Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 116 2-107. Rest (4)


"Soldiers! Although we have known the result before the battle begins, but at this moment, our fleet also arrived at the enemy's motherstar ... This is a final battle, the enemy's female star is destroyed, we ... can't fall! Soldiers, you picked up the civilians of weapons! Let us be here, let the arrogant gods get the lessons of blood, not civilization, they are toys in their hands, this time! Even if it is difficult to escape, Also use the truth to tell the enemy, you ... failed ... "


"The head of the group has signed orders. At this moment, anyone will not withdraw one step, we will give the enemy in these four streets to pay a painful price!"


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


Some homes were blast, and the collapsed ruins buried most of the roads, leaving only a few narrow channels, the huge shield slaves were blocked outside, although it is clear that this is a trap, but trusts the monarch warriors equipped by themselves. It didn't use a more secure way to attack, and it is possible to pass through the channel axon and a variety of knives.

On the other side of the channel, they wait for their various lightweight firepower for human deployment.

A hair machine bullet was played on an ax slave, and the bullet continued to fly, and he wore a body of a sword slave, and then went to kill the second heavy armor slave.

The warhead collides with the white armor, which is consumed that a large amount of kinetic bullets can even leave traces on the armor of heavy armor.

But soon, the second warhead came one after another, and the soft armor of the armored, and the armor knife slaves should be poured.


After half an hour, the ground between several channels and the first layer of defense lines were full of bodies. The huge number of experts finally broke through the fire network, and the face-to-face fight begins.

With the suddenness of the first place, the fight in the trenches is more fierce, and the four soldiers will puncture the bayonet on the gun to rush to the slaughter.

The knife slaves cut the knife, did not make the two people who dodge, the body is still slightly convulsive, the soldiers who are in time, climbed with forward, hold the legs of the knife, another person is immediately lost Lower gun, rush to hit the knife, knees pressed the arm of the knife, took out the dagger, and a knife stabbed the chest of the slave.

Subsequently, the knives rushed into the trenches quickly harvested the life of these two soldiers, and immediately launched a charge to the second defense.

The second line of defense is the civilian defensive from Cheng Jie.


It has been seen by the telescope how to crash by the professional soldiers, and Cheng Jie played these people around himself.

Because most equipment is used to hand over the fleet to the exempted, this lack of fighters, tanks and other heavy fires have been exhausted outside the dome, which will have a few fighters and tanks.

Although the collapsed building can block the enemy that reminds huge tightening, it is not difficult to clean up a road that has passed the victory income pocket.

Even if the other party does not invest in the Shield, only the telescope is dense, and the knives are being launched. Cheng Jie knows that even the regular troops can't stop, these civilians are probably the rhythm of the row.

But I don't know why, these people not only don't fear, but there are still some ... excited and fanatics.

Cheng Jie did not see the look of fear and worry on any face, everyone, including Li Bing, is like seeing the same expression like victory.

"How is this? The regular army can't hold it", Cheng Jie worried about the speech reminded.

Li Bing smiled, "hard to fight."

Return the telescope again, the opposite knives have been completed, and the heavy armor slaves stand in front, and the slave is neatly arranged behind them.

Cheng Jie shook his head and moved his mouth again.

"How do I feel the front of the white armored knives ... still have something?"

A building in the distance finally collapsed in a loud noise, and the dust covered the entire battlefield, in the dust, and a relationship is slowly coming to the position of human beings.

Most people's consciousness avoid dust, but there are also people like Cheng Jie, always look at the battlefield, the same, they also saw the outline of the penetrant slaves.

"Is it my eyes?"

A man put down the telescope and looked at the eyes again to the battlefield.

"I also saw it ...", there is a little confused next to another companion.

I heard the dialogue between them, Cheng Jie also speech, "I also see that there is something."

"I saw it, then I can't be wrong?"

Just when the three did not understand, the other side came up with someone's bright voice.

"Enemy! Eleid! They can stealth!"

The gun sounded again.

Because the position of the penetrating knife slave is not clear, the human side has only taken the front.

The rear of the mortar position began to launch the shells, and it looked at the battlefield of the empty, and suddenly burst a group of fires, from the population of various weapons in the hands of the people.

Seeing that the penetration action failed, all penetrated slaves no longer hesitate, accelerate to run to the enemy.

The knife slaves of the latter array have also begun to advance, approaching the defense line of the humanity.


Two rounds of mortar cannonballs, and the ground has been lying on the influence of the influence of the smell, but still has a large number of penetration knife slaves, just when people don't stop the trigger, the child should be hidden in the basement. We rushed out, their body tied to explosives, they should also worry-free them, they are forced to go on the battlefield and become a cyclist of suicide attacks.

Seeing this scene in front of you, Cheng Jie threw the weapon, shouting, "Don't go! Don't go! This is the suicide of the horse!"

However, his words did not work, he looked around, and saw the civilians who were still killed in the trigger, they saw their children also in the team of suicide attacks, there was a little in the face, But no one stops.

The first sound explosion sounded, and the young life dissipated in the explosion.

Li Bing pulled Cheng Jie and pressed him in the trench.

Cheng Jie got a slurry, but he didn't work, and asked Li Bing, who had already smashed, "What is this special?"

"We ... has agreed ..."


Cheng Jie pushed Li Bing from himself, got up and prepared to climb the trench, Li Bing to hold the legs of Cheng Jie, "We signed an agreement! This is ... Legal."

I heard legitimate words, Cheng Jie's disappointment, legal? What is legal? It turned out that everyone was recognized, the agreement was signed, even if it was a child who hadn't tied the bomb, it can be legally legally.

"... that at least, let me get together with them ..."

Cheng Jie's root, opened Li Bing's grabbed finger, then the head did not return with these children, rushing to the knife.

His charge, as if it is a match in the dark, complete the civilians of the two dialogues, looked at the national flag of the body, and looked at the children who hit the bomb suicide attack, and rushed Go out.

The turmoil here causes the attention of civilians on other regions.

From time to time, there are several people to turn out the trenches and launch a charge to the enemy.


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