Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 886: Bells

"Go and rest! I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Needless to think about it, Tanya knew that Davis was on his way to the bridge command room.

As "Zie Ji", a dead person, Tan Ya has no need for sleep.

Although there is an exclusive "bedroom", Tan Ya generally does not use it, and usually spends the night in the spacious captain's seat, sitting in a sitting position for meditation.

Outside, Davis just got on the deck when he heard General Tanya's voice in the communicator.

In the helmet, Davis' expression was slightly taken aback, and he quickly responded: "Yes!"

After tiring all night, Davis was also quite exhausted. At this moment, what he needs most is rest to get rid of mental exhaustion.

No words for a night!

Time was passing, and when the darkness faded and the light enveloped the earth, Melorka ushered in a new day.

The weather today is very good, there is no fog, there is no cloud, and the sky is extremely pure.

In the early morning, when most of the civilians in Melorca were still asleep, the long "bell" suddenly echoed in Melorca.

The bell sounded one after another, and it rang for ten minutes before it stopped.

The long-lasting "bell sound" awakened many sleeping civilians, and their expressions were all full of surprises.

Because the bell is familiar, but it hasn't ringed for a long time.

When His Majesty the King was alive, the bell would ring before the meeting in the King’s Hall. This was a custom and an old rule.

But since the death of His Majesty the King, the bell has never ringed again.

Today, however, the bell rang again.

When the bell rang, it was not only the civilians who were surprised, but also the ministers living in the high-end housing complex.

The ministers had already received the notice of the meeting, but as usual, the ministers did not intend to attend the meeting.

As long as Prime Minister Harandi, the dictator is still in power for a day, they will never go to the court.

This is a silent resistance. Although many ministers have been dismissed for this, they will not compromise for this.

But today, they have to go.

Because the "bell" rang, this is the call of the "royal family", which means that a new "king" will appear in this country.

Melorca City, Ducal Mansion!

In front of the bedroom door, Harandi stood straight, looking at the direction of the "Royal Palace", with a look of emotion.

In that direction, it is also the direction the bell rang just now.

When the bell rang, Harandi knew very well that this represented the support of the "royal family" for this meeting.

Thinking of what happened last night, Harandi felt a little complicated.

If he did, what would it be like today?

What hasn't happened, there is no result to guess, but Harandi is sure that it will never be better than today.

"Father! Are you ready?"

A white figure came in.

Today's Monica is pure white, with her pure white hair and skin. It is obviously white, but it gives people an extremely dazzling and stunning color, just like an impossible mission in a fairy tale.

The light voice caused Harandi to withdraw his gaze. He looked at the daughter who came from the money, his expression was slow, and he said very confidently: "Being a prime minister for more than ten years, what kind of scene has not been experienced? Three years? It has been three years. Since the death of His Majesty the King, those ministers have not participated in a court meeting in order to silently oppose my ruling. This time, if those ministers want to delay the retreat of this country, I will never Be kind."

In front of Harandi's god, Monica paused. She looked calm and whispered: "Father, do you know why they are like this?"


Looking at the daughter in front of him, Harandi asked.

This is what Harandi wants to know.

Speaking slightly, Monica slowly said: "Jealous, as well as suspicion. Before his majesty was alive, my father won the trust of his majesty. Not only was he vigorous in the officialdom, he also had deep friendship with his majesty in private. For ministers , Enough to arouse their "jealous", and suspicion, because the death of your majesty was too sudden, and it was so sudden that you could not comply with it. As a close minister of your majesty, when his father was in control of the government, the ministers would certainly doubt his Will death be related to my father?"

After her words paused, Monica calmly said: "If my father did that thing last night, the suspicions in the ministers' hearts would become true. By then, my father would have no room for argument."

The daughter's words made Harandi a little embarrassed, but also a little scared.

If he did, the result afterwards would never be as simple as he thought before.

A faint glance at Lance who was waiting in the yard, in response to Lance's nod, Monica turned her head and said to her father Harandi: "Father! You should go now."

"Uh, yeah."

Harandi reacted to her daughter's words.

He hurriedly said: "Then you have a good rest at home, let the subordinates do what you want to eat. If you are really idle, you can return to the fief. Go wherever you want in the fief. I will not stop you."

"I'm fine here!"

Back to the fief?

Monica didn't have this idea.

With those brothers here, that place was not a clean place for Monica.

"That's good! You have a good rest!"

Without thinking, he told his daughter, Harandi turned around and stepped into the courtyard.


At this moment, Monica's cry rang again behind her.

As if thinking of something, Monica stopped her father.

The cry of the daughter behind him stopped Harandi, and turned around and asked, "Monica! What else is there?"

Looking at her father, Monica reminded: "Father should let those generals who are loyal to the "royal family" participate in this meeting. As for the generals who are loyal to the "father", they are no longer suitable for staying in the city of "Melorca". Transfer them to the fief, this can prove the sincerity of the father, so for the "royal family" and the ministers, this approach will make them feel better."

Harandi nodded clearly.

Although the army assembled last night was carried out in secret, it is well known to many people, especially the generals in the army.

The Yvestam family and the royal family have reconciled, and those soldiers who dared to point their guns at the "royal family" are certainly not suitable for staying in Melorka.

This is not just about the generals, but also the soldiers. The army assembled last night, all soldiers must leave.

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