Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 770: Vast project

Looking at Luo Rumanfu in the main hall, Li Meng thought of the previous task report.

Recently, Luo Luomanfu is in charge of exploring the Tiankeng.

Could it be that what happened to the Tiankeng?

Li Meng, who thought so, said while Luo Luomanfu watched: "But it has something to do with the "tiankeng"?"


Luo Rumanfu answered very positively.

With a calm expression, Li Meng said, "Let's talk about it! What is it?"

In the helmet, Luo Ruomanfu looked solemn and said: "In the underground space 10,000 meters deep under the tiankeng, we found a very strange plant in the water. That strange plant can emit a variety of colors. In an orange plant, we extracted an orange liquid and found an orange pearl. After testing, the substance of the orange liquid and the pearl is the same as the original orange crystal."

"The original crystal bred from plants?"

Li Meng confirmed in surprise.

Luo Luomanfu nodded and confirmed: "Yes!"

After receiving confirmation, Li Meng continued to ask: "What is the number of that kind of plants in the underground space?"

"There are countless, in the deeper water bottom, there are still yellow, green, and even blue plants."

Hearing Luo Luomanfu's confirmed answer, Li Meng's face was thoughtful.

In this way, this underground space is still a cornucopia, a land of gold.

If it is developed, the First Army might get amazing benefits.

Putting away the thoughts in his heart, Li Meng looked at Luo Luomanfu in the hall and said, "What do you think?"

Facing the commander’s question, Luo Luomanfu didn’t think much about it, and immediately replied: “Invest capital to develop it to the greatest extent. The vastness of the underground space is far beyond our imagination. If we can control this golden place, from In this golden land, our First Army can continuously obtain benefits, and the benefits are amazing."


Speaking of this, Luo Luomanfu's voice became a little hesitant.


Seeing Luo Luomanfu hesitated to speak, Li Meng gave Luo Luomanfu confidence and signaled to speak freely.

With the support of the commander, Luo Rumanfu no longer hesitated.

Looking at the commander on the throne, Luo Luomanfu said: "The topography of the tiankeng is extremely sinister. With the addition of the "skeletons" of the underground space, the initial investment is extremely amazing if the underground space is developed. To build a 10,000-meter-deep tunnel, and to build a fortress factory in the underground space that can withstand the invasion of polluting beasts, the project is vast and unimaginable. We need not only financial resources, manpower, but also long enough time."

"does it worth?"

Li Meng didn't say much, but asked Luo Luomanfu.

"worth it!"

Luo Luomanfu said with certainty.

Of course it's worth it. Once the early stage has passed, the benefit in the later stage is hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times more than what you paid in the early stage.

Luo Rumanfu had no reason to answer the commander with affirmative words.

After getting an affirmative answer, Li Meng said calmly: "Then let go and do it. I will leave this project to you. From now on, I will give you the right to use the funds of the First Corps and tell me that you need to complete this project. for how long?"

how long?

Luo Luomanfu has not thought about this problem.

After thinking about it for a moment, Luo Luomanfu said uncertainly: "It should not be less than two years."

Time is a bit blurred.

Hearing this answer, Li Meng didn't press Luo Manfu too hard, but said: "Then use the team you recruited and use all the resources of the First Army to find a way to complete this within three years. Project."

Three years?

In the helmet, Luo Luomanfu was thinking.

If you have the right to use the manpower and material resources of the First Army, three years should be no problem.

Luo Luomanfu who thought so replied: "Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!"

Then, at Li Meng's sign, Luo Luomanfu left, leaving with the right granted by Li Meng.

After this, Luo Luomanfu's task was to develop the underground space and build a huge project.

The difficulty of this task is staggering. It costs a lot of money and requires countless manpower and material resources.

Li Meng knew this very well.

But Li Meng also knew that the development of underground space was necessary.

Now that I found such a large golden basin, how could it be placed like a vase.

Of course, any means must be used to extract benefits from this golden basin.

When Luo Ruomanfu's back disappeared outside the hall, the huge hall became quiet again.

At this time, Li Meng's expression on the throne moved slightly, and he lightly pressed on the guard.

The blue gloom appeared, and a three-dimensional projection screen appeared in front of Li Meng.

At one point on the illusory screen, Li Meng entered the data system of the First Army.

The page changes, Li Meng is looking for information from Bentley.

Not long after, Li Meng found the information he wanted.

"Hey, the rebels are really efficient in their actions. Is this going to start?"

Seeing the briefing on the war in Bentley, Li Meng looked a little surprised.

Just yesterday, Bentley’s rebels issued an announcement.

A declaration against the military government's continued rule.

As soon as the announcement came out, a total of six cities across Bentley State responded, declaring to leave the military government and join the resistance camp.

Twenty-four hours later, that is, today, the First Legion received the first coin from the rebels.

The rebel army did not break its promise, so the government funds for the rebel city were handed over to the first army.

The amount of crystal coins is not small, and it can be converted into energy points, probably more than one billion.

It seems to be many, but in fact it is very few. After all, there are six cities with hundreds of thousands of people. On average, each city only has more than 100 million energy points. If the energy points are replaced by crystal coins, the government of each city Funds can be said to be pitiful.

However, this situation is normal.

Li Meng did not believe that anyone would dare to use government funds.

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