Karina agreed to this suggestion without even thinking about it.

There is no hesitation. If the threat of General "Diels" can be eliminated, the next plan will be much easier.

Without knowing where he was from, Karina took out a scroll and handed it to Davis.

"This is a map of the palace. It shows the guards' deployment and the patrol route has been reached. There are also signs on the tower where General Diels is located. I agree to the general's suggestion and act separately."


Davis was slightly surprised at the scroll Karina handed over.

It seemed that the woman in front of her had already prepared, otherwise she wouldn't have prepared the military plan of the palace in advance.

Taking the defense map from Karina, opening the scroll, Davis glanced at it and put it away.

Although it was only a scan, the helmet's smart program has recorded the information on the map and is ready to navigate Davis. At the same time, the map information has also been passed to every soldier.


Davis exclaimed.

A soldier came over.

When he arrived in front of Daweisi, Mengwei held up his military salute and said, "Sergeant Chief! Please give orders!"

Davidi ordered Monvi: "Bring your people to assist Miss Karina and follow her orders!"


Putting down his hand from his forehead, Meng Wei withdrew to the side.

At this time, soldiers are constantly walking out of the passage, Meng Wei's men have not yet arrived, and it will take some time.

As more and more soldiers entered the wine cellar, the seemingly wide wine cellar showed insufficient space.

In order to solve this phenomenon, soldiers began to divert to the second floor, the first floor of the wine cellar.

Time is pressing, the wine cellar is just a temporary place, and the troops of the First Army will not stay here for long.

Walking side by side, Karina and Davis came to the wine cellar on the first floor.

Before leaving the door of the wine cellar, the two stopped.

Turning around, Karina said to Davis: "My lord! Time is running out, I have to go now, and General Diels will leave it to you. In that tower, all soldiers loyal to General Diels. The adults don’t need to be concerned, just fight as much as you want."

Davis: "Let's split up!"

Nodding, Karina said to Monvi who was aside: "My lord! Let's go!"

Seeing this, Meng Wei immediately ordered to his subordinates: "The third team, follow me!"

With an order, many figures rushed to the first floor and came behind Meng Wei.

everything's ready.

Without saying more, she nodded to Davis again, Karina turned and left, and walked towards the cellar door.

And Meng Wei followed closely with his men.

The troops of a hundred men rushed towards the door with slight but dense footsteps.

In the sound of "creaking", the door of the wine cellar was opened.

Following Karina, Meng Wei disappeared into the night outside with his men.

As the symbol of the Danlan Kingdom and the authority of a country, the scale of the "Royal Palace" is undoubtedly huge.

It is like a castle complex, composed of multiple castle-like buildings.

There are clear divisions in these castle-like buildings, such as the king's hall for meetings, the inner hall where royal family members live, and the outer hall where waiters live.

At night, although there are lights "illuminated" everywhere in the palace, the number of lights is limited, which makes the palace slightly dim.

The wine cellar is located in the outer hall, on the side of the kitchen, which is remote enough not to be within the patrol route of the Guards.

The main defensive area of ​​the Guards is on the periphery of the palace. The walls on all sides have strict rules for internal inspections. Every once in a while, there will be multiple patrols patrolling the palace with a fixed route.

For Karina, who is familiar with the "Royal Palace", it is not difficult to bring these 100 people into the royal palace of the princess silently.

Leaving the wine cellar, Karina walked unimpeded in the palace with a "helper" of 101 people.

Since the death of His Majesty the King, the number of attendants in the palace has decreased a lot.

A large number of maids were sent home, leaving only a small number of maids to maintain the operation of the palace.

At this time, there will be no maids running around in the "Royal Palace", as long as the time of the patrol is calculated correctly, they will not be found by anyone.

Under the dim light, in the wide aisle, more than one hundred figures walked quickly.

The black and heavy silhouettes stretched one after another, like a swarm of locusts, marching forward to the unknown.

Everything is going smooth.

After avoiding several patrols, Karina successfully reached the inner temple.

"Master Karina! You are finally back, and Princess Catherine has been yelling at you all afternoon!"

As soon as she entered the inner hall, Karina was spotted by the maid in the corridor.

She seemed very happy, happy for Karina's return.

Fortunately, Karina knew that there was a maid in the inner hall, and did not let Meng Wei follow, but let Meng Wei lead his troops into the back door to avoid being noticed by the maid.

Karina knew very well in her heart that although the number of maids in the palace was very small, most of them were probably Harandi’s eyeliners, and she had to guard against them.

If the imperial palace's changes are spread out in advance, this time the plan is likely to be ruined.

This kind of result is not what Karina wants to see.

Nodding lightly, Karina asked, "Has any outsider been here today?"


The maid was very puzzled. She shook her head and said: "This is not true. The princess's bedroom is a restricted area. Except for Karina and Prime Minister Harandi, everyone else is forbidden to enter."


The maid seemed to have thought of something, she quickly said: "Before dark, General Diels came and asked to see Her Royal Highness the princess, but in the end it stopped for some reason."

General Diels?

Karina frowned slightly, what is he doing here?

After thinking about it for a moment, Karina put the matter in her mind.

Time doesn't allow, she doesn't have extra time to think about trivial things now.

Taking a step forward, Karina continued walking.

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