Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 873: Truth or lie

When Karina's figure disappeared in the corner of the corridor, the young maid's expression changed in an instant, she quickly put down what she was holding, and ran away.

She trot all the way and hurriedly left the inner hall along the corridor.

She didn't know that outside the inner temple, her every move was being monitored by soldiers hidden in the dark.

"A woman hurriedly left the inner temple, do we need to stop her?"

This tiny communicator is really convenient.

The sound in her ears made Karina slightly praised in her heart.

During the separation, Mengwei gave Karina a portable communicator and taught how to use it to facilitate communication between the two parties.

Speaking slightly, Karina whispered: "Let her go, she should be reporting to Prime Minister Harandi about my return to the palace, if I guess it is correct, Yago should be about to act."

"Master Mengwei! Master Mengwei! Is everything going well?"

Karina called to Monvi.

Soon after, Karina got a response.

"Everything is going well, the inner temple is already under control."

Meng Wei's response gave Karina a sigh of relief.

In this way, there is only waiting.

When the call was over, Karina realized that she had reached the door of Princess Catherine's bedroom and had been standing outside the door for a while.

With a sigh of relief, Karina reached out and knocked on the door.

"Boom! Boom!"


As soon as the door rang, there was a slightly naive questioning sound from the hall.

"it's me?"

"Sister Karina?"

The voice seemed a little excited.

In the slight movement, the door was opened, and a small head protruded from the crack in the door.

It was Catherine, she seemed to confirm the true identity of the person outside the door.

When she saw Karina with her own eyes, she was overjoyed and quickly opened the door.

Behind the door, Catherine, in a white nightdress, had two little feet on the blanket so bare, she pouted and looked at Karina in front of the door very dissatisfied.

"Sister Karina! Where did you go and why did you come back at this time?"

Facing the little awkwardness of Princess Catherine, Karina smiled slightly, stepped forward and entered the room.

After closing the door, Karina bent over, took Catherine's hand, and walked to the white bed.

As she walked, Karina said, "Does the princess want me to tell the truth or tell lies?"



Hearing this, Catherine rolled her eyes, and she hummed: "Sister Karina won't lie to me."

At the bedside, one big and one small stopped.

Looking at Catherine, Karina whispered: "Go to bed! It's not good if you get sick, I will tell you in bed."


Responding softly, Catherine climbed onto the bed obediently, and her petite body got into the bed.

At the bedside, Karina sat down, facing Catherine’s lightly detecting gaze, she smiled and said softly: "Catherine! You have been very smart since you were a child, although because of the princess, you did not get the majesty A lot of care, but I believe that your majesty loves you. As the only heir of your majesty, in the near future, you will become the queen of the Danlan Kingdom. This is your responsibility."


Although the young Catherine did not quite understand the burden of "responsibility", she did not interrupt Karina's words, but listened quietly.

"Some things are not satisfactory, but someone must do it. Do you know where I went this afternoon?"

Catherine shook her head.

Where did Sister Karina go, and how can she know?

With a slight expression, Karina said softly: "As a royal clerk, my responsibility is to maintain the authority of the "royal family". In order to prevent the power of the "royal family" from falling into the hands of others, I went to meet with the first A legion."

"The First Army?"

Catherine was a little puzzled, and said in confusion: "Isn't that the enemy?"

"Yes! It's the enemy!"

Karina does not deny this.

She smiled helplessly, and said: "The Danlan Kingdom is just a weak country, and the First Army is an armed organization with extremely large military forces. Facing them, the Danlan Kingdom does not have many choices, or the kingdom’s foundation is destroyed in the war. In the event, either compromise and regain a new life."

"Under the absolute strength, Prime Minister Harandi also had the intention of compromise, intending to surrender to the First Army in order to obtain the opportunity to cooperate with the First Army."

"Will the Danlan Kingdom disappear?"

Catherine asked timidly.

When she was young, she was still in a vague concept of political affairs, but she also knew that surrender was not a good thing, especially for a “country”.

Shaking her head, Karina replied: "The Danlan Kingdom will not disappear, but the kingdom's power will be broken up and reorganized, the political system will be completely changed, and the "kingship" will no longer exist."

With a faint smile, Karina comforted Catherine: "Don’t worry, because of my appearance, the process of the meeting between the two sides has been broken. The First Army will make a choice between Prime Minister Harandy and the royal family. Who will win? Will be able to gain power in the kingdom in the future."

She explained: "The people of the kingdom belong to the same nation. If the First Legion wants to rule this country, it must respect the beliefs of this country and grant certain freedom. Although the kingdom is attached to the First Legion, it becomes a subsidiary of the First Legion. But the Danlan Kingdom has independent autonomy."

"That's it!"

Catherine understood slightly.

As if thinking of something, Catherine whispered softly: "What would Uncle Harandy do?"

Looking at Catherine in the bed with pity, Karina said solemnly: "Harandi is a speculator of power. Whether you are your Majesty or Princess Catherine, you are a tool to realize his ambitions for power. Before that, if there is no A legion appeared. For his rights, he would marry the princess as his wife, and use the blood of the princess’s "royal family" to make him eligible to be on the "throne". Now, in this power struggle, he will Do not hesitate to erase the existence of the "Royal Family"."

What surprised Karina, her words did not scare Princess Catherine.

Catherine in the bed still had that calm expression, and she didn't have the slightest fluctuation in her words to Karina.

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