Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 110 2-101. Mist (7)

It is never thought of this step is that Cheng Jie will never think of it. However, since the three did not take himself as an opponent, then he was first squinted, in addition to non-production of MiG to supplement the loss, Cheng Jie has almost nothing. Too big losses, a large number of bovine frogs and MiG make the enemy's fighter formation outside the island.

The air defense cannon deployed on the island basically did not send it.

At sunset, it has been in the last four hours from the last enemy large-scale championship. However, the sky in the distance is still empty, and there is no enemy shadow.


On the airport on the airport, the four Migg Fighting machines are in the warranty, the pilots are not allowed to leave the plane, the ammunition is completed, just waiting for a single order.

After continuing to wait and see, the pilots received an attack order, and the twelve Mige took off from three airports and formed a formation in the air and flew it to Beibei.

"Silver 11 Notice Team member, this task is the nature of investigation, pay attention to the ground."

"Roger that."

"Roger that."


After a few hours of flight, the MiG pilots finally saw a silk shining.

"Silver 22 reports long machine, fifty-four targets on radar, north is straight to us."

"The long machine is received, confirmed, ready for the machine, and shot down."



- United Kingdom Third Heavy Bomber Formation -

Quantity: 54

Escort fighter: 22

Status: I am returning

"Is there anything in the radar?" The captain suddenly asked.

Nailman confused the map of the hand and looked up to the radar screen.

"There is no, the captain, nothing."

"Isn't it ... How do I feel that there is something?"

In the eye sight, it is a twelve Migan warboard that collided with them. After a while, the alarm tip of the cabin suggests that they have been locked.

"The captain, there are twelve fighters in front!" The pilot determined that the radar signal immediately reported.

"I saw it, the whole staff is going to roll, we have to start to avoid", "said, the bomber has carried out a vertical drop close to 90 degrees. On the way, the fuselage be turned to roll, then hovering left, hopes to avoid The missile hit, due to the blockade of the upper message, at this time, most pilots still don't know that Cheng Jie's empty missile is a large angular turn chasing the target.


Not allowed, the bomber is flat, the darkness of the captain is faded, and it will restore the Qingming again. However, he is waiting for him. It is a missile that has just chased it. The end of the machine is blown, and no fixed staff will fly from the broken.


The second missile hits the cab, and the sound in the channel is abrupt.


"What about escort? Our escort?"

The voice is just that the escort team that provides protection for this bombing machine accelerates the leaving the charter.

Migg also responded, leaving eight with the other escort to entangle, and the four four times did not enter the clouds, accelerated to the top of the other bomber formation.


"Open fire! Open fire! Self-defense machine guns will be called for me!"

In the air defense fire network of four Miger, such as the air defense fire network composed of more than 30 bombers, the number of missiles has rhythm, the number of bombs is also rapidly reduced, this trend is until the four MiG's missiles are exhausted. Exhausted.

"The escort is coming back!" Residue.

...... Looking at a bomber, a bomber is burning, then dragging the black trail falls to the ground, and the captain of the last bombers know that he is afraid that he can't go back.

"Comrades, you should be to explain this ..."

"Yes, my college comrades."

"Next, I will commit suicide against enemy fighters. You can choose to continue with me or choose to continue."

... The channel is silent for a while.

"Okay ...", the five machine captains should answer.

"Please think about it ...", this young school is interrupted by the captain of the five machine.

"Made, die together!"

It was originally moving a large angle to the five-plane machine, and the Miggurigan pushing from above did not react, the two machine collided, and the fragments were dropped to the ground.

"Five machines unmanned skydiving, us ... Tail machine gunmen Please confirm the enemy position", the captain of the 14th machine asked the tail machine gunman in his channel.

"It's almost ..."

"The enemy plane is to ...", the end of the audience bombards, glass breaks, and the venom febril in the tail box.

The body of the endor gunner is thrown into the air.

The captain suddenly reduced the speed to the lowest, followed by the MiG pilot behind immediately, and hoped to leave the impact area.

Although his reaction is not slow, it also successfully escaped the end of the bomber, but as the bomber capture moved to the left, the right wing rapidly lifted, just stopped in the direction of the MiG, this When the wing and MiG are less than half a meter.

Explosion immediately, the MiG pilot decided to discard, a umbrella flower bloomed.

On the bomber being fell, the right machine gunman saw this umbrella flower, he fell into the machine, aiming at the umbrella, just at the moment he had to deduct the trigger, what did you think of, he Laughing, hands left the machine gun.

Next second, the fuselage was broken, and his entire person was booked on the left wing of the falling side, and the sight was gradually blurred.

In the last second picture, it seems that the umbrella is hit by his other comrades.

... after ten minutes.

[The whole staff of our Mi Form, no life]

I heard the report, Cheng Jie nodded, "Well, remember their name, produce the next batch of meters, continue to invest in investigation."


"What is the investigation result?"

[According to the current situation, the tripartite has already made a big hand, and the war will not end before the two parties will completely fall.

A photo appears in front of Cheng Jie.

I saw the city where the city and the civilians who did not have refuge were in the bomb and the death of the gods, and they saw the scenes of the rich zone as comparison, Cheng Jie couldn't help but think of their own civilization.

"Don't you have this civilization?"


"System, any move I made in the mission world will not affect the reality?"

May not ...]

"That's good, Anya, now starting to re-produce six fleets, three are a group, send three countries, and launch a blow to all of them, ending the battle here as soon as possible."

[Confirmation ... Your command will be faithfully executed]

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