Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 109 2-100. Mist (6)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Rememberme" - Chen Peter (B station has a video)


Time is in this moment, it seems to be stationary, the rain drops are in the air, the crystal rain drops map around everything, the pilot crushed mask in the MiG fighter, the cockpit of the Mist aircraft, a flesh and blood is blurred. With the steering rudder, the pedal under the front foot is already on, but he is still working hard, trying to stop the crash of the aircraft, hanging on the pocket watch of the chest, floating, is about to fall on his face.

Everything that happened to this planet seems to be recorded clearly by the raindrops.

In the raindrop, the wife hiding in the ground is praying for her husband, even though they don't even believe in God or any religion.

In the raindrop, the smile on the two homotransphobial faces entered together have disappeared, my brother is half-in the ground, and the fabric that holds her hands and died and pressed the brother's wound, and the blood was soaked with a thin fabric.

The joint power of the joint strength is over, the bomber from the other two has arrived, the cabin, another group of articles who have just learned the attacks of their own cities are full of confused looks.

The machine gunman lifted the machine gun and slammed down to the bomber where the bomber was buckled, and the bullet was born, and became a member in the rain drip.

The bomb is hand-drawn down the lever. The bomb begins to leave the cabin. A shell warhead from the ground has entered the cabin. The internal letter is about to occur. The explosion is about to happen. The metal mango begins to crack, the light yellow light is smooth, and the lever has just reached The face of the bomb.

On the ground, a bomb was squatted on the streets not far from the air defense gun group, and the soldiers who were responsible for the shells were frightened, and the movements of the moving can be solidified. After him, others are still controlling the weapons. Shot to the sky.

The shells with delayed lettering fly into the sky in the fire.

Among the ruins of the distance, a husband wearing a military uniform is trying to dig your own wife to dig out, on his head, a black point is gradually zooming.

Next to the building is collapse, a mother protects her child, sitting in the collapsed building, she is trembled, tears, fear over, but the mother loves to defeat fear.

A full-footed tank has just landed, the machine gun on the body began to shoot around, and the soldiers just came to have a blood flower, and the soldiers of the rocket launcher fell back, the anti-tank missile was dragged from the tail flame The transmitter rushed out.

... In the hospital, this doctor is the fifteenth surgery today. His face is exhausted, the mask is lost on the ground, and the shortage of medical materials has caused him to be replaceable. All things It is only used after simple disinfection.

A four-pair of four pairs of foots were lying on the operating table, and even the belly was fried, his pupil was scattered.

The doctor picked up the syringe and is an over-anesthetic.

...... On the busy command, the commander saw the numbers of counting on the screen, and only one bullet in his hand was tight.

... Form a stark contrast with them is the most central location of the underground traffic network, which is the rich people exclusive area.

I booked one person in the hot spring, complaining in the mouth, I can't see the sky, and I took a maid wearing a maid dress, and held a tray.


The rain drops, the world recorded in the world, the May Fighter's pilot eventually lost their consciousness, and the fighter was not controlled to the sea.

Mist pilots did not save this fighter, the wife's photo flew from him, but he regarded it, he reached out to pull the emergency ejection, but there were no physical strength left. , The eyes are slow and closed, and the red monocloon is lost.

In the underground air defense hole, the wife prayed for her husband suddenly shocked, and the weak connection with her husband was disconnected at this moment, and the tears came out.


"Don't ... Don't tell your mother ... Don't tell your mother ... Don't tell ..."

The younger brother finally swallowed the last breath.

My brother patted his face, and said in my brother's ear. "You are scaring me ... You are scaring me! Ah!"

He looked up, mourning on the battlefield filled with great noise, unconsciously, with the head of the helmet revealed the trench, a bullet as if it passed through the paper as simple ended his helmet.

...... The shell is fried in the bomber, and most of the crew is torn into a fragment instant ...

After the explosion, the lucky lucky leader left his position, he didn't need to guide his bomber, he could open the comrades on the machine gun, reached out to reach the machine gun, and stuck the shell Fly, bullets are sent, the thumb presses the trigger, and the machine gun will output the firepower to the cluster above.

Along with metal torn sound, this bomber's right wing is broken, the fuselage began to roll to the ground.


The bomb slam has springs, this heavy bomb is just into the anti-air gun group, the artillery is pressed into a broken meat, and the explosion is almost simultaneously, and their body is torn, burned.


The soldiers who threw the weapon on the ruins were willing to get a arm of his wife, and the collapsed building next to him suddenly broke him, and the bomb fell, and everything here, including the collapse building. Mother with his own child.


That slaughter has a long tank, its good luck has also arrived at the head, and more anti-tank team arrived, an anti-tank missile hit, the active defense system finally exhausted, watching the screen Flying anti-tank missile, the tank hands left the operating rod, and took the photos of the mother on the front panel, and the eyes showed this photo.

"I'm coming……"


In the battlefield hospital, the mourning of the wounded was still going. The doctor who just killed the wounded looked at a wounded wound, shaking his head, "It's too late ...", saying that I will get up to another. An injured side.

After the sound of the wounded, "Save me ... I don't want to die ..."

Respond to him is that the nurse pushes a medication into the blood vessel.


In the command office, a middle school pushed the office door of the commander, and saw the commander of his own, he stunned for a few seconds, there were some tears in his eyes, and he hurriedly wiped, and went to this commander. It is also always to bring yourself how to survive the game in the army.

There is a document on the desk. It is the surrender protocol, next to a paper, write "Li, let me go home, this war ... we can't win"

The middle school looked at these two sheets, and looked at the body of his Master. He solemnly salted a military ceremony and then torn a piece of the surrender protocol.

"Master, didn't choose ..."


The rich was scared by a notice to scare from his warm maid, while starting to develop the plan of the occupant, thinking about itself to the occupiers, it is appropriate to give the occupiers.


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