Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 874: Stinking

Karina thought that Catherine was frightened, and she comforted her: "Don't worry, all his ambitions will not be realized when I am here, whether it is Prime Minister Harlandi or the traitors who are loyal to him, They can only be greeted by failure."

Shaking her head lightly, Catherine whispered: "I'm still young and can't do anything, everything can only be handed over to sister Karina!"

With a faint smile, Karina whispered: "Leave it to me! I assure you that the civil strife in the kingdom will soon subside."


Catherine responded softly.

Getting up, Karina stood up.

"Go to sleep! Tonight, there may be some sound outside, don't pay attention to it, everything will be fine tomorrow."

For Karina, Catherine didn't understand, but she also knew that she couldn't do anything today.

The only thing I can do is to lie in bed and spend the night as always.

With a slight smile, Karina turned and walked towards the door.

Catherine on the bed watched Karina's departure, until Karina left the room, disappeared behind the door, and closed the door, and then Catherine withdrew her gaze.

Although she didn't know much, Catherine noticed something from Karina's words.

Tonight, it seems to be an unusual night.

Melorca City, Ducal Mansion!

In the darkness, for some people in the Duke’s mansion, everything that should be prepared is already prepared.

For their rights, they will create a **** killing.

In front of the gate of the Ducal Palace, an army gathered quietly.

In the darkness, they were silent, like statues standing tall.

They were dressed in agreed brown leather military uniforms, armed with rifles, and lined up neatly.

On the street in front of the gate of the Ducal Palace, the long line could not see the end.

In the army, there are also guards after another.

Although they are bloated, they are extremely tall and their only weapon is a medium-caliber cannon.

The long barrel and the muzzle of the black hole give people a strong power.

They are waiting, waiting for the final order.

At this time, in the reception hall of the Ducal Palace.

In the broad theme, Harandi sat upright with a solemn expression.

In the huge reception hall, he is the only one who exists, and he seems to be waiting for something.

At this moment, Yago in a gray robe hurriedly walked into the reception hall.

"My lord! There is news from the palace that Karina's internal affairs officer has returned to the palace and we can start to act."

Yago's report slowed Harandi's solemn expression slightly, and he let out a sigh of relief.

She finally came back.

Harandi was indeed surprised when he learned that Karina had met with the First Army.

He didn't know how Karina quietly left the "Melorca" city under martial law, but Karina's behavior undoubtedly caused him a lot of trouble.

Karina must die, and the royal family must disappear. This is what Harandi wants to do most now.

"Has the betrayal of General Diels confirmed?"

Harandi confirmed again.

Nodding lightly, Yago regretfully said: "According to the report of the inside line of the guards, this matter has been correct. Before dark, General Diels replaced the guards of the palace by your command. Now, in the palace, the generals loyal to the adults are in the guards barracks in the city."

"Huh, is that so?"

Harandi gave a cold snort with a cold expression.

He said solemnly: "It was a mistake to designate him as the highest general of the Guards. I originally thought that his teacher's fate would give him a deep understanding of who he should be loyal to in this country. Now it seems that he really is. It’s a foolish person, let’s let his loyalty be buried with the royal family."

Wei Wei bowed his chest. Yago lowered his head and said confidently: "My lord, please don't worry, now the royal guards are no more than one thousand and two hundred guards. Not only that, they have been lost due to prior arrangements. "Guardians" of heavy weapons. On the other hand, we have not only five thousand loyal righteous men, but also a large number of "Guardians". Once the battle begins, victory will be ours."

But Harandi didn't know it, and Yago, with his head down, showed a weird smile.

"Does the city guard have arrangements?"

Harandi confirmed again.

Nodded, when he raised his head, Yago regained his respectful expression and replied: "The generals have been told to restrain their subordinates. Once the battle begins, our opponent is only the thousand taels in the palace. A guard of more than a hundred men."

In this way, all preparations are complete.

With a wave of his hand, Harandi said in a deep voice, "Go, do what you should do. Remember, you must end the battle before dawn and erase all traces. You can't let the people know that the disappearance of the "Royal Family" is my responsibility. Made it by one hand."

As the prime minister, Harandi’s power comes from the "royal family." If the people are informed of all his actions, then he will become a traitor, be spurned by others, and be stinking for thousands of years.

Slightly bent, Yago said: "Understood! Subordinates are here!"

Raising his hand again, Harandi said, "Go!"

Straightening up, Yago raised his head and chest, then turned and strode away, and his figure quickly disappeared in the reception hall.

When Yago left, from a corner of the hall, a slender figure walked out.

She is wearing a black exquisite long dress, her figure is very tall, the female curve is very full, but she looks very weak.

She is wearing a black dress, but her hair is pure white, very pure white.

She has a very beautiful face, white and flawless, crystal clear, like a piece of treasure, but it looks pale and strange.

The paleness is due to her skin color and sickness, while the demon is her facial features.

Her facial features are no different from ordinary people, but her eyebrows and eyelashes are all white.

The pure white color makes her look like a spooky fairy tale. Although she looks beautiful, she may feel more "awkward". "

She walked slowly to Harandi, speaking slightly, "Father! Do you really want to do this? It’s too late to stop. I read the agreement of the First Legion. For the Danlan Kingdom, this is An unquestionable opportunity. As the prime minister, his father is the regent of the Danlan Kingdom. If he can help Princess Catherine, he will be a forever, not a stinking dying forever."

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