Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 984: Too much consumption


"Sisters! Let's go!"

At the end of the speech, Ai Moore unfolded the huge gold wings, furiously, and his huge figure went straight into the sky.

Glancing at the master on the balcony, the banshees also incited the Golden Wing to fly, and followed Ai Moore.

In a moment, the golden figures in the sky disappeared into the mountain.

From where the banshees disappeared, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.


In the silence, something shattered on the surface of Li Meng's body.

That is the spiritual power that covers the body.

The shattering of mental power made Li Meng sigh slightly.

This time, the mental power was really consumed too much.

Is it because of lack of greed?

Li Meng remembered the "ring" he had cast himself.

Thirteen rings have almost emptied all of Li Meng’s spiritual power. In the ring, Li Meng left countless sources of spiritual power. Each source point is permanent and derived from the source of Li Meng’s spiritual power. "Sources" that are separated from each other.

Mental power is the will, also the so-called "soul", is the whole, and also the consumable.

"Source" is the core of the soul. As long as the core of "Source" is there, no matter how much mental power is consumed, it can slowly recover.

This time, Li Meng's consumption of the core of the "source" was too great, causing the mental power to be unable to recover, but getting weaker and weaker, and even the mental power to isolate the "spiritual body" could not be maintained.

One of the reasons why Li Meng asked Ai Moore to go back was that the spiritual power to isolate the spirit body was about to shatter.

Once the spiritual power is broken, the spiritual body will be completely exposed to the outside world.

The spirit body is formed by the purest "power of death", and the power of death and the holy flame are completely mutually restrained.

By Li Meng's side, whether it is the banshees who love Moore or the "Holy Flame", there will be a feeling of rejection, and Li Meng will do the same.

Lifting his head slightly, Li Meng looked at the distant sea, with a pale expression on his face.

The Holy Land can't go back, and he can't walk too close to the banshees before his spiritual power is restored.

From his sleeve, Li Meng took out the crystal ring.

On the ring, the last trace of mental power is about to shatter.

The crystal ring can't stay around either.

With a light wave, Li Meng threw the crystal ring in his hand.

The ring flying in the air, only a white light flashed, disappeared.

I hope Ai Moore can "adapt" to it, if it can't, just destroy it.

In the crystal ring, Li Meng used the last trace of spiritual power to change the structure of some "source points".

The effect is very simple, just in case.

If Aimore can't adapt, the "source" will destroy the crystal ring.

In this way, even if Ai Moore fails, he will only suffer minor damage.

Li Meng was a little bit painful about the disappearance of the ring.

In this underground trip, the power of faith was almost consumed.

Thinking of the power of faith, Li Meng remembered the mastermind.

After leaving "Adras", the power of faith is consumed by the main mind, and I don't know what to do with the power of faith.

This led to Li Meng's power of faith, which has always been quite scarce.

Although the power of faith from "Adras" is constantly flowing, the power of faith is never enough with the big hole of the mastermind.

Speaking of "Adras", Li Meng noticed one thing.

The power of faith from "Adras" is increasing, and it seems that the development of Adras is very good.

I don't know what happened to Claire. As the high priest of the Temple of Death, she should be quite leisurely.

After all, in the "Island of the Dead", Arthas was the real "king", and Li Meng did not eliminate the power in his hands.

Kleiya is in charge of the Temple of Death, while Arthas is in charge of the development of the undead.

However, there is nothing to worry about after thinking about it.

Although Adras is a magical world, the individual strength is quite strong, but the "Arthas" as the Lich King is not weak, and the high priest Claire is not to mention, after being transformed by Li Meng, she The strength of Alsace is no longer inferior to Alsace. Although it cannot be said that there is no "rival" in Adras, it is not an existence that ordinary people can provoke.

In his heart, Li Meng let go of "Adras".

After all, it hasn't been too long since he left Adras.

Counting days, it's only half a year. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for Adelas to have anything too big.

Nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about.

For Li Meng, the only thing that needs to be concerned is the immediate matter.

With a light leap, Li Meng's thin body jumped out of the balcony.

Li Meng in the air saw the power of black death swarming out, instantly turning into a huge "black robe".

The tattered cloak, the wide hood, the pitch-black color, and the endless depth in the hood, all of these are like the "death god" in the world.

The fact is indeed the case, this is Li Meng's "death" form.

The black shadow flashed, and the huge black robe rushed straight into the sky, turning into a black light and disappearing into the northern sky.

The banshees have the "Holy Flame", and they have the capital to grow their power.

But they still need time, enough time.

What Li Meng had to do was to destroy the Golden Wing Saint King’s expeditionary army and buy enough time for the banshees to develop.

Only in this way can his underground trip be considered successfully completed.

Facing the overwhelming enemy, Li Meng may be powerless, but facing a huge battleship, Li Meng has a way.

Passing through the golden gate, Ai Moore returned to the "Holy Land" with a group of sisters.

On the plain, the people are still working hard.

New tribes join in every moment, and the training in the camp has never stopped.

The old and weak people are also sweating. Some of them are responsible for receiving new members of the clan, and some are responsible for logistics, gathering light crystals, and manufacturing weapons.

When the banshees flew across the sky, they all looked up, only respect in their eyes.

When he landed in the gorgeous camp, Ai Moore immediately said: "Golan! Go and inform the elders, let them lead all the clan members to participate in the sacrifice, remember! This is the last sacrifice and the general mobilization before the war."

"The other sisters put on sacrificial gowns and follow me to the altar. We have to make some preparations in advance."

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