Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 819: The last battle

Looking at Yalan's expressionless face, Eagle seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was slightly stunned.

He just said: "The chaotic era has just passed, and the order of mankind is developing. Our hero association exists to promote the era of order for mankind. In this process, sacrifice is inevitable."


Looking back at Eagle, Yalan sneered: "The mother country behind you is strong enough to survive this troubled world. Of course you would say that, but I am different. The country behind me is like a weak lamb. , If you are not careful, you will be swallowed up."

Everyone’s destiny is different, and some people enjoy glory, wealth and rights from birth.

Igor is the hero of a certain kingdom in the north. That kingdom is strong enough that even the next cult empire dare not underestimate it, and has signed a non-aggression peace agreement with it.

The peace agreement has been maintained for hundreds of years. Although the empire of the Order has been expanding its territory for hundreds of years, it did not dare to look at the country behind Igor.

It is conceivable that without strong strength, how can there be frightening people's prying eyes?

Er Yalan is different. Her country is close to Middle-Earth and is separated from the territory of the sub-humans by a mountain range. Years of war with the sub-humans made her country weak. The war more than ten years ago even made Her country was almost annihilated by the demihumans. If it hadn't been for paying a high price, she joined the Heroes' Association. With the help of the Heroes' Association, the Entente country sent troops to drive out the enemy.

But it is precisely because of this that her country has stopped moving forward, because the cost of joining the Heroes Association has made her country lose a lot of sovereignty and benefits.

Some things are difficult to take back once they are lost. The domestic chaos and the prying eyes of foreign enemies made her country weaken bit by bit. It was precisely because she did not want to see the bald situation in the country, Yalan left. The kingdom came to Kyoto and became a hero.

Although she left the kingdom, she entered into the Heroes' Association. Isn't she looking for a way to save her home country?

Igor knows that his fate is different from that of Yalan. As a companion, even if he is proud, he will not hurt the scar in Yalan's heart at this moment.

Men, of course, must be gentlemanly.

Although Yalan was mercilessly mocked, Igor didn't care.

He just said indifferently: "I probably know your troubles, but the affairs of a country should not be weighed on you or a woman. Although our heroes represent every Allied country in the Association of Heroes, everything we do will affect the people behind us. The country is not very helpful. After all, whether you or I are a tool of the country, in this era, the collapse of the country is common. Since mankind walked out of the dark era of great destruction, how many countries have moved toward it now? Annihilation? Too many, too many, too many to count, so you don’t need to care about some things, because fate cannot be changed, and what should come will come. Even if you want to change your fate, you shouldn’t look for it in the Association of Heroes. For so many years, I think you should understand this."

Although Igor's words were addressed to Arran, the three people on the roof heard them.

Yes, although the Association of Heroes is well-known in human society, the reason for being famous is not that they freely reconcile the contradictions between humans, nor is it to eliminate some powerful monsters, but entertainment.

Yes, a kind of entertainment.

In this world full of contaminated beasts, under the strained nerves, humans need a kind of relaxing entertainment.

Whether it is a band that cruises the world or a hero admired by mankind, their existence is only for mankind to have a trace of "justice" belief in this dark age.

The civilization of order is being restored. For the intelligent race of mankind, goodness and justice are the roots of the race.

Without these two things, human beings will lose their original mind and become an existence comparable to the devil.

For most people, this kind of evolution is absolutely undesirable.

Under the guidance of a few people, the human world is returning to normal.

Although there are many flaws, some sacrifices are necessary for the future of mankind as a whole.

There was a brief silence on the roof, and because of Igor's words, the four of them couldn't help thinking about it.

At this moment, the unusual movement in the square attracted the attention of the four people, and the four people refocused their attention on the square.

In the huge square, the final battle is brewing.


In the confrontation, the giant devil couldn't stand it again, because it could feel that the enemy not far away became stronger and stronger.

The huge roar is shaking the earth, and with the roar, amazing changes have taken place in the body of the giant devil.

It was burning up, the reddish-brown skin was red, and there were lines on the skin that looked like magma.

Around it, the air seems to be twisting, and you can imagine how high the temperature is.

When the sound fell, the giant devil, which looked like a burning man, stepped forward and ran wildly, very fast.

The black stone rod in the hand of the troll devil turned red at some point, as if it had been thrown into a furnace and burned.

There is even this ability?

Seeing the devil whose whole body has changed, Sakiya Nakahaya's expression is slightly shocked.

But the situation in front of her could not tolerate her stunned, the giant devil was rushing.

That being the case, Sakiya thought of a way.

A solution to the devil in front of you.

Although she has not tried this method, it should work.

Shi Ji, a dead species, was created by Li Meng with heart.

When creating them, Li Meng expected that they were not only fighters, but also good at fighting.

Shi Ji possesses wisdom, the memory of being a human being, and the ability to "learn".

Therefore, Li Meng also added some death magic to the inheritance memory.

Although the magic came from Adras, it was completely changed by Li Meng.

Because the rules of each world and each planet are different.

The earth has the rules of the earth, and Adras has the rules of Adras.

To use the magic of Adras on the earth, it must be localized.

Fortunately, Li Meng possesses the power of the power of death. It is of course not a problem for a warlock who can visit the source of the power of death and change the magic of death.

In addition, during the time in Adras, Li Meng could make up a lot of knowledge about magic in the banned book library in Merlin Manor. With his amazing memory and his understanding of magic, Li Meng has reached a master level. Up.

Mind moved slightly, the sickle in his hand disappeared again, turning into a black light and getting into the hood.

Regarding Sakuya's move, whether it was the four people on the roof or the army on the street, they were very puzzled.

In battle, why would she disarm her weapon?

Isn't this putting yourself in a dangerous situation?

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