Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 851: bombing

In the rapid response, the evacuation went smoothly, in less than a few minutes, so the personnel had boarded the armored personnel carrier.

When the last imperial warrior boarded the vehicle and closed the door, the demons in the mist had already rushed up.

They braved artillery fire and rushed into the convoy, hitting the steel barrier with their fragile bodies.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the narrow car, the intensive impact outside is clear and audible, and the large and heavy body is trembling slightly.

In the car, although the imperial warriors sat quietly, the expressions in their helmets were also tense.

It is not ordinary enemies who attack outside, but weird and terrible demons. Their tension is an extremely natural response.

"let's go!"

Under the order to start, the convoy surrounded by the demonized suddenly roared.

In the sound of strong power, the huge tsunami tank was like a big mountain, crushed by the demonized person blocking the road ahead.

Under the rotating track, countless demonized people fell to the ground, crushed into blood foam.

Outside, countless demonized people pounced on the moving steel machinery, trying to stop the convoy from moving forward.

But useless. They are just ordinary demons. They are fragile humans. After being eroded by the devil's consciousness, their power is increased, but they are still weak. They do not have the power to overthrow the huge war machine , And there is no such ability to tear thick armor.

Faced with the armored convoy of the First Army, everything they did was in vain. Instead, under the crush of the convoy, a large number of deaths and injuries were caused.

The convoy passed by, leaving two dazzling blood on the street.

Soon, the caravan rushing through the fog broke through the demonized line of defense and left.

At this time, the small town of Corao had already boiled, and there were active demons everywhere.

They are passively attracted and wake up from their deep sleep.

Driven by instinct, they converge towards the place where the movement is greatest.

If the fog is not there, one can see from the sky that the demons from all over the town are gathering in the middle of the town.

The central point is the central square that first caused the movement.

"General! The combat team has left the city and the target has been obtained."

In the flagship of the Sea Fleet, when it was learned that the combat team had completed its mission and left the city, Jiro Yamada reported to Sakiya in the first time.

"It seems that the action went well!"

Hearing Yamada Jiro's report, Sakiya said lightly.

The time has only passed a few hours, more precise, but three hours.

During these three hours, the combat team set off from the fleet, went deep into the small town of Corao, successfully obtained the target, and then returned to the fleet.

The speed is not unpleasant.

Looking at Sakuya in the captain's seat, Yamada Jiro continued: "The search for the town of Corao has been completed 100%, and the Dragonfly robot has been fully withdrawn."

"Do those heroes withdraw?"

In order to be sure, Sakiya confirmed again.

Yamada Jiro replied: "When the combat team left the town, they had already left!"

Now that the conditions are met, Sakiya certainly understands what to do next.

In the hood, Sakiya looked out the window.

In the distance outside the window, in the mist, is the land like hell.

In that hell, there is mankind's greatest enemy.

And the only thing she needs to do now is to ruthlessly eliminate them, leaving no one behind.

"let's start!"

For a long time, in the silent command room, Sakiya's cold words floated.

Obtained a clear order, Yamada Jiro immediately issued an order to the entire ship.

"All ships follow orders! Immediately carry out the cross-shore bombing mission!"

With the order from Yamada Jiro, the fleet on the sea suddenly became active.

At this moment, as a blue spot of light appeared in the fog, it was the dragonfly detection robot on its return journey.

Outside, on the decks of battleships, blue light spots broke through the fog, like homing bees, rushing into the metal boxes on the deck.

The traces of dancing are full of order.

In just a few minutes, the blue light spot was no longer visible in the fog.

With the busyness of the many figures on the deck, the Dragonfly detection robot was recovered and the deck was emptied.

As the last figure left the deck and entered the cabin, a nervous atmosphere suddenly descended on the fleet.

On the decks of large and small battleships, densely packed large and small cannons have long been turned to the small town of Corao.

In the cabin, all positions are full, and the fleet is ready to go.


An attack command brought death roar.

"Bang! Bang!"

At that moment, the cannons rumbling.

The surging flames reflected red on the sea and dispelled the fog.

The sound of the cannons continued with each other. In the deafening sound of the artillery, countless large and small flaming red streamers rose from the fleet and rushed into the sky, falling like a meteor shower in the dim fog to the small town of Corao.

With the roar of hundreds of naval guns, the sea was trembling, and the flames ejected from the huge gun barrels were like a short beacon, making the fleet appear in the mist.

The sky was falling with a meteor shower, and even the dense fog could not stop the radiance of the flames.

When the meteor shower fell to the ground, the small town of Corao, which was shrouded in mist, fell into a sea of ​​flames amid the violent "explosion".

The obstruction of the fog makes it impossible to know what the town of Corao is like at this time.

But the burning flames can't even cover up the fog. It is conceivable that the small town of Corao at this time has become a real hell.

The fleet continued to shoot, and the meteor shower in the sky never stopped falling.

The rumble of shelling, the intensive bombing, and the skyrocketing flames of the small town of Corao, its huge formation attracted the attention of everyone on the Heroes Association ships in the offshore.

Especially Eagle and Jerry who just returned to the ship.

On the side of the ship, Eagle stood side by side with Jerry, staring blankly at the shocking scene not far away.

At this time, their eyes were flooded with red streamers.

Amid the rumbling shelling and the surging flames, a meteor shower rose from the sea, leaped into the sky, and then fell to the ground, and then turned into a more brilliant red.

Farther away, they had just escaped from the small town of Corao in a dangerous place, and they were now shrouded in flames.

Although the line of sight was blocked by the fog, the skyrocketing fire was clearly visible.

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