Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 852: Relentless please

"This First Legion is really simply. Under this kind of firepower, even the devil may not be able to survive, not to mention the ordinary demonized ones."

There was a shocking and gorgeous scene in front of him, and Iger, who had recovered from the shock, exclaimed in admiration.

Iger's words made Jerry regain his senses, his expression was not very good.

Withdrawing his gaze from the gorgeous scene in the distance, he looked at Eagle beside him and said: "The medical level on the ship is limited. Arran's injury is a bit bad. The place where she was injured is the lower abdomen, and that place is where our martial artist's vitality lies. If you don’t get effective treatment in time, the damage to your veins will be small, which might kill her."

Speaking of this, Jerry looked very serious, and said solemnly: "Clevel has been killed in battle, and Arran is seriously injured. This mission can be said to have failed. With the two of us alone, even if we find the incarnation of the devil Nor is it an opponent."

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, Igel felt a headache for what Jerry said.

He said helplessly: "The failure of the mission is small. Even if the Demon God statue is obtained by the First Legion, the Association can also obtain it from the First Legion through other channels. The only thing I care about now is Yalan. This mission, I It was the captain appointed by the association. Now, Claver has already died in battle. We can't even bring back her corpse capital. Arran is seriously injured again. Whether he can survive is still unknown. The mission has failed and I have not continued. Thoughts of going down."

Covering his forehead with his right hand, Igel said with a very ugly face: "How should I explain to the Association? And the country behind Arran and Clive. Those guys must ask me for an explanation."


Thinking of this, Eagle held the guardrail of the ship's side fiercely.

He said angrily: "There are martial artists in this small town of Corao, and they have been eroded by the devil. Without that guy, how could we fail?"

It is too strong.

The fallen ones encountered in Corao are too strong, even if the four of them work together, they cannot match them.

Sometimes, the fallen are more terrifying than the devil.

Because of the identities in front of the fallen, most of them are martial artists and humans.

The martial artist has superb martial skills, once the martial artist is eroded by the devil and become a fallen one, his skills will be inherited.

For example, the fallen ones they encountered before must have high attainments in swordsmanship during their lifetime.

Otherwise, in close combat with the four of them, it is impossible to occupy an absolute advantage.

"Now that everything is useless, let's think about how to let Arran survive this crisis!"

Speaking of this, Jerry frowned slightly and said: "Even if we return now, it will take a lot of time to arrive in Kyoto. Arran can't hold on to that time."

Yes, it's too long.

What Jerry said was also troubled by Eagle.

The level of medical care on the ship is too poor. A small injury can be dealt with, but there is no way to deal with a serious injury like Arran.

Now Yalan is in a coma, if he does not get treatment as soon as possible, he may be in danger of life.

Thinking about the situation he will face after going back this time, Iger feels a headache.

If Yalan died on the way back, even he might be in great trouble.

"Why don't we ask the First Army for help? In that fleet, there must be a good level of medical care."

Jerry on the side suddenly made an unexpected suggestion.

The first legion?

Jerry's suggestion caused Eagle to be taken aback, his eyes lit up at the same time.

Yeah, why don't you ask the First Army for help?

Now, as long as Arran's life can be saved, there will be no other problems.

Without hesitation, Iger immediately said: "This method is very good! I will contact the First Army."

After speaking, Eagle turned and ran towards the cab.

The flame was surging, and under the flickering of the fire, a huge fleet appeared and disappeared in the mist.

Amid the roars, the sea was shaking, the sea was surging, and the land on the coast was shaking.

Under the bombardment of naval guns, the small town of Corao on the coast has become a sea of ​​flames.

A raging fire raged into the sky, and the flames shone red for half of the horizon.

Just as the fleet launched a continuous bombardment on Corao, an external signal entered the public channel.

"General! The ship belonging to the Heroes' Association sent a signal requesting connection. Will it be connected?"

In the command room of the flagship, Jiro Yamada suddenly reported to Saki Yehui.

Jiro Yamada’s report was so surprising amid the shelling of "Rumble".

Sakuya was puzzled. At this time, how could those heroes find the First Army?


After thinking for a moment, Sakiya said aloud.

What those heroes said will soon be known.


In response, Yamada Jiro turned around and nodded to the correspondent who was waiting.

When the signal was connected, the main screen in the command room flashed for a while, and for a while, a person appeared on the screen.

It's Eagle.

Sakiya is no stranger to the people on the main screen.

After all, this person was also in the previous exchange.

On the other side, on the ship of the Heroes Association.

Looking at the slightly familiar figure in the screen, Igel slightly bowed his chest and said, "Your Excellency! We meet again."

"What's the matter?"

A cold voice came from the speakers, and Eagle only got a cold response.

Looking at the figure in the picture, Iger said: "We have abided by the agreement these days, but the agreement has ended. In the battle in the small town of Corao, we suffered heavy losses. , We are no longer able to continue the mission, so we plan to return. This time we are connected to inform you specifically."

That's it...

Sakiya was not surprised by Eagle's words.

In the small town of Corao, those heroes did not go well, and they had to give up the mission.

Looking at the person on the main screen, Sakiya said calmly: "If this is the case, the agreement will naturally be invalidated, and you can leave at any time."

Eagle smiled bitterly and said, "Before I leave, I have an unrelenting request. Please also your convenience."

"Since it's an unrelenting request, don't say anything. No matter what, we have no obligation."

Sakiya refused without hesitation about Igor's unrelenting request.

For Sakuya, the current First Army Corps is superfluous to do anything other than tasks.

The cleaning of the Nansha Islands was only halfway through. At this time, Sakuya didn't want to be distracted.

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