Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 944: came back

When the fleet docked on the pier, Sakiya did not stop at the port more than.

Instead, take a car directly to Qingcheng from the highway.

After leaving the port, a convoy of three cars drove into the forest road.

Although the highway is wide and has four roads in both directions, it is almost hidden under the thick trees.

Looking from the sky above, the road in the forest hardly exists, only occasionally, the shadow of the road will appear.

Since the road connecting the port and Qingcheng was used, there have been many cars going back and forth on the forest road every day.

Most of them are engineering vehicles, in large transport trucks.

The road is in the forest, and the threat of polluting animals is inevitable.

In order to prevent polluting beasts from attacking passing vehicles, the cabs of some large construction vehicles have been reinforced and installed a large amount of protective armor. At the same time, the First Army also arranged very frequent patrols on this road.

Almost every few minutes, a heavily armed assault vehicle galloped past.

On the dark forest road, a black car galloped under the **** of two armed assault vehicles.

The road surface is very flat, and the speed of the motorcade is also very fast.

In the black car, Sakiya in a black skirt sat in the back seat, her hood looking out the window.

There is nothing beautiful outside, the only scenes that pass by are the dark forests.

Although she looked outside, Sakiya was actually thinking about things.

She was thinking of "His Royal Highness", and only that one would be thought of by her.

I have been away for a few months and miss her very much.

When she was about to return to his side, she remembered more.

This thought is not due to facts, and there is no regulation, it is just random thinking. The thoughts in my heart are very messy, but in the chaos, it is all the person thinking in my heart.

In Sakuya's random thoughts, Qingcheng arrived.

When the convoy drove out of the city cave, it entered the Qingcheng.

After a few months away, Qingcheng has changed so much that it is no longer the Qingcheng that Sakuya is familiar with.

Except for the tall "quantum signal tower", tall buildings have risen from the ground.

More than seven months have passed since the First Army occupied Nanlin Island.

Since the occupation of Nanlin Island, the construction of Qingcheng has been carried out by the First Army.

So far, the changes in Qingcheng have been obvious.

Although there are still some shortcomings in some areas, it will be gradually improved.

One day, Qingcheng will become an extraordinary "city".

Following the main road, the convoy drove away from Qingcheng and came to the foot of Houshan.

The temple on the mountain, as always, has not changed much from when I left.

The only change is in the square on the hillside.

Two months ago, there was nothing in the square.

Today, however, a huge statue stands on the square.

It is large, black, nearly 100 meters high, and its magnificent figure can be seen from far away.

The appearance of the statue is a human figure, but this person is shrouded in a large cloak, whether it is hands, feet, or head, all are shrouded in the cloak.

The dark color makes it look very dark.

When Sakiya left the car and saw "it".

Sakuya was surprised, but soon returned to normal.

The appearance of this statue is obviously based on another "Reaper" form of "His Royal Highness".

Its appearance is also expected.

"General! You are welcome to return in victory. The master is waiting for you in the courtyard."

In front of the stairs, beside the pedestal of the statue, I saw Sakuya approaching. One of the four nuns standing guard said.


In response, Sakiya strode past the nun.

Stepped up the stairs and headed to the temple.

At this time, in the courtyard of the temple, Li Meng had already received news of Sakuya's "return".

By coincidence, Chen Yan is also in the temple today.

"Master! You have to help me with this matter, I can't make up my mind alone, and the master's consent is required for this matter."

In the pavilion, a sweet voice echoed.

On the stone bench, Chen Yan in a bright black dress sat restlessly.

She put her hands on the legs of "Li Meng" on the seat beside her, looked at Li Meng, pitifully pleading.

For "Chen Yan"'s act of acting like a baby, Li Meng calmly wandered.

Just a little puzzled: "Go ahead, I also want to know what makes you so embarrassed."

With a smile of joy, Chen Yan hurriedly said: "Master! This matter is simple. It only needs the consent of the "Master". It is like this. The last time General Sakiya's trip to Yelin Island, Qingcheng did not accept many good people. Pirates? Although those pirates have been well, they still live in groups in Qingcheng. Although nothing has happened, it is no way to go on like this. Since those pirates have combat experience, they will live in Qingcheng. The days are too bad, I just thought, can we recruit them under the banner of the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce?"

"Master, you also know that with the expansion of the territory of the First Legion, the Spiritspeaking Chamber of Commerce will also expand. Not long ago, the First Legion won a vassal country outside of Austria. The Spiritspeaking Chamber of Commerce must step up preparations. In preparation for entering the Danlan Kingdom, this Chamber of Commerce has to expand, and there is a shortage of manpower. Although people with combat experience are not necessarily required, such people are much higher in "will" than ordinary people. But a very good "foundation"."

Li Meng thought it was something.

It turned out to be this.


Looking at Chen Yan with a look of hope, Li Meng said calmly: "It's up to you to figure it out. Remember I told you before that I won't bother with the descendants of your ghouls, just control one." "Degree", the degree to which this "degree" is maintained is up to you to figure it out. Also, neither the corpse, nor the ghoul, or you ghoul, cannot be exposed to human sight. You have to bear this in mind when developing descendants."

Li Meng's words paused slightly, and Li Meng added: "As for recruiting Congliang "pirates", I agreed. The members of your clan are indeed rare. Take advantage of this time to develop it."

Although Li Meng allowed the development of ghouls, he did not ignore them.

As Li Meng's family member, Li Meng couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to.

In Nanlin Island, the number of ghouls is only 20. This is the result of Chen Yan's careful development in the past few months.

As for the ghouls outside, Chen Yan also reported the number to Li Meng. Although there is no specific number, because the members of the ghouls are increasing every day, the number is probably around fifty or sixty.

An ethnic group, but a hundred people, the number of people is certainly not enough.

The Soul Language Chamber of Commerce is the channel for the First Legion to obtain wealth. Of course, Li Meng also hopes that the Ghoul family will be strong enough. Only in this way can he better control the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce and earn more money for the First Legion.

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