Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 975: Defects of the soul

Along the way, when encountering the towering giant peaks, my fingertips bypassed and proceeded downward in a peculiar route.

"How does it feel?"

Li Meng asked Ai Moore while controlling his fingertips to move slowly.

How does it feel?

Looking at the owner curiously, Ai Moore said softly: "It's a little itchy, very comfortable."

that's it?

This answer cannot satisfy Li Meng.

Li Meng increased the output of his mental power, guided more golden elements, and his fingertips went to the more sensitive place under the belly.

"How do you feel now?"

Li Meng asked as he approached the golden touch.

Ai Moore's expression was still so confused, and he whispered softly: "Itching, a bit tingling."


The movement of the fingertips stopped abruptly, stopping between the lower abdomen and the touch of gold.

In front of Ai Moore, Li Meng looked very confused.

This location is the most sensitive place. It stands to reason that you should not feel nothing.


I felt the tingling, indicating that his guidance was useful.

But Ai Moore still did not sense the existence of the golden element.

How is this going?

Sweeping up and down at Ai Moore, when his eyes touched the touch of gold.

Li Meng still retreated as soon as he touched, his expression was rather embarrassed.

Although the banshee wing is just a humanoid creature, the various parts of the body are too human, which makes it difficult for Li Meng to treat the body in front of him as a beast.

The embarrassment only existed for a moment, and after shifting his sight, Li Meng returned to normal and focused on business.

Looking at Ai Moore in front of him, Li Meng was lost in thought.

The approach is correct. Through guidance, let Amore know the hidden power in the body.

As long as Ai Moore can feel the existence of the golden element, things after that are much simpler.

But the problem now is that under his guidance, Ai Moore can't sense the existence of the golden element at all.

This is the limit. If the strength of the guidance is strengthened, Ai Moore's body will collapse.

where is the problem?

When his gaze shifted to Ai Moore's huge face, Li Meng's eyes shone slightly.

What is the most important thing about the use of "power"?

Of course it is spirit. Only a strong enough spirit can discover the existence of various "energy".

If the spirit is too weak, even if the power in the body is vast, it cannot be mobilized.

In order to confirm what was in his mind, Li Meng's mind moved, and a mental force surged into Ai Moore's brain.

With this investigation, Limon suddenly understood where the reason was.

The problem is in the "soul".

Li Meng discovered that Ai Moore's soul was not complete and had great defects.

This defect also caused Ai Moore's mental power to be very weak.

Although this defect does not affect the Wisdom of the Banshee Wing people, it will inherently bring some weaknesses.

For the Golden Wings, their mental strength is weak, which cuts off their path to the "strong".

Even if there is a powerful "power" hidden in the body, they cannot be "used".

In order to confirm whether this is a special "case" or the Golden Wing Human Race.

Li Meng explored the brains of the banshees one by one, as well as the Golden Wing guards outside.

This probe, Li Meng got the answer.

The problem of mental weakness does not only appear in Ai Moore, so the Banshee Wing and the Golden Wing are in the same situation.

In this way, the truth emerged.

"Master! Is there any problem?"

Looking at the pondering master, Ai Moore asked very carefully.

Ai Moore could feel that the owner seemed a little disappointed.

Are you disappointed in her?

Thinking of this, Ai Moore's expression became a little disturbed.

Sensing Ai Moore's anxiety, the pensive Li Meng recovered.

He looked at Ai Moore's worried face, shook his head lightly, and said: "Some minor problems have occurred. I want you to gain "strength". You must change your strategy and get up! Put on your clothes."

After speaking, Li Meng stood up and left before Ai Moore.

Regarding Li Meng's words, Ai Moore sat up obediently, took the robe set aside, and put it on her body.

When the golden robe returned to her body, Ai Moore became a beautiful and noble queen again.

After buttoning the button on his shoulders, looking at the owner beside him, Ai Moore asked in a puzzled manner: "Master! Can that kind of "power" help us win?"

To this question, Li Meng answered honestly.

Without even thinking about it, Li Meng said casually.


This answer made Ai Moore look dazed, looking at the master very puzzled.

With Moore's puzzled eyes, Li Meng said indifferently: "But "it" can make you stronger and can guarantee the eternal survival of your tribe in the underground sea. As for the rest, you can only rely on yourself."

No matter how powerful the golden element is, it can't help the Banshee Wing people win this battle.

If you want to win in this battle, you must rely on other means.

Li Meng's words made Ai Moore smile slightly, and she was very happy and said: "It seems that the master already has a way to win our race in this battle."

If there is no alternative, how can the master say that the tribe can survive forever in the underground sea.

To survive forever in the Underground Sea, that is to say, in this war, the ultimate winner will be the Banshee Wing Human Race.

Only by winning can we talk about eternal survival.

Looking at the happy Ai Moore, Li Meng said calmly: "You are smart."

Ai Moore smiled slightly to the host's compliment and accepted it very happily.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng left the main seat and walked out of the camp.

Facing the gaze of the banshees, Li Meng walked, and said calmly: "I will go back, wait until I come back!"

After speaking, Li Meng's body disappeared, turning into a faint force of death and dissipating in the air.

The master's departure caused the expressions of the banshees to move slightly.

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