Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 860: Karina

With a slight smile, Catherine closed the book. She turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes seeming to be far away.

"If it can be ignored, there shouldn't be any crisis."

As soon as she finished speaking, Catherine looked back at the person beside her and said, "Sister Karina! Is the First Army strong?"

Facing Catherine's light and pure gaze, Karina hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"It is very strong for us. If we compare our strengths, the power of the Dengsha Kingdom, Danlan Kingdom, Yasi Kingdom, and the Three Kingdoms is probably not the opponent of the First Army. After all, in the war to invade Bentley, the first The Legion has won a full victory. The ability to defeat a country as rich as Bentley fully demonstrates the strength of the First Legion."

Is it strong?

With a soft breath, Catherine opened another book and said faintly: “It’s not that the other party is strong, but that we are too weak. My father once said that in the eyes of some northern countries, Danlan The kingdom is a poor and weak representative."

One page of the content has been browsed, and Catherine turned the page and continued: "The wish of the father in his life is to let the Danlan Kingdom enter the ranks of advanced and wealthy countries, but the father also said that this is difficult, almost impossible. The father also said that in order to make the kingdom strong, the peace covenant must be broken, so that the outland of Ogeria can achieve real unity. At that time, no matter which country wins, it will get a step forward. "Powerful" opportunity."

"A country's strength requires a vast territory, a large number of citizens, and a good economy. These three are indispensable. However, none of the three countries can meet any of these conditions."

Catherine's words made Karina very surprised.

Unexpectedly, the young princess Catherine would have such an opinion.

Although the answer was obtained from the first king, it was not an easy task for the young princess Catherine.

"Sister Karina! I'm hungry."

The sudden words made Karina stunned.

Then he smiled slightly, this is the young princess Catherine, after all, she is still a child.

"Don't run around, read the book, I will be back soon!"

After a few words, Karina turned and walked away.

The slender figure quickly disappeared in the aisle.

After Karina left, the only petite figure in the huge library.

She sat quietly, looking at the book in front of her intently, the passage of time seemed to be ignored by her.


In the early morning, everything is recovering.

A thick white mist rose from the ground and enveloped the city of Melorka.

The mist is misty, and the city of Melorka shrouded in dense fog is like a fairyland.

At the time when everything was resurrected, the civilians of Meloka were still sleeping.

Only the fishermen who get up early and return late have got up early and are ready to set sail.

Although the huge port is shrouded in mist, it cannot stop the enthusiasm of the fishermen.

Amidst the noise, one fishing boat after another passed the bridge hole under the Acropolis and entered the vast sea.

The sea was rippling, and amidst the sound of splashing, a medium-sized fishing boat was moving with the wind. The pointed bow broke the water surface and pushed away two waves.

On the dirty deck, many figures are busy, they are sorting fishing tools.

"Today's harvest must be good. When we enter the fishing ground, the fog will almost disappear."

"It's hard to say. The fishing ground has been fishing for many days, and the fish will not stay in one place for too long."

"Who would say no? Be in our business, the harvest is based on luck, I hope we have good luck today."

The murmur echoed on the deck, taking advantage of the only free time on the sea, the communication between people would ease people.

"Hey! What's that?"

Suddenly, someone on the deck let out an exclamation.

He looked ahead, his eyes a little surprised, as if he had found something in the mist.

Looking ahead, in the mist, at some point, a dark silhouette suddenly appeared.

As the fishing boat moved forward, the shadows grew bigger and bigger.

"Should..., a merchant ship?"

The tone is a bit uncertain.

"It should be, but it's really big!"

The black shadow grew bigger and bigger, and the outline of a ship could already be seen.

Only merchant ships can have such a large size.

But it's too big. The fishermen on the deck were a little surprised as the huge outline was still getting bigger. The size was much bigger than any ship they had seen before.

"It's weird, how can you stop here so close to the port?"

A fisherman muttered suspiciously, but he was puzzled by this.

"This is more than one ship!"

The abnormality in the thick fog made a fisherman mutter to himself.

At this time, there was more than one black shadow in the thick fog, but a series of black shadows appeared.

Numerous shadows suddenly appeared, which surprised the fishermen on the fishing boat.

How can so many ships dock in this offshore sea?

Looking at the dark shadows, the number is probably close to twenty.

"Isn't it a caravan? I've seen such a big caravan for the first time."

This sentence let the fishermen on the fishing boat relax in vain.

Only the Chamber of Commerce has the ability to organize such a large fleet. Therefore, the fishermen did not think much about it.

But as the fishing boat got closer and closer to the dark shadow in the thick fog, the fishermen finally noticed something wrong.

It's too big, and the silhouette of the shadow is not like an ordinary merchant ship.

The fishermen on the deck could not help but stand up, looking nervously at the approaching giant.

When the fishing boat broke through the thick fog and the huge "merchant ship" clearly appeared in the eyes, the expressions of the fishermen on the deck suddenly changed.

What kind of caravan is this, but a fully armed fleet.

From the huge hull, the fishing boat slowly passed by.

Looking up, the fishermen could only see the huge hull, the towering bridge in the mist, and the densely packed secondary artillery.

The huge turret and the densely packed barrels make people shudder just by looking.

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