Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 943: Arran's surprise

And the place to go is also in the infirmary, just separated from the ward area by a wall.

In the metal passage, Yalan followed the figure ahead slowly.

Yalan didn't know where she was going, but the only thing she could do was follow the figure in front of her.

Who is it?

This "who" made Yalan think about it wildly.

Could it be Eagle and them?

Probably not, the fleet has been sailing at sea for more than a month.

Arran knew very well that Eagle and the others could only appear after the fleet returned to Nanlin Island, the base camp of the First Army.

Who will it be?

Arran couldn't think of it anyway, what she wanted to see was Claver, who she thought had been "sacrificed".

When Sakuya took Arran to the window of the intensive care unit.

When looking at the person in the jar full of green liquid in the room, Yalan was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

In the tank, the slumbering person turned out to be Cravel.

How could Arran forget that face?

How is this going?

Isn't Claver dead?

Didn't they leave Clive, how could they appear here?

At this moment, Yalan's heart was disturbed, not only her heart, but also her brain.

She seemed to perceive Arran’s doubts. Looking at the person in the jar in the room, Sakuya said coldly: "In the small town of Corao, she was rescued by us. She was seriously injured, although she has escaped. It’s a dangerous period, but it will take a long time to wake up. For the next year, she can only stay inside."

It turned out to be like this...

It turned out that the First Army rescued Clive.

Sakuya's words made Yalan slightly startled.

At this time, Sakuya continued: "Your companion already knows her situation."


After thinking about it, Yalan understood.

It should be Eagle and them.

Sakiya continued to say: "More than a month ago, the Heroes Association once again sent envoys to the First Army. Now, the contradiction between the First Army and the Heroes Association has disappeared."

Turning his head, Sakuya looked at Yalan.

At this time, Yalan was looking at the room.

Sakiya's words surprised her, and she turned her head to look at Sakiya.

The two looked at each other.

Arran was very surprised: "The First Army gave up attacking Bentley?"

Sakiya: "No, the Heroes Association gave up intervention."

It turned out to be so, Sakiya's words made Arran understand.

Let's just say, how could the First Army easily give up attacking "Bentley Country".

Compared with the abandonment of the First Legion, the abandonment of the Heroes Association is more acceptable.

Withdrawing her gaze from Sakuya, looking at Claver in the glass jar in the room, Arran said calmly: "If the general has something to say, your army rescued me and also saved Claver. This Arran will never forget the favor, and will never refuse as long as I can do it."

How could Arran not understand something.

The general next to her would not find her for no reason, nor would it be as simple as bringing her to see Clementine, there must be other things.

It's smart...

That being the case, Sakiya didn't plan to talk nonsense anymore.

Taking a light look at Arran, Sakiya said: "In the future, the First Army will join the "Unification Convention" and become a convention country. Before that, the First Army needs to know the movement of the Heroes Association at any time."

The meaning of this is too obvious.

This caused Arran to fall into thinking.

There is no doubt that the First Legion wants her to act as an eyeliner to monitor the Heroes Association.


She is a hero, a member of the Heroes Association, how can she betray such a thing?

Arran hesitated and fell into a dilemma.

As if perceiving the entanglement in Arran’s heart, Sakiya said indifferently: “You don’t need to do anything. The First Legion just wants to learn about some major events that happen in humans through the eyes of the Heroes Association. It will not do anything harmful to the Heroes Association. Thing."

It's that simple?

Aranda breathed a sigh of relief.

If only this is the case, it doesn't hurt to be the eyeliner of the First Army.

Nodded lightly, Arland said: "Since the general has said so, how can I refuse? I should accept this."

Arran responded, and for Sakuya, her purpose had been accomplished.

Before leaving, Sakuya said: "The fleet is about to arrive at the port of Nanlin Island. Your injury has not healed, and you need to stay ashore for some time. I will arrange for a vehicle to take you to the medical center in Qingcheng, where you can Get better treatment."

The fleet is about to arrive at Nanlin Island?

In other words, have all the demons in the Nansha Islands been wiped out?

Arran had to marvel at the efficiency of the First Army.

The devil is not easy to deal with. In the Nansha Islands, the First Legion was able to eliminate the devil in the four separated areas in more than two months, and the speed was not unpleasant.

If you change to another country, even Kyoto, it will be impossible to eliminate the devil in the Nansha Islands within half a year.

Two hours later.

With the sound of sirens, the huge white fleet is slowly moving in at the entrance of the harbor bay.

More than two months apart, the port has changed a lot.

Whether it is a civilian port or a military port, it has basically been completed.

Even so, there is still a busy scene in the port.

In the bay, there are still endless ships pulling construction materials.

The return of the fleet caused quite a stir in the port.

Whether it was the workers in the port or the shipmen on the sea transport ship, they all put aside their work and looked at the returning fleet excitedly.

That chain of giant steel ships, such a large formation, has not been seen for a long time.

I don't know which general is back.

For the civilians, they did not understand the First Army.

They only knew that the First Army had several generals, and each general had a fleet in his hands.

They don't know the difference between the army and the distribution of colors.

The fleet entered the port, and the tugboats in the military port became busy.

Several docks also opened their locks, ready to receive warships.

During the battle for more than two months, many warships suffered various malfunctions and needed maintenance.

In particular, warships damaged in battle need to be overhauled.

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