Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 875: Monica

Sitting in the guest seat aside, looking at the father on the main seat, she said faintly: "I know my father's ambitions very well, but the roots of the Jefstein family are not here. Even if my father eliminates the "royal family", How long can power be in control? Those outside vassals will not sit idly by, and the people of the kingdom will not be stupid enough to believe the lies of their father, and the First Legion, if the father intends to let the First Legion solve those Vassals, I advise my father to give up this idea. My daughter knows the First Legion better than his father. The First Legion will not take this mess from her father. What they want is a complete Danlan kingdom, not a divided kingdom. s country."

In the main seat, Harandi frowned tightly and remained silent.

After a long time, he looked up at the daughter in the guest seat, and said solemnly: "Monica! My daughter, things have reached this point and can't stop!"

Shaking her head lightly, Monica calmly said: "Before the army arrived at the palace, everything was in time. Although my father had ambitions in his heart, he had not persecuted the "Royal Family" before tonight."

Is it really possible?

Harandi was a little shaken by the daughter's words.

He does not doubt his desire for "rights", but is this way of obtaining rights really possible?

For a moment, Harandi hesitated in his heart.

"Although the father does not know his recent changes, his daughter is aware of it. Since the sudden death of His Majesty the first king, there has been a wise man "Yago" around him. After this, all the behaviors of the father are somewhat incomprehensible to the daughter. For the sake of rights, he began to use all means. Has his father forgotten the help of his Majesty the former king to the Yevstan royal family? Father shouldn't forget this kindness, otherwise, how can I return home to the Yevstan royal family?"

"Stop talking?"

In the change of expression, Harandy roared, venting the anxiety in his heart.

Monica was not afraid of her father's roar, and the appearance of her father already showed that her father had begun to waver.

The only thing needed now is a step.

"Come on!"

Talking slightly, Monica shouted out the door.

Amid Monica's shout, a strong figure stepped in.

He was wearing a dark brown military uniform, and his tall man looked very sturdy, with a hideous scar on his mad face.

When he came to the hall, he shouted to Harandy, "Father!"

Then he turned back and shouted to Monica: "Sister!"

In the end, he fixed his gaze on Monica, with a hint of tenderness on his mad face, and whispered: "Sister! What's the matter?"

Facing the slightly fiery gaze, Monica frowned slightly, suppressing the nausea in her heart, and slowly said: "Mandas! Go and bring the army back, and "Yago", I don't want to see him return Live!"


Mandas hesitated. He knew the mission of that army, so he just withdrew back. Is this appropriate?

Mandas looked at his father Harandi, he needed to know what his father meant.

But Mandas was disappointed, and in the face of his gaze, Harandi chose to be silent.

The silence of his father made Mandas respond: "Yes!"

He turned around and left in a hurry.

The army has been gone for a while, and he must contact his brothers as soon as possible to let them bring the army back.

When Mandas left, in the living room, Monica once again set her eyes on her father. She said calmly: "Father, you should check his identity before you use someone next time. No matter how smart a person is No matter how amazing it is, if loyalty cannot be guaranteed, it will only ask for trouble and plunge oneself into desperation."

"Also, please tell the righteous sons of your father, don't have illusions about me, otherwise, I don't know what I will do."

With a wry smile, looking at her daughter's cold face, Harandi said helplessly: "I just want the Jefstein family to leave a bloodline, your body..., I don't know how much time is left."

With a cold expression, Monica said coldly: "Even so, it won't be them!"

Seeing Monica's increasingly cold expression, Harandi quickly said: "I know! I will let them get rid of their thoughts, don't be angry, it's important to take care of your body!"

With a sigh of relief, Monica calmed down slightly.

She said again: "Father! Take the corpse of "Yago" to the palace to make amends to Princess Catherine. Make everything clear. It doesn't matter if you lose your "rights". Enough is enough. As long as the territory of that side is managed well, it is not impossible to realize the revival of my father."

Getting up, Monica stood up from the guest seat.

Before leaving, she reminded her father.

"Yago, his original name was Ailange, he was the illegitimate son of Minister Booth of the Kingdom of Assi. He came to the Kingdom of Danlan a few years ago to sell fish for a living. I don't need to say more about the following things! "

After speaking, Monica turned and walked slowly towards the door, ignoring her father's reaction.


Seeing her daughter's back, Harandi had a wry smile on his face.

He didn't expect that in some things, he was not as smart as his daughter.

While rejoicing that his daughter appeared in time, Harandi felt a little regretful.

It's a pity that Monica is not a male body, but Monica's weak body.

Allied spies?

In this way, everything makes sense.

No wonder Yago will do everything possible to allow him to seize power with the royal family, the only purpose is probably to keep the Danlan kingdom in civil strife.

Only in this way, as a neighboring country, the most powerful of the three kingdoms, the Yasi Kingdom, can use it to seek benefits for itself.

Although there is a covenant between the three countries, Harandi knows very well that the covenant is not too restrictive.

Without the First Army, once the Danlan Kingdom fell into civil strife, neighboring countries would probably take action.

The expression was slightly upright, and Harandi looked solemn.

As the daughter said, everything is still too late, and there is room for maneuver before the battle occurs.

Even if his guilt can not eliminate the royal family's "suspicion", the most is the loss of the prime minister.

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