Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 769: Instructions

With a slightly upright expression, Luo Luomanfu replied while driving, "What was the result?"

"After many repeated tests, the results have been confirmed. The orange pearl is the original crystal and the quality is orange. The orange liquid is a mixture of the original crystal substance and water. If it is refined, the original crystal can be artificially synthesized."

Sure enough.

Hearing this result, Luo Rumanfu was a little surprised, and he was also expecting it.

When these two things came out from Vanya, Luo Rumanfu had a guess.

Luo Luomanfu is no stranger to the original crystal, the kind of substance that looks like a gemstone is easy to distinguish.

It was only because they were born from plants that Luo Luomanfu could not make a conclusion for a while.

Now, the results of the test prove that his previous ideas are correct.

In the helmet, Luo Luomanfu was thinking.

The result came out, but Luo Ruomanfu knew very well what it meant.

This means that the underground space is a resource-rich virgin land. After discovering such a golden land, the First Army must develop it.


Thinking of the "skeletons" in the underground space, Luo Rumanfu was a little unhappy.

The underground space is 10,000 meters underground, so it is not easy to develop it.

The threat of polluting beasts is only one, and more is the danger of terrain.

"It seems that you need to ask the commander about this matter!"

In his heart, Luo Luomanfu muttered to himself.

This matter is too important. If the underground space is developed, a lot of time and money must be invested in the early stage.

Between the ground and the underground space, a passage that can move quickly must be constructed.

The huge amount of engineering can not be completed in a short time.

In other words, even if such a golden place is discovered, it will take a lot of time for the First Army to develop it, and it is impossible to get any benefits from the underground space in a short time.

Checked the time.

It's already late.

Reporting to the commander seems to have to wait until tomorrow.

Luo Rumanfu who thought so could only put the matter down temporarily, and report to the commander tomorrow morning.


The next day, early morning.

The temple, the sleeping hall.

The plan for a day is in the morning, and it is a pity to spend it in laziness at this moment of recovery.

Early in the morning, Li Meng woke up.

Since the first time with Natasha, Li Meng seems to have recovered his sleep.

Can enter a light sleep at any time.

For his own changes, everything is under Li Meng's control.

Being able to sleep is not a bad thing.

Therefore, Li Meng has returned to his daily routine as a human.

Glancing at himself in the mirror, Li Meng left the bedroom with satisfaction.

When Li Meng left the bedroom, two figures were seen at the door.

It's Jin Qian, and Renee.

It seemed that they were both on duty last night.

"the host!"

Seeing the door opened, the host's figure came out of the sleeping hall, and the two women hurriedly shouted.


Responded, Li Meng walked past them and headed deep into the corridor.

The two women at the door followed closely behind.

In the corridor, the three people walked one after another.

The sound of slight footsteps echoed in the slightly quiet corridor.

"Are they gone?"

As he walked, Li Meng asked the two women behind him.

Of course Qin Qian and Renee know who they are.

Immediately after the master, Qin Qian replied: "Yes! As soon as daybreak, Wendy's Chief Guard took Chen Yan and left."

It seems that Wendy is busy today, and the transfer of power is not something that can be resolved quickly.

Li Meng thought of Chen Yan, that girl was quite interesting.

Obviously as a dead person, but more like a human being, this is probably the characteristic of a ghoul.

Last night, Li Meng was entangled by her for a long time, until late at night was Wendy reluctantly and forcibly taken away.

The girl was obviously not used to serving people, but she pinched it on his shoulder for a few hours.

This massage is very refreshing for a short time, but it will not be so comfortable for a long time.

Fortunately, Li Meng's body has the ability to self-regulate and can barely endure her torture.

What makes Li Meng quite funny is that she didn't realize this from beginning to end.

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought of Chen Qi again. He didn't expect that the young man would have such a beautiful daughter.

"the host!"

When passing a corner, a nun walked towards him and stopped the three of them.

In front of Li Meng, the nun wearing a hood whispered.

Pausing slightly, looking at the nun in front of him, Li Meng said, "What's the matter?"

A soft voice came from the hood.

The nun said: "Sergeant Luo Ruoman asked to see you, saying that there is something important to report to the master!"

Important matter?

What happened, Li Meng didn't know, but it should not be a trivial matter.

If it is a trivial matter, the officers of the First Army can make up their minds.

If you can't make up your mind, it must be no small matter to ask for his opinion.

Li Meng who thought so said to the nun: "I'm waiting for him in the hall!"


In response, the nun walked away quickly.

And Li Meng also buckled and moved on, but the destination had changed.

From the courtyard, it became the main hall of the outer hall.

Came to the main hall, ascended the countless stairs, and Li Meng sat down on the high throne.

Looking around the hall, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.

The empty hall seemed very deserted and empty. Only the three of them existed in the entire hall.

Li Meng sitting on the throne, and Renee and Qin Qian standing on both sides of the stairs.

The departed nun did not make Li Meng wait for a long time.

In a moment, two figures walked through the open door of the hall.

One is a nun wearing a black nun's uniform, and the other is Luo Manfu wearing a dark green power negative.

When she came to the main hall under the stairs, the nun who led the way turned sideways and stood aside, letting Luo Luomanfu behind him face the commander on the throne.

Looking at the commander on the throne, Luo Rumanfu saluted a military salute and said: "Commander! I have something important to report to you, and I need your instructions!"

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