Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 108 2-99. Mister (5)


Lens turn back Jie Jie ...

Eight MiG fighters whistling a few helicopters flying, this movement leads to a chaotic in the helicopter group.

The two sets of Miger classes were again close to the helicopter group, and this time they did not reach straight, and several helicopter pilots once thought that they had to crash, four pairs of foot on the arc-shaped panel constantly clicked the expectations It can quickly down to escape the impact.

However, eight Mige conducted effective deceleration, tail spout conversion angles in front of the helicopter group, and the body hovered in the same height with the helicopter group.

Live screens are aligned with several MiG, Cheng Jie's armed forces appeared in front of the world.

A fleet appeared on the sea surface, and the air defense cannon on the six bullets was aimed at the helicopter.

There are five slender black shadows in the sea under the chart, and the five Akula submarines in the first fleet are together.

In the broadcast room, a group, several staff members pick up the phone, allocated the telephone number of the three countries, inquiry.

Nothing, the news is back, the power of this is not part of the three countries.

At the same time, the scene in the picture has changed, and the island is slowly rising on the side of the hopper group to rise, and Cheng Jie's figure appears on the curtain.


[Task three completion]

[Task 4: Defense]

Looking at the tasks in the task bar, Cheng Jie said to the lens.

"Dear Mist Citizen, Dear Earth Human Humans, you are good, my name is Cheng Jie, is a human."

"Your body also flows a part of the human blood, so in a sense, we don't want to hurt you."

Donned, reach the task bar.

"So, I hope that you will do the following two points. First, I asked all countries to recognize and respect our sovereignty as an emerging power; second, request to obtain peaceful establishment with you, and participate in your way Itemwork ... "


[The opponent's helicopter group received the forward command, currently being approached from us]

Annea's voice sounded, Cheng Jie nodded in front of the screen.

"Given the above two points, I now recommend that the aircraft don't close to our airspace, our fighters will really fire."

... [They are still moving, the island is about to arrive)


"I will once again warn everyone, stop invading our airspace, and again sincere hope, we can sit together to talk about cooperation, cooperate with each other, mutual benefit."


[Note: There is a large number of aerial targets in the radar.

"Permit fire ..."

Cheng Jie stared at the camera, and the audience on the screen also stared at Cheng Jie on the white curtain in the picture, and the two sides regard.


"Mastein team leader is advertised, allowing fire, repeat, and allows fire."


Under the Migg fuselage, several missiles are separated from the rack, the engine is ignited, and the elastomers fly to the helicopter group.

A few explosions occurred several times, black smoke blooms, and the four-scattered slice hit the adjacent helicopters, the helicopter in the explosion center was completely destroyed, the body frame was shredded.


"Note that there are four three-machine formation in the west side to prepare to fight."

"Roger that……"

Eight Miggi is headed, prioritizing a round of empty missiles.

"The enemy missile is coming, pay attention to avoidance."

"Put the heat to repire ..."

Three Miggra started the original body, and the fuselage dodge in a nearly vertical angle.

The two spouts and the spouts at the end of the machine are more bright.

Through this opportunity, the two three-three-three-three-three teams in Mist accelerated the broken line of the MiG, flew over the island.

The striped black fighter shape is round, if it is not to describe, similar to the shape of AirPods, this completely unconventional air kinetic design allows the "force brick".

...... The next second, Mist's pilots saw a yellow shine on the island.

Shells from hundreds of air defense guns flew on the sky, intensive explosion and explosion. The black smoke generated by the explosion instantly shrouded the sky above the island.


- Mist Joint Government Acting Hall -

"You both say that these gates are not what you have come out? Do you still have anyone else?"

Asked from the representative of the United Kingdom.

"Hey, feed! We are very open to public, I said it is not us, it is not us, and you see the other side of this equipment system, can we go all the same technology tree?"

The representative of the league responded to the table.

Listening to the two people for more than half an hour, the joy, the joint force represents the well number of the head, almost all the naked eyes.

Finally, he was irritated, and a slap in the wooden table, shouting, "Do you have a disease?! Especially you, the United Kingdom's shackles! When the 12 years ago, the light will be an amputation. A big mistake, you should split you directly! This is not very obvious that the other party is not a three, that is not the three kinds of invaders, do it, do it! Noisy?! Whole Mist But this is the military force of such a small island? "

"As for this forces, who are you, I don't know, I don't want to know, I will give you a chance. I don't say it before the end of the meeting, I don't have to say it, I am ready to gain the body on my island! "

The representative of the joint force is turned around. As the most powerful country in Mist, the joint force has always been looking for a reason to kill the other two.

The joint power of having a huge advantage is not because of any of the other, it is afraid of a plus two, and the appearance of this time, the representative of the joint force smells the taste of the opportunity. .

"Maybe ... should thank this Cheng Jie ..."

The representative of the joint force is on the dark corridor, and the corner is touched.

The door closed behind, and the two of the two people who have been quarrel will suddenly smile.

"It seems that this joint power must do it."

"Well, this time it should be."

"That ..., wait for them, what is the matter between us?"


"Then prepare it according to the plan ..."

"it is good……"


"This time, you must kill this stinky bears" - from the representative of the United Kingdom.

"Ready, let's die together" - from the league representative.


Because of the emergence of Cheng Jie, three countries have smell the taste of the opportunity. They have prepared each nitesthesis, and they will prepare for other two parties.


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