the front-line Bentley nation almost transferred all the armored units in the base.

But it was not completely transferred away, leaving some sickle mechas and hammer tanks as spares.

At this time, the hammer tank is not appropriate, and the forest can't contain the barbaric steel body of the hammer tank.

Even if it is a selective route, the river that traverses Nanlin Island cannot be traversed.

Only the Sickle Mecha can travel through mountains and rivers to reach the sinkhole in a short time.


In response, the correspondent immediately delivered the order to the base.

With an order from Luo Luomanfu, the military forces of the First Army on Nanlin Island quickly began to operate.

After receiving the order from Sergeant Luo Ruomanfu, the sickle mecha armored unit staying in the Qingcheng base immediately responded.

Sixteen Sickle Mechas set off from the base and began to march towards the destination. .

When the Sickle Mech passed by the streets of Qingcheng, the running posture immediately attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

Seeing the sickle mecha galloping across the street, the civilians on the side of the road talked a lot.

Guessed wrongly if something happened again in Qingcheng.

Not only civilians, but also the security teams on patrols have stopped to wait and see.

They wanted to go and ask what had happened to make these four-legged war machines in such a hurry.

But they have no right to interrogate the actions of the First Army.

"Let's go! This First Legion always acts mysteriously. Us civilians, we don't have the right to know!"

By the side of the street, there are many figures standing.

In the crowd, there are two men and two women. At this moment, they are looking at the sickle mechas running away on the street.

It is no different from the civilians on both sides of the street.

There is nothing to look at. Although Chen Nannan is very enthusiastic about the war machinery of the First Army, Chen Nannan also knows that these "civilians" can't relate to things at certain levels.

Chen Nannan urged Wang Weiwei with a big belly in a loose long dress next to her.

With a slight smile, Wang Weiwei nodded and said: "Then go!"

Gently supporting Wang Weiwei, the two continued walking on the street.

Seeing Wang Weiwei walking in a slightly difficult way, Chen Nannan chuckled lightly: "Sister's belly is really getting bigger and bigger, she will have a baby soon!"

It's round, the degree of bulge is already great, even the loose long clothes can't hide the erect belly.

Nodded slightly, Wang Weiwei smiled lightly: "Hmm! Alright, there should be two months left!"

Two months?

Hearing this, Chen Nannan breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced: "I heard that the medical center in Qingcheng will be fully opened in the middle of next month. Fortunately, my sister has caught up with this trip. Otherwise, I really don’t know what to do. How to do."

"Well, with the medical center, my child should be able to be born smoothly."

Even so, Wang Weiwei's expression dimmed.

The child is about to be born, but she has to face the most painful thing in life.

Her husband has passed away, and now she has to lose even her child.

Perceiving the change in Wang Weiwei's expression, Chen Nannan said in a puzzled way: "Sister! Why are you? The birth of a child is not a happy thing, why are you so worried?"

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