Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 883: change


Karina hesitated, although she knew the truth.

But will this responsibility be too heavy for Catherine?

"Sister Karina! Let me see, although I am still young, I will ask Sister Karina to treat me as an adult in the future."

The soft voice behind him made Karina only compromise.

With a light "sigh", Karina left in front of Catherine.

When the obstacles in front of me disappeared, watching the hall and the lifeless "corpse" in the hall, Catherine was not afraid, her expression was very indifferent.

Yes, after all, "Yago"'s death is still peaceful, like a sleeping person.

Although I know he is "dead", Catherine probably has no idea about "death".

"Prime Minister Harlandi! Yago has worked under you for three years. If your majesty's death is really related to "Yago", the Prime Minister may not escape responsibility.

Looking at Harandi, Diels said solemnly, with a hint of questioning in his tone.

After all, the recent turmoil was caused by Prime Minister Harandy, and Diels did not think that Prime Minister Harandy was innocent.

For Diels’ questioning, Harandi looked indifferent. He looked at Catherine on the throne and Karina beside him, and said: "Although I am a courtier, I am also a friend of his majesty. If the king was really assassinated." And Si, I swear by the reputation of the Jefstein family that I will pursue it to the end, find the murderer, and avenge your Majesty.

The words were paused, and Harandi continued: "As for "Yago", I only knew his true identity not long ago. I only know that he is the illegitimate son of Minister Booth of the Kingdom of Assi. As for whether he has other identities, I don’t know. Not knowing."

Harandi's words disappointed Karina.

She said solemnly: "In this way, there is no clue. The only way is to find out the cause of death in "Yago" and see if we can find anything."

It has been three years since your Majesty's death. This period of time was enough to interrupt the clues, which caused Karina a headache.

If His Majesty the first king was really "assassinated" and died, of course this matter must be investigated.

Although the Danlan Kingdom is only a small country, it is not everyone can offend, let alone the lord of a country.

Diels: "This is not an easy task. If you want to find out the cause of "Yago"'s death, I am afraid that you need to dissect it. Even if you do it, you may not be able to find anything. After all, the structure of the human body is complicated. The medical knowledge is too shallow."

At this moment, Harandi bent slightly to Catherine on the throne and bowed his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Yago’s cause of death has a result. Please also tell me. I will use Jefstein’s contacts to investigate. Tonight The thing is that I wrongly believed in "Yago". This is a sin I cannot shirk. After this, I am no longer suitable for the post of prime minister. I also ask Princess Catherine to choose another candidate. I will be in Melorca. Stay for three days to transfer rights, and afterwards I will leave Melorca City and return to my fief."

Harandy's words undoubtedly made Karina and Diels look slightly moved, a little surprised and a little surprised, they didn't expect Harandy to give up their rights.

The matter of tonight is neither big nor small. Whether "Yago" is an abandoned son or a "dead ghost", Harandi's status is unshakable. After all, in the true sense, Harandi did not betray the "royal family".

The gap between wanting to do and doing is far too far.

The two did not expect that Harandi wanted to resign from this position.

For Karina, it is false to say that she doesn't move.

Because once Harandi resigned as prime minister, the power returned to the "royal family".

This is a great temptation for Karina.

But in the end, Karina gave up.

Looking at Harandi standing upright in the hall, Karina begged: "Please think twice about Harandi. Now is not the time for Prime Minister Harandi to retreat. Danlan Kingdom will have an opportunity for rapid development. This requires the political talent of Lord Harandi."

Regaining rights from the Yvestam family seems to be full of temptation, but it is definitely not a good thing for the "royal family", because Karina knows very well that Princess Catherine is still young, even if Prime Minister Harandi returns the rights, can Holding is still a big problem.

After this incident, the Danlan Kingdom will belong to the First Legion. By then, even if Harandi has a different intention, he has no intention to display it, and it has no meaning.

Karina recognizes Harandi's talents. More than ten years of prime ministership brought the Danlan Kingdom to the present day. No one doubts Harandi's ability.

Harandi shook his head and said, "I have decided."

Karina did not give up.

"Master Harandi! Now that the Danlan Kingdom is about to usher in a new era, doesn’t Prime Minister Harandi want to witness all of this? You should have read the agreement given by the First Legion. The First Legion has power. With technology and financial resources, if it can be implemented in accordance with the treaty, the Danlan Kingdom will also have what those big countries have, and..."

The words paused slightly, looking at Harandi in the hall, Karina said softly: "I have served the royal family for fifteen years. Your Majesty is not only my "king", but also my brother-in-law. Your Majesty once said to me , The Jefstein family is a royal family left behind in a certain kingdom. They also told me about the gentleman agreement with Prime Minister Harandi. Although the first king has passed away, the gentleman agreement with Prime Minister Harandi should be inherited by Princess Catherine. Lord Prime Minister, the Yvesstein family wants to rejuvenate. This is inseparable from the growth of the Danlan Kingdom. The growth of the Danlan Kingdom is the fastest way for the Yvesstein family to realize their ambitions. If the Prime Minister is willing to assist Princess Catherine, perhaps your lord You can see the revival of the Yvestian royal family in your lifetime."

What a sharp mouth...

Harandi had to admit that he was moved by Karina's words.

Indeed, the ambition of the Yevstein family is inseparable from the power of the Danlan Kingdom.

If the royal family inherited the agreement between him and his majesty, there would be no reason for him to leave Melorca.

This city, this kingdom, needs his struggle.

With a helpless smile, Harandi deeply bowed to Princess Catherine and said: "Tomorrow I will summon important officials in the name of Princess Catherine to announce the day when Princess Catherine will inherit the throne and hold the succession ceremony!"

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