Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 882: mutation

Karina didn't let the two of them wait for a long time. With the sound of footsteps, Karina in a black dress pulled Catherine out of the dedicated passage beside the throne.

The little Catherine was confused and sleepy.

When she saw Harandi in the hall under the stairs, her expression was slightly correct and her clarity was slightly restored.

"Uncle Harlandi! Why are you here so late?"

Being pulled by Karina to sit down on the throne, Catherine asked Harandi curiously.

But Karina stood with her, standing beside the throne, and followed Catherine's gaze to Harandy.

With a slight expression on her face, under Catherine's gaze, Harandi slightly bowed her chest and said, "Your Royal Highness, I am here tonight for the Danlan Kingdom and also for the Yvesstein family."

After the words were paused, Harandi continued: "I have been in power for three years since the passing of His Majesty. During these three years, I have been conscientious and never dared to neglect, but power will corrupt people’s hearts and make people stupid. Some Although I have not done anything, I cannot deny the crime of oversight."

Looking up at Catherine and Karina, Harandy turned sideways and pointed to Yago: "Master Karina should know who this is."

Regarding Harandi's words, Karina couldn't deny it, saying: "Of course, he is the wise man by your side and your subordinate."

Nodded, Harlandi said: "Yes, since I met him by chance three years ago, I admire his talent very much, so I recruited him to help me deal with political affairs. The ability is very strong. During the three years in power, the burden on my shoulders can be slightly reduced, but it is precisely because I admire him that I have overlooked some things. He is not a citizen of the Danlan Kingdom, nor is he named "Ya". "Ge", his real name is "Ilange", the illegitimate son of Minister Booth of the Kingdom of Yassi."

Speaking of this, Harandi said solemnly: "As a spy, his mission is very simple. It is nothing more than disrupting the relationship between the Yvesstein family and the royal family, thereby causing the Danlan kingdom to fall into civil strife, thereby reaching the unspeakable kingdom of Yasi. Human secrets."

illegitimate child?

Karina frowned at the side of the throne.

If Yago is the illegitimate son of Minister Booth of the Yasi Kingdom, and a spy for the Yasi Kingdom, then everything makes sense.

Although during that eavesdropping, Karina heard that Harandi was talking with Yagomi.

But Karina knew very well that this could not prove anything.

Because of what she was worried about, Prime Minister Harandi didn't do it.

And in that eavesdropping, all the words were said by "Yago", and Prime Minister Harandi was only passively listening to opinions.

Thinking of this, Karina looked relaxed, and whispered: "No one is perfect. Prime Minister Harlandi is for the country and the people. It is understandable that he occasionally makes mistakes. What happened tonight is a misunderstanding."

Shifting her gaze, Karina looked at "Yago" in the wood, and said: "Ailanger! Do you have something to say?"

Hearing Karina’s question, Yago raised his head and smiled bleakly, and said: "What else can I say? I am only injustice, so I have no chance to kill you "royal family"."

At the end, Yago's expression suddenly became fierce, and he sternly said: "This is not the end. The Rostanel family must disappear. The first king is only the first one. One day..."

Before the words were finished, the voice stopped abruptly.

The fierceness on Yago's face also seemed to freeze, and his expression was unusually ruddy, as if congested.

The ferocious gaze also spread out at that moment, and the body seemed to lose all its strength in an instant and fell to the ground.

This incident shocked everyone.

Karina's face changed even more, and she quickly stood in front of Catherine, blocking Catherine's gaze.

Looking at "Yago" who fell on the ground, Diels frowned slightly, knelt down, and looked at "Yago" who fell silent on the ground.

After sniffing, he opened Yago's mouth again, and fumbled for the vital parts.

For a long time, Diels got up and shook his head to everyone, and said, "He is dead!"

"Do you know the cause of death?"

Harandy on the side asked quickly.

Diels shook his head again and said: "There is no external trauma, and it doesn't look like poisoning. To see him die so "simply", he should have used a "suicide" method we don't know."

Compared to this, Diels cared a little bit more.

Diels looked at Karina, and said: "Master Karina! You heard the words "Yago" just now. The death of your Majesty..., I don’t know if Karina knows the cause of His Majesty’s death. Details."

Diels' words undoubtedly changed the expressions of everyone slightly.

Yes, the words of "Yago" just now, it is obvious that His Majesty the King did not die normally.

If this is the case, then this matter can be serious.

Seeing "Yago" lying on the ground in the hall without a breath, Karina's expression changed.

In the end, Karina nodded truthfully, and said: "His Majesty King's death was indeed sudden. For a long time, His Majesty King's body was very healthy. Although the cause of His Majesty's death was spreading to the outside world, it was just a saying Words, the real cause of death of His Majesty the King was "violent death." As for why he died, it is still a mystery.

"Is it an assassination?"

Diels asked with a solemn expression.

Karina shook her head.

"It should be impossible. The defense of the palace is very tight. Especially the palace of your majesty has many eyes and ears. It is impossible for ordinary assassins to get close to your majesty. If there are any assassins, they should be trusted by your majesty.

"Speaking again..."

Karina looked at "Yago" lying in the hall.

"Your Majesty's death is exactly the same as him."

Karina's words made everyone look at "Yago", and the expressions of everyone changed for the corpse.

"Sister Karina! Let me see!"

Behind Karina, Catherine pouted and said.

The words of Catherine behind her made Karina quite helpless, and said: "Your Royal Highness! For you now, this matter is still too cruel."

The conversation between the two on the throne was heard by Harandi.

With a calm expression, Harandi said, "Master Karina! Although the princess is young, she must be more adaptable than others if she wants to be a "king." In the future, whether the kingdom will flourish or decline will be In the hands of the princess alone, sometimes too much protection will only backfire."

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