Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 850: Rescue operation

Nodded, Yamada Jiro said: "Without us, she can only die here. As long as we save her, even if she doesn’t want to, she must compromise. It’s not easy to control people’s hearts, but as long as we give her what she wants Things, I'm not afraid that she won't cooperate."

In the hood, Sakuya was thinking, thinking about the stakes in this matter.

If you can insert an eyeliner in the Heroes Association, this will indeed be of great benefit to the First Army.

Although Sakiya is not interested in such things, she does not care to pay attention to things that can benefit the First Army.

Her expression was slightly positive, and Sakuya had made a decision in her heart.

Looking at the picture on the main screen, Sakuya said coldly: "Just as you said, immediately send a battle team to Corao town to bring her out of the city."


In the small town of Corao, the powerful demons have been wiped out by the heroes. As for the other demons, there is no need to worry about them. They can be wiped out with ordinary weapons.

The suggestion he made, the order to bring that person out of the city, from Yamada Jiro's view, there is no problem in completing the task.

In the order of Yamada Jiro, a purely armored combat team set off from the fleet.

This combat team consists of five tsunami tanks and three wheeled armored personnel carriers.

On the mist-shrouded sea, amidst the flashing of car lights and the roar of "rumbling" engines, eight armored units were undulating on the sea, rapidly advancing toward the coast.

In the surging waves, the battle team washed up on the beach on the shallows on the side of the pier in the town of Corao.

Amidst the roar, armored machines drove away from the sea and marched on the soft sand.

On the beach, the combat team did not stop, but directly broke through the wall around the port and advanced towards the gate behind the port.

When the combat team entered the city, the battle started immediately.

On the narrow street, facing the dense tide of corpses in the mist, eight armored machines used their steel bodies to rush all the way through the narrow streets and advance into the city.

It took more than an hour, in the **** road, the battle team finally reached its destination.

"Quick! Search this building quickly and find her!"

In the fog, next to the magnificent building, with a roar of engines, armored machines broke through the fog and stopped on the square in front of the gate.

When the convoy stopped, the door of the armored personnel carrier was opened at the urging of the sergeant chief, and the imperial warriors swarmed out of the armored personnel carrier and rushed to the gate of the grand building.

How could the roar of the engine not attract the attention of the demons?

With a roar in the fog, one after another shaking figures suddenly appeared from the fog and rushed towards the convoy parked in the square.

"Stop them!"

In a roar, more than a dozen imperial warriors quickly formed a line of defense on the outside, raising their guns and shooting at the figure swaying in the mist.

"Bang! Bang!"

Before the imperial warriors fired, the tsunami tank beside them fired first.

I saw a few fire lights flashing in the fog, and amid the sound of shelling, a few fireballs suddenly rose up on the other side of the distance. The violent explosion sound followed closely and spread to the surroundings.

The huge fireball swept everything around, the surging flame swallowed all the surrounding figures, and the powerful shock wave directly blew away a large area of ​​mist.

But this did not effectively stop them. Under the flames of the explosion, one after another silhouettes attacked the convoy from all directions.

They are running wildly, roaring, and under the baptism of gunfire, they are fearless.


When the figure running in the mist was clearly visible, a sergeant on the line of defense issued an attack order.


Following the order, the imperial warrior pulled the trigger to the enemy in the mist.

The unique gunshot of the kinetic rifle suddenly roared.

The bullets, driven by the electromagnetic current, tore the space apart, and attacked into the fog with the screaming sound.

"Chih! Chih!"

The sharp bullet pierced all obstacles in the flight.

In the mist, one figure after another fell down amidst the sound of gunfire.

The sound of gunfire, cannons, huge fire, and fireballs turned the square into a small battlefield.

The fierce battle attracted the attention of all demons in the town, and a large number of demons rushed from all over the town at all times.

Almost endless enemies put the defense line of Battle Squad One at risk.

There are too many enemies, almost inexhaustible.

Under the suppression of powerful firepower, the square was already covered with a layer of corpses.

But on the corpse, more figures are stepping on the same kind, charging towards the defense line of the fighting team.

While the battle outside was fierce, the imperial warriors who searched in the magnificent building finally found their target.

When the fighting outside started, the gloomy hall had lost its peace.

As white figures rushed into the hall, the quiet hall welcomed new guests again.

"Found it! The target has been found, move it immediately!"

When the imperial warriors entered the hall, the first thing they saw was two silent figures on the ground.

One big, one small, the big is the devil, and the small is of course their goal this time.

When he came to the target and looked at the silent target on the ground, the lead sergeant immediately issued the order.

In the sound of commands, the two imperial warriors moved. They put away their weapons, took off the stretcher they were carrying, and moved the petite figure on the ground to the stretcher.


Those who came in a hurry, those who left were also in a hurry.

More than a dozen figures left the hall in a hurry as they came.

In the hall, there was only one of the two figures lying on the ground.

In the place where the other figure disappeared, there was only a little bit of blood that explained her existence not long ago.

When the squad searching for the target walked out of the building with the target, the sergeant commanding the battle on the defensive line was relieved.

He immediately shouted: "Everyone boarded the car immediately, let us leave this ghost place!"

With an order, the imperial warriors on the defensive line immediately stopped their guns and rushed to the armored personnel carrier behind.

The main guns and heavy machine guns of the tsunami tanks increased their firepower, pouring shells and bullets into the fog to cover the evacuated comrades.

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