Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 884: Succession to the throne

At this point, Diels and Karina were taken aback.

Karina quickly said: "My Prime Minister! Princess Catherine is only nine years old, is it too early to succeed?"

Although Karina hopes that Catherine will be on the "throne", because this is her goal all the time.

But now Catherine is too young, it is obviously not suitable to inherit the throne at such a young age.

"I know!"

Straightening up, looking at Princess Catherine and Karina on the throne, Harandi said in a deep voice: "This is a matter of necessity. Before the agreement is evaluated, the political opinions of the Danlan Kingdom must be unified. Only in this way can it be guaranteed. The independence of the Danlan Kingdom does not give the First Army an excuse to intervene in internal affairs. Only when Princess Catherine succeeds to the throne, the ministers of Meroka and the vassals outside will truly receive their hearts and belong to those headed by Princess Catherine. In power."

Harandi's words made Karina suddenly clear.

Sure enough, she deserves to be a political veteran, which Karina knows.

Even Diels on the side looked at Harandi in admiration.

Diels knows how chaotic the political situation in the Danlan Kingdom is today.

Due to Prime Minister Harandi’s rule, the kingdom is divided into two factions, one is the "king" faction, and the other is the prime minister. Although Prime Minister Harandi has military power in his hand, he is in charge of the "king capital", but because of the "king" faction. The people were dissatisfied, leading to extreme political chaos with the Danlan Kingdom.

If Princess Catherine succeeds to the throne and becomes the first queen of the Danlan Kingdom, with the "king", the conflicts in the Danlan Kingdom's internal affairs will naturally be resolved.

Nodding lightly, looking at Harandi in the main hall, Karina said, "In that case! Please ask the Prime Minister for everything!"

Bend down again to Catherine to cover his chest, Harlandi said: "Don't disturb Princess Catherine's rest, the ministers will leave!"

"Yeah! Goodbye Uncle Harandy!"

Catherine on the throne waved back to Harandi lovely.

Really a child.

With a slight smile, Harlandi nodded to Catherine, then turned and walked outside.

Seeing that Prime Minister Harlandi had left, Diels also performed a breast-covering ceremony, and said: "Your Royal Highness! Lord Karina, I have also resigned, I don't know how to dispose of this corpse? Should I ask the palace doctor for an autopsy or let him Is the hospital outside the palace in charge?"

Karina said: "Temporarily put it in the hospital room in the palace, I will handle it myself!"


Nodding lightly, Diels turned to the outside and said, "Come on!"

Hearing Diels's cry, the two soldiers waiting outside the temple quickly entered the temple.

"Take the "corpse" out and place it in the "medical room"!"

Diels said to the two soldiers who entered the hall.


Upon hearing the order, the two soldiers cleverly carried the "corpse" and walked outside the hall.

He once again bowed his breast to Catherine on the throne, and in silence, Diels turned and left.

When Diels disappeared outside the temple, Catherine on the throne was a bit bigger than Hatch.

Said softly: "Sister Karina! I'm sleepy."

With a slight smile, Karina lifted Catherine from the throne.

"Then let's go back!"


Holding Catherine's hand, Karina walked outside the hall along the dedicated passage.

Leave the king's hall, in the aisle to the inner hall.

Under the dim light, the stone aisle seemed a little quiet, only two figures were walking unhurriedly.

"Sister Karina! Am I really going to be a "Queen"?"

The timid words of Catherine by his side made that Karina smile.

"Why, scared?"

Catherine shook her head.

"Not afraid, just a little worried."

Karina comforted: "Don't worry, your Royal Highness only needs to do your own thing. You are the last blood of the royal family and the only person eligible to inherit the "throne." Maybe some people don't want to admit it, but politically This is the case for the struggle of the princess. As long as Her Royal Highness can obtain the support of public opinion and the support of most ministers, the opinions of those small groups of people can be ignored."

Speaking of this, Karina paused and continued: "The princess is still young. During the period before she became an adult, learn how the Prime Minister handles political affairs. The teachings of the Prime Minister are essential to the princess. of."

"Yeah! I see, sister Karina!"

The journey back to the inner hall is not far, the palace is so big, no matter where you go, the distance is not far.

With Catherine, Karina returned to the inner temple.

"Get a good night's sleep! Tomorrow will be handed over to Prime Minister Harandi to preside, and the princess does not need to come forward."

Sitting on the edge of the bed and watching Catherine under the covers, Karina said softly.


Quietly glanced at Karina by the bed, and Catherine closed her eyes gently.

It was late at night and she was already sleepy.

Seeing Catherine closed her eyes, Karina got up gently and walked away from the bedroom.

After closing the door gently, Karina looked upright and quickly contacted Davis using the communicator in her ear.

"Master Davis! Tonight's affairs are really troublesome for you. Everything has been resolved. Now that the royal family has turned from danger to peace, and the agreement is signed, please wait a few days. Wait for the princess to inherit the "throne" and the domestic power After reunification, the Danlan Kingdom will sign an agreement with the First Army in an orthodox way."

"Prior to this, don't expose the relationship between the royal family and the First Legion, so as not to cause tongue and cause additional trouble."

Davis can understand Karina's concern.

Before signing the agreement, the First Army and the Danlan Kingdom were still enemies.

If the soldiers of the First Army appeared in the "Royal Palace" before the agreement was signed, it would undoubtedly make people "think more", especially for simple civilians, they might think that the "royal family" was affected. The coercion of the First Army surrendered to sign the agreement. In this way, the rule of the First Army over the Danlan Kingdom would be greatly threatened.

"Understand! I will immediately lead the soldiers out of the palace!"

The communication with Karina was interrupted. At this time, Davis was in the area near the King's Hall.

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