Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 974: guide

Seeing that the sisters were all seated, Ai Moore said to the air: "Master! You can show up."

As soon as the words fell, beside Ai Moore, the black power of death appeared, and Li Meng's figure appeared.

Seeing the master who suddenly appeared next to the queen, the banshees were quite surprised.

In front of the banshees, Li Meng's small physique is undoubtedly very short.

However, Li Meng doesn't care.

Leaning on Ai Moore, Li Meng sat on the floor.

Under the gaze of the banshees, Li Meng went straight to the subject.

"Tell us about your enemy "Golden Wing Saint King", and when will his army arrive, and how long will we have?"

Regarding this question, Ai Moore is undoubtedly the clearest.

When Ai Moore was about to answer the owner’s inquiry, Golan, who was sitting aside the nearest, said first: “The Golden Winged King is the leader of a Golden Winged tribe in the north. After hundreds of years of expansion, their wings are plump and powerful A month ago, our last line of defense, "Hachi Island", fell. Half a month ago, we got the news from the front post that the army of the Golden Wing Saint King began to march towards Banshee Island. In about three days, the army of the Golden Wing Saint King will arrive at Banshee Island."

Three days?

Time is running out.

After thinking for a moment, Li Meng continued to ask: "How many fighters are there in your tribe?"

Without even thinking about it, Golan immediately said: "Thirty thousand, when the war starts, there should be 40,000 fighters able to participate in the battle. However, among these 40,000 fighters, there are too many weak and limited combat power."

At this time, Golan returned to the posture of a soldier.

The expression is quite firm, and there is no fear in his eyes, only the unwavering "courage".

Looking at the master next to the queen, Golan reminded: "Master! Our clan has lost the "skeleton". Although there is shelter from the Holy Land, the enemy still has a huge advantage in the frontal battle, and the enemy There are so many people, several times, or even ten times more than our clan. Once they break through the gate of the Holy Land, our clan will only be destroyed."

Something tricky...

Under absolute "power", any conspiracy and trickery are useless.

Facing the hundreds of thousands of the Golden Wing Saint King’s army and endless "skeletons", the Banshee Wings tribe on Banshee Island has no ability to resist.

Although the Holy Land occupies a geographical advantage, how long can the gate of the Holy Land last?

Once the gate of the Holy Land was breached, the tribe of Banshee Wingmen would only be consumed bit by bit in the next war of attrition.

Beside Ai Moore, Li Meng thoughtfully.

How to do?

Send troops to Banshee Island?

This is obviously unrealistic, let alone other factors, time is too late.

Where is Banshee Island?

Li Meng didn't know it, but it was estimated that it was under the sea area north of Nanlin Island.

For an army of tens of thousands of people, it would take half a year or even longer to follow the road when Li Meng came to reach Banshee Island.

It's not that it's far away, but the underground passage is too difficult to move. The endless natural danger is the biggest obstacle, and it's too difficult to cross.

In the camp, Ai Moore, Golan, and the banshees looked at Li Meng with expectant eyes.

The master has said that he has a way to help the tribe survive this crisis of extinction, and they believe that the master has this ability.

How could Li Meng know those eyes that were watching his own?

In the bottom of my heart, Li Meng sighed secretly.

It seems that some price must be paid this time.

Looking up, Li Meng looked at Ai Moore next to him, and said calmly: "Love Moore! Take off his robe."


The master's strange command made Ai Moore startled, and even the banshees were a little puzzled.

Although I don't know why the master asked her to undress, Ai Moore complied.

She stood up and unbuttoned her shoulder.

While the clothes were dancing, the golden robe slipped off, revealing the white body.

The huge and white twin peaks, the beautiful curve of the body, are a touch of gold below.


This scene made Li Meng quite embarrassed.

He originally thought that the body under Ai Moore's robes should be covered with feathers, but he didn't expect it to be the same as a human body.

More importantly, there was nothing inside except for the robe, completely vacuum.

Compared to Li Meng's embarrassment, Ai Moore's expression is quite natural.

Banshee wingers are not so shy, because they don't know what "sex" is, and in their eyes, there is no distinction between men and women.

The same goes for her banshee door, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Ai Moore taking off her clothes.

The master wants to see their truest "look", how can they refuse?

The expression was slightly open, and the unchanging face of Ai Moore made Li Meng put away the embarrassment in his heart.

Since Ai Moore doesn't care, what does Li Meng care about?

Although the body in front of me is very beautiful and the golden feathers are just right, the huge physique is enough to make people forget any evil thoughts.

With a sigh of relief, Li Meng said calmly: "Lie down!"

Because of Li Meng's words, Ai Moore lay down obediently, lying flat on the soft sitting blanket with a huge white figure.

Looking at Ai Moore in front of him, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and placed the tip of her index finger on her eyebrow.

"There is a kind of power hidden in your body. This "power" is very powerful and irritable. For the upcoming battle, you must learn to use "it"."

Hidden power?

Ai Moore looked suspicious, she asked puzzledly: "Where is it?"

With a slight movement, Li Meng controlled his fingertips and slowly moved down Ai Moore's face.

Facing Aimore’s big golden pupils, Li Meng said calmly: "In your body, in your wings, let go of the distracting thoughts in your heart, and follow my fingertips to feel the pulse under the skin. ."

A trace of spiritual power has been penetrated by Li Meng into Ai Moore's body, and the faint golden elements are moving, guided by the fingertips, flowing slowly along the veins of Ai Moore's body.

The fingertips slowly dropped, leaving his chin, sliding on the snow-white neck.

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