Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 885: return

In a corner of the king's hall, Davis issued an order to the entire army.

"Everyone listened to the order, immediately evacuate, return from the same way, pay attention to concealment."

"Mengwei! Take your people to evacuate immediately and gather in the wine cellar!"

Mengwei in the inner temple immediately responded to the commands in the communicator.


With an order, the soldiers of the First Legion scattered around the palace began to evacuate.

In silence, as quietly as when Tathagata came, the First Legion quietly left.

Such a smooth and concealed operation is inseparable from the attrition of the "Royal Palace" maids. If the "Royal Palace" servants were full of staff a few years ago, it would not be easy for the First Army to want such a concealed operation.

As soon as you leave the wine cellar, you will be spotted by the attendant, not to mention the silent action.

It is precisely because of the downsizing of the attendants of the "Royal Palace" that the "Royal Palace" is empty, let alone night, even in the daytime, it is difficult to see a person.

In less than an hour, the soldiers of the First Legion scattered throughout the "Royal Palace" successfully returned to the wine cellar.

"Keep up, don't fall behind, pay attention to the guards on the wall when you leave the sewers, and don't be found by them."

In the wine cellar, the soldiers of the First Corps have begun to evacuate.

In the instructions of the sergeants at all levels, one by one entered the sewer.

Allied soldiers will return from the same route and leave Melorka City.

From time to two o'clock in the morning, it was five hours before the arrival time.

Five hours is not long, but for the Danlan Kingdom, these five hours are enough to affect the nation's fortune.

"Master Davis!"

When the First Army was leaving, Karina rushed to the wine cellar to bid farewell.

When he came to Davies, Karina said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, let the adults go for nothing."

Davis denied Karina's words.

"Although the development of the situation is beyond your expectations, it is not possible to end your country’s internal struggles in combat. This is what you and I want to see. I hope that your country can resolve internal conflicts as soon as possible. General Tan Ya is not A patient man."


Is that one called Tanya?

The name reminded Karina of the one who talked to her on the battleship of the First Army.

After the talks for a long time, Karina never knew her name, and the other party did not report her name.

When she first saw her, Karina felt a kind of superior power from her body, which let Karina know that the people she talked with had great power in the First Legion.

Nodding lightly, Karina said: "Understood! The First Army will be given an answer within ten days."

This is the end of the matter, and there is no need to say more.

Davis said: "Then...don't pass it here!"

After speaking, Davis turned and walked to the third floor of the wine cellar.

At this time, the soldiers of the First Legion could not be seen in the first floor of the wine cellar. They were all concentrated on the second and third floors, and they were gradually entering the sewers.

Looking at the back of Davis leaving, Karina felt a little emotional.

The soldiers of the First Army and the General Tanya were quite mysterious.

For so long, whether it is Davis-sama or his soldiers, their true colors are hidden under the helmet, and Karina is very curious about what it looks like under the helmet.

However, curiosity returns to curiosity, and Karina will not ask too much.

Karina did not leave immediately, but waited, waiting for the departure of the First Legion.

The sewer is a secret passage. When the soldiers of the First Legion leave, Karina will make the final finishing touch.

The iron gates of the sewers need to be locked tightly to prevent polluting beasts from entering.

For Karina, tonight is undoubtedly the longest.

It was late at night. In the dirty, foul-smelling sewers that no one would go to, a thousand soldiers of the First Legion were evacuating. No one knew of their existence except Karina.

Many things happened to Melorca tonight.

But most of the things were ended while waiting for the outbreak, which made Melorka City, which was caught in the storm, instantly regained its clarity, and the dark clouds filled my heart.

For the citizens of Melorca, they didn't know it, they didn't know the changes in Melorca City, or what happened, and they passed the night as before.

When the night passed and Qingcheng awoke from his deep sleep, the city of Melorka was greeted them as before.

But many things have changed, and the people don't feel it for the time being, but over time, they will eventually notice it.

People are divided into levels. It is difficult for people at each level to know what happened at another level. Although what happened at another level is closely related to them, they will not be noticed, and will only be quietly affected. When you notice the surrounding things, you have adapted.

For the civilians of Meloka, the change of rights and the struggle for rights are hard for them to feel. They will only touch the things of the upper class when they are hurting themselves.

Time is passing, when no one knows, Melorka City, and even the entire Danlan Kingdom, have changed quietly, and the changes are still going on.

Three hours after the First Army evacuated the "Royal Palace"...

As a "tank landing ship" emerged from the darkness amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, it approached the fleet.

Davis successfully returned with the team safely.

At this time, it was five o'clock in the morning, about three hours before dawn.

After a night of hard work, the soldiers are already very tired.

When the tank landing ship returned to the fleet, and after a brief turmoil for the diversion of personnel, the sea area where the fleet was located once again calmed down. In the darkness, everyone gradually fell asleep.

At this moment, in the empty bridge command room, on the captain's seat, Tan Ya, who was sitting upright in meditation, suddenly opened her closed eyes.

Of course Tan Ya was aware of the movement outside.

After all, the riots did not last for a short time, and Tan Ya also guessed what happened outside.

Although it was unexpected that Davis returned so soon, Tanya didn't think much about it.

The quick return is enough to show that things should go well.

At least there was no fighting in the city.

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