Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 985: Sacrifice

"Did you hear that?"

No one answered behind him, so Amore in front of the curtain turned around suspiciously and looked at the sisters behind him.

When Ai Moore turned around, she realized that the sisters were all looking at her with strange eyes.

"what's happenin?"

Facing the strange gazes of his sisters, Ai Moore asked inexplicably.

Staring tightly at a place, Golan reminded: "Queen! On your left shoulder..."

Left shoulder?

Golan's words stunned Ai Moore.

Is it the master?

But she did not feel the existence of the master.

When Ai Moore turned her head and looked at her left shoulder, she was taken aback by this look.

On her left shoulder, a crystal ring was lying quietly, not knowing when it appeared.

"this is……"

His expression changed slightly, and Amore immediately took the crystal ring on his left shoulder into his hand.

Looking at the ring in his hand, Ai Moore was very sure that this was the crystal ring that the master intended to give her but did not give her.

How did it appear?

Is it the master?

Why did the master quietly put it on his left shoulder?

Ai Moore was puzzled, and she couldn't understand many things.

Looking at the crystal ring in his hand, Ai Moore fell into silence.

"Queen! Is the sacrifice going on?"

Looking at Ai Moore who was silent, Golan asked aloud.

Golan's voice made Ai Moore recover from thinking.

She pondered for a moment, and finally she said, "The sacrifice continues!"

With this sentence, the banshees knew what to do.

Spreading his golden wings, Golan spread his wings and left the camp.

The banshees also dispersed and returned to their respective camps. For the upcoming sacrifice, they had to take off their leather armor and put on "dancing clothes."

Back in the camp, Ai Moore kept thinking.

Thinking about why the master would do this.

Why give her a crystal ring secretly instead of wearing it for her personally.

Ai Moore did not forget a word the master once said.

The host said that after the war, he would personally bring her a crystal ring.

Ai Moore has been waiting for this day.

However, even though she got the crystal ring today, the owner did not bring it to her.

Why is this? The owner will not break his promise.

Could it be...

Regarding the guess in his heart, Ai Moore's expression changed slightly, and he quickly walked out of the camp.

But when he walked in front of the curtain, Ai Moore stopped again.

She can't just leave, the sacrifice is about to be held, and she must preside over it herself.

Opening the palm of his hand, Ai Moore stared at the crystal ring in his hand blankly.

Does the host want her to wear a ring on the sacrifice?

"Queen! We are ready!"

At this time, the voices of the sisters sounded from outside.

This is Golan's voice, and Golan, who notified the elders, is also back.

This made Ai Moore had to put away the thoughts in his heart.

With a slight expression, Amore opened the curtain and went out.

Looking at the sisters who had changed their golden dance clothes outside the camp, Ai Moore said, "Let's go!"

In the spread of the wings, thirteen golden figures rose into the air and headed towards the altar.

A grand ritual is about to be held, and on the plain, all the Golden Wings have put aside their things.

Whether it is a new-born Golden Winged man, an old or weak Golden Winged man, or a Golden Winged warrior, they all fly high, rush to the sky, and fly towards the altar.

For a time, a golden figure was flying above the plain.

There are countless numbers, densely packed, everywhere, the sky is covered.

On the plain under the altar, a group of Golden Winged people fell.

They stood on the sand and on the shimmering vegetation, their eyes fixed on the altar.

Below the altar, a group of Golden Wing Human Race fighters lined up a square formation.

They are lined up neatly, their mighty and majestic postures are standing upright, and there are many spears, so they are not spectacular.

On the stairs leading to the altar, there are a group of elders of the Golden Wing Human Race. They are larger in size and are the best among the Golden Wing Human Race.

As the light singing voice echoed over the plain, the banshees on the altar began to dance beautifully.

Their movements are elegant and soft. Although their movements are not exaggerated, they give people a feeling of "aura".

The banshees in "dancing clothes" have undergone a complete transformation, the warrior's heroic posture is no longer there, becoming agile and gentle.

On the altar, more than a dozen golden wing men played the rhythm with primitive instruments.

The melody is heavy and long, but under the singing of the banshees, the long and dull melody reveals an extraordinary aura.

Seeing the "sacred envoys" dancing on the altar, the Golden Wing people in the audience looked fascinated. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten any troubles. Only the dancing figure and the light singing voice were in their eyes. .

When the song fell, the singing of the banshee stopped, and the dance stopped.

At this time, Ai Moore, who was on the altar, turned around and came to the edge of the altar, looking at the clansmen under the altar.

With his mouth open, Ai Moore's light voice reverberated across the plain.

"My members, don’t be afraid, don’t panic. Our life comes from the "sacred tree". The sacred tree is our mother and our patron saint. The "sacred tree" will protect us through this "crisis." ."

"Here! I will pray to the "sacred tree" with a group of "sacred envoys" and pray that the "sacred tree" will guide the direction of our family."

After finishing speaking, in the gaze of countless hopes and eyes, Ai Moore turned to face the "sacred tree" and knelt to the ground on the altar, putting his hands on his chest and praying.

In the banshees, they came to both sides of her, kneeling down on the ground, praying with their hands on their chests.

At this moment, the altar had already become silent.

Even the elders on the stairs stared at the altar closely.

In the eyes of the Golden Wings, the Banshee Wings are the messengers of the "Holy Tree" and can communicate with the "Holy Tree".

The existence of the banshee wingman is used to convey the holy meaning of the "sacred tree".

The holy tree will definitely respond to the prayers of the envoys.

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