Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 861: Gentle way

At this moment, the fishing boat sailing straight suddenly made a sharp turn to the right.

Suddenly, there was a sudden rush of people on the transfer deck.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up, enter the cabin, let's get out of here!"

The captain seemed to be aware of something. He stuck his head out of the window of the wheelhouse and shouted at the crew on the deck.

With this loud roar, the fishermen on the deck crawled towards the cabin.

At this moment, they finally understood.

War, this is war.

The First Army is here...

The fishing boat left, took a sharp turn, and returned to the original road. Amid the roar of the engine, it quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

The First Army Fleet, the flagship bridge.

"It's just an unarmed fishing boat. We are moored very close to the port. It is inevitable to encounter fishing boats leaving the port. Just ignore it!"

Tan Ya gave the clearest response to Davis' report.

A fishing boat, no need to make a fuss, Tan Ya chose to ignore it.

Pulling back the monitor that was pushed aside, the screen flickered, and Tan Ya entered the data terminal again.

Just before dawn, the fleet had arrived in this sea area.

Tanya didn't despise King Danlan's war, but he didn't care too much.

The power gap between the two sides is too great.

Compared with Bentley, the power of Danlan Kingdom is simply not worth mentioning.

In the war against Bentley, facing the three main cities of Bentley, the First Army was at least somewhat vigilant, not daring to drive the fleet to sea areas within the firing range of the enemy's coastal defense artillery.

But in the Danlan Kingdom, Tan Ya's fleet had no worries in this regard.

Although the port of Camelot is guarded by a guard wall, there are also a large number of shore defense guns on the guard wall.

But the caliber of those coastal defense guns was too small, and the gun models were too old.

Before the arrival of the fleet, Tanya dispatched a reconnaissance team to conduct some investigations on Meloka, especially focusing on the port's defense forces.

Under the covert investigation of the Dragonfly Detective Robot, the defense force of the Camelot Port was completely exposed to the eyes of the First Army.

There are thirty-two 105-caliber shore defense guns on the moon-shaped guard wall of Camelot Port.

Although the caliber of shore defense guns is not small, the body is rusty, it is obviously lack of maintenance, and the age of manufacture is also very old, such weapons can not continue to attack, firing a few shots may be paralyzed.

And the stubby barrel is also worrying in terms of range.

However, the city defense force of Melorca should not be underestimated.

Since the guard wall and the main city wall are connected together, once a battle occurs, the guards on the main city wall can support the city in a short time.

Although the guards installed in the Danlan Kingdom are only the first generation of cheap products, they are not only bloated and not flexible enough, but the powerful firepower is enough to make it a powerful firepower point. If there are thousands of them, this power is also enough to threaten. To the first legion.

However, Tanya would not look highly at Danlan Kingdom because of this.

Silence, the huge command room fell into a strange silence.

Davis originally thought that General Tanya would give new orders, but he was wrong, and General Tanya did not give any orders.

In the helmet, Davis glanced suspiciously at the general on the captain's seat who was focusing on the screen in front of him.

The fleet has arrived at its destination and can start attacking at any time. What is the general waiting for?

Thick fog?

The dense fog outside the window was dissipating, and Davis didn't think the dense fog would be an obstacle to the fleet.

There was a moment of silence, and finally, Davis couldn't help but ask: "General! When will we launch an attack?"

"Not urgent!"

A cold voice came from the hood.

A concise and clear answer.

When Davis was hesitant to speak, but he wanted to say something.

Tan Ya's words rang again.

While looking at the monitor with expression, Tan Ya said, "How does the strength of Danlan Kingdom compare to Bentley?"

Although I don’t know why General Tanya asked such a clear question, Davis still truthfully said: “It’s not worth mentioning. Although Bentley has great political flaws, its military strength is very strong, no less than some. Middle-level country."

Tan Ya asked again: "How do you think the Danlan Kingdom will choose if you know it's lost?"

How would you choose?

What does general mean?

Davis, who was a little puzzled in his mind, reminded: "General! The Danlan Kingdom has refused the negotiation. Since it refused, they must be prepared for war."

"it's not true!"

Tan Ya vetoed what Davis said.

"Please also make it clear to the army!"

Davis humbly asked Tan Ya.

Still keeping his gaze from the display, Tan Ya said calmly: “It’s very simple, because they don’t know anything about the power of the First Army. They think that the power of the First Army is mainly used in the war with Bentley. Even if Xiang Aoji Leah declared war on the three overseas countries and could not send too many forces. Therefore, they took it for granted. When they saw the powerful forces of the First Army, Davis, how do you think they would choose?"

how to choose?

Davis did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Resistance or compromise."

"Yes, they may resist desperately, or they may compromise, and what we have to do is to increase the chance of compromise. Human beings are trapped by seven passions and six desires. Any kind of negative emotion is likely to change their decision. When they panic When they are fidgeting and falling into despair, their survival instinct will allow them to make the most accurate choice, at least in their opinion."

"Now, we don't need to do anything, just wait. After all, we need to give them some time, and negative emotions also need time to brew."

With Tan Ya's words, Davis slightly understood the general's plan.

Bloodshed will cause hatred, which is not conducive to the rule of the First Legion.

If the Danlan Kingdom can be captured in a more gentle way, a little time is worth the effort.

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