Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 758: Fate?

Gently stroking the bulging belly, Wang Weiwei hesitated, she didn't know whether she should tell the sister beside her.

Although she was born as a pirate, she is a good person.

Wang Weiwei personally felt this care for nearly a month.

Whether in business or in private life, this elder sister by her side has not fallen behind.

Sometimes Wang Weiwei is very puzzled as to why this elder sister can do so.

Is it just pity?

Seeing the hesitation on Wang Weiwei's face, Chen Nannan pretended to be angry and said: "It seems that my younger sister doesn't regard me as a elder sister.

After a little pause, Wang Weiwei took Chen Nannan's hand and smiled bitterly: "Don't! Sister, I know you are for my good, but this matter is a bit unclear, and I don't know how to tell you."

Something unclear?

With a solemn expression, Chen Nannan said: "If it's something that you can't tell, then you have to tell me even more, sister! Tell me, what is going on? If you can't tell, just keep it simple."

Seeing Chen Nannan's determination, how could Wang Weiwei refuse, she had to hold her abdomen lightly and muttered: "The child in my belly will leave me as soon as he is born. This is an agreement, an agreement with someone. "


Chen Nannan showed anger and said, "Who would make such an agreement with you? It is damnable, sister, how can you make such an agreement with others? This is your child."

"I know!"

Wang Weiwei looked sad and whispered: "But I have no choice. At least I can still see my child born. As long as the child can live well, I will be very satisfied."

Seeing Wang Weiwei's sad expression, Chen Nannan was silent.

It seems that her sister, a lot of things have happened before.

Taking Wang Weiwei's hand and Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan continued to walk on the street.

As he walked, Chen Nannan comforted: "Sister, don’t worry. Under the rule of the First Army, Qingcheng is a legal system. No one can separate you and your children. The law will not allow it, and I will not allow it. I will be waiting for you the day the child is born"

"Sister! I don't know how to thank you!"

Looking at Chen Nannan gratefully, Wang Weiwei thanked her sincerely.

Chen Nannan smiled and shook his head, and said, "Do we still need to say this between us? This may be "fate". Fate made us meet and made us friends."


Wang Weiwei smiled and nodded, saying nothing more.

There are some things that don’t need to be said between friends. How lucky to have such a girlfriend.

Unconsciously, "home" has arrived.

In a small villa, in front of the iron gate outside the courtyard, the four stopped.

"Okay! Sister, I'll take you here!"

Looking at Wang Weiwei, Chen Nannan said with a smile.

"Go in and sit down! I really troubled my sister today!"

Wang Weiwei invited the three.

"No, sister! I still have something to deal with, so I won't do more."

Seeing this, Wang Weiwei did not need to stay. She knew that this elder sister was not single, she was the leader of a group, and she had to deal with many things, because she had been delayed for a day because of her reasons.

"My sister has something to do, so I won't want to stay. Next time I have time to gather together, Aunt Lan's dishes are delicious."

"Really! I didn't expect Aunt Lan to have this kind of craft, then I really want to try it!"

With the development of commerce, the gap between the rich and the poor in Qingcheng has gradually emerged.

In terms of housing, there is a large distribution. The rich live in high-end villas, while those who have no money can only live in apartments.

This phenomenon is inevitable. Regardless of the era, the gap between rich and poor always exists.

The ability to divide people, but also divide people's luck, is also affected by different personalities.

Some people like rights, others like money, and others like a peaceful life.

Different consciousness, different professions, and different horizons will cause the gap between rich and poor.

The First Army also never wanted to achieve true equality in the past, and just tried to raise the minimum.

In Wang Weiwei's eyes, Chen Nannan left, taking her two younger brothers back to their place of residence.

On the way back, looking at the slender figure in front of him, Chen Jing who followed behind was a little confused: "Sister! Why do you care about her so much? Is there any reason? It's not just between her and her. Partnership."

Chen Jing was puzzled about this. The eldest sister paid too much attention to her, and she had long surpassed the relationship between cooperation.

This month, the eldest sister has been busy with that lady.

It can be said that Chen Nannan helped deal with the house distributed by the First Army and the villa.

There is also Aunt Lan, a babysitter that the elder sister bothered to find among familiar people.

Chen Qi on the side looked at the eldest sister curiously.

They have seen everything the eldest sister has done this month.

The eldest sister is so concerned about unnecessary things, and there must be some reason.

Regarding the doubts of the two younger brothers behind him, Chen Nannan chuckles and said: "You guys! Don't think about it. There must be a reason for the elder sister to do this. I will tell you when the time is right."

The two of them were quite speechless when they said so perfunctory to the eldest sister.

Had to remain silent and stop questioning.

As the elder sister said, when the time is right, she will tell them.

They also knew that according to the elder sister's character, even if they kept asking, they would not get the answer they wanted.

the reason?

Walking on the street, Chen Nannan was silent.

As she said just now, everything is due to fate.

Before coming to Nanlin Island, Chen Nannan never expected to meet her long-forgotten relatives in such a remote place.

This is not fate, what else can it be?

Although the distant memory is a little fuzzy, some things will not disappear with the passage of time.

Everything she is doing now is what she should do.

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