Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 818: Fierce confrontation

In the huge square, facing each other, two figures, one big and one small, are completely incomparable.

An invisible atmosphere slowly rises in the square, which makes people feel depressed.

Aura is intangible, and coercion is also intangible. It comes from a spiritual confrontation.

For monsters with incomplete souls, how could the spiritual confrontation Sakiya fail.

Under the silent confrontation between the two sides, the giant and the devil couldn't bear it anymore.

It has consciousness, but the consciousness is not complete, and the incomplete consciousness cannot make it think.

Any of its actions depends more on the instinct in the body.


It opened its mouth wide and let out a roar at Sakuya on the other side of the square.

The sharp teeth, the brown-red skin, and the hideous face make it look terrifying in the roar.

When the sound fell, it stepped out huge legs, dancing with a black giant stick in its hands, and ran wildly on the square.

The wild running posture is full of power, those feet are on the ground, and every time they touch the ground, the square is trembling.

Seeing the devil coming oncoming, Sakiya looked indifferent in his hood, and his mind moved.

The black power of death appeared again, like a gloomy light gathering in the hand, forming a huge sickle.

When the cold touch could be felt in his hand, the small steps stepped forward, the dark shadow flashed, and Sakiya rushed out.

Neither the devil nor Sakiya flinched, but chose to fight head-on.

The distance between the two is not far, but tens of meters.

In almost an instant, two figures, one big and one small, touched each other in the square.

The huge black stone rod was swung high, and the giant devil swung towards the enemy in front of him like Mount Tai.

Sakiya, who was waving the sickle, felt the strong wind before the stone rod that was swung down.

In an instant, when he swung his sickle, Sakiya turned his body and avoided.

The huge stone rod passed Saya's body and fell to the ground with a "bang".

In the great sound of collision, the ground suddenly cracked, and a large pit was sunken, dancing and dusting at any time.

Absolute power and heavy weapons, when they overlap, their combat effectiveness is not as simple as 1+1, but a base number multiplied by several times.

The giant devil is obviously power-type, and the huge black stone rod in his hand is more capable of exerting its power.

The size of the black stone rod is very large, and it almost protects the front 180 degrees during the swing, making it difficult for Sakiya to directly damage the devil's body.

Although the sickle's attack method is known for its weirdness, it has its limits.

And this limit made Sakiya feel somewhat restrained when fighting the giant devil.

On the huge square, two figures, one big and one small, were entangled together. The little figure kept tossing around, wandering around the giant and the devil. The giant devil clanged down with a black stone stick.

With the confrontation between the two and the collision of weapons, the shadow of the sword and the sword suddenly appeared on the huge square, and the contact between the blade of the sickle and the stone rod caused a burst of sparks.

Although the devil's body is large, he swings the stone rod very flexibly. Although the attack frequency is not as high as Sakuya's, each swing prevents Sakuya's attack.

Not only was each swipe just right, but also occasionally counterattack Sakuya.

Sakiya can only dodge sideways when he sees the stone club swinging from the devil's hand.

Although Sakiya is very confident about her body, she doesn't try to face the devil head-on.

With that hammer down, even if the skirt armor on the body can defend it, but only the external trauma is defended, the shock injury in the body cannot be defended by the skirt armor. When the time comes, the body will suffer some damage, and the treatment will be An extremely troublesome thing.

In the fierce confrontation, both sides were waving the weapons in their hands, and the collision between the weapons burst into pieces of fiery red.


Finding the gap, Sakiya recorded the cut, but was blocked by the huge stone rod.

Feeling the huge rebound in his hand, Sakiya looked slightly wrinkled in his hood, a little impatient.

The guy in front of him was as hard as a tortoise, especially the black stone rod in his hand. It was so hard that the invincible sickle touched it and couldn't hurt it.

With a change of expression, with the help of the rebounding force from the sickle, Sakiya leaped back, away from the devil, and stopped the endless entanglement.

Sakiya landed on the ground tens of meters away from the giant devil.

When the enemy escaped, the giant and the devil did not chase, but stayed still, gasping for breath.

The huge body, the chest undulates rapidly, and the naked-eye gas billows out from the big hideous mouth.

The battle just now consumed a lot of physical strength no matter which side.

Every time a weapon is swung, every collision between weapons is consuming the strength of both sides.

Opposite the devil, Sakuya seemed to be calm, but she remained as usual.

But the consumption of energy is also very huge. Although the dead have no physical strength, they consume energy in every move, which is the origin of the dead, the fire of the soul.

Once the soul fire is consumed too much, it will damage the origin.

With the separation of the two parties, the battle on the square fell into a confrontation.

But everyone who watched the battle around the square knew that the next battle would be more intense, and this battle would come to an end.

It doesn't matter who wins and loses, no matter what the outcome, the devil has only one dead end.

But before the end of the devil's life, this battle still has to be fought.

The four people on the roof on one side of the square looked at the square intently.

Although the fighting in the square had stopped, the eyes of the four people were still staring at the two figures, one large and one small.

Bowing his head slightly, Eagle whispered: "Strength, skill, and agility, she has these three specialties, plus that peculiar black energy, the outcome of this battle is already predictable."

Speaking of this, Iger's expression was dim, and he continued: "It is clear that the First Army has a "power" system that we don't know. This system is strong enough and extremely threatening, and it is still biased towards dark."


Iger’s words made Yalan sneer and said: "There is no light in this era. Both the human heart and the society are dark. Even the so-called religions of the sect empire are just under the banner of "gods." Control people's hearts."

For Yalan's fierce reaction, Igel looked back at Yalan in surprise.

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