Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 117 2-108. Rest (5)


Finally, between the children, Cheng Jie found the familiar figure.

"Hey! Stand! Stand!"

Cheng Jie called what his daughter was recalled in his mind, but he couldn't think of it anyway.

The daughter seems to have heard the call of his father. She turned her head, crying and smiling on her face.

In the next second, an exotic penetrated knife slave has passed her head.

Cheng Jie has a big eyes, and the chest is like a hopper with a hammer, and the rifle in his hand falls on the ground.

Monitoring the moment of daughter's heartbeat stopped, the bomb opened, the flame swallowed the knife slave, and also swallowed her daughter's body.

The hot waves of the explosion will push Cheng Jie to the ground, and he is in the direction of the direction, and the eyes want to crack.

On the side of him, a penetrated knife slaves raised a weapon and ashable.

However, Li Bing, which is rushing, is rushing.

Her upper body fell in front of Cheng Jie, reflected the shadow of Cheng Jie in the beautiful eyes.


Take the dagger, a knife, the chest of the knife, Cheng Jie is like crazy, no matter whether the knife of the slave is inserted into the abdomen, bite the neck of the knife, it is torn, and the fist is smashed in the knife. The dagger is on.

The meat at the neck of the knife slaves was torn, and the bitter taste spread in the mouth. He spit out the meat in your mouth and continued to bite.

In the end, this knife slave is unwillingly, and Ren Jie uses a dagger to open his body.

... I don't know when the civilians are basically injured, surviving a small shares of humanity - including 14 civilians and two civilian staff in Cheng Jie.

The broken knife slaves came around them.

Mandarin, which is not standard, "We hope, you, surrender, life"

This sound seems to be stimulated by Cheng Jie. He rushed out of the crowd again, and he rushed to another knife. The knife of the knife slave was given, cut off the left arm of Cheng Jie.

However, he seems to feel pain, and the right hand is holding the dagger of the slightly blade, and a knife pierces the throat of the knife from the bottom, pulls out the knife, and then bite it.

People behind them are using the things that they will pick up as a weapon, and kill with the front of the knife.

The other party's commanders seem to have the will of the people, and they have not directly moved out of the heavyweight unit, but they are constantly sending the physical strength of people with sword slaves.

But he wants to be wrong, starting from the beginning of the child suicide attack, these people have pushed their own death.


In the end, it is also barely standing on the surrounding circle, only the Hand is only one.

His physical strength has been branched, shaking around, and may fall at any time.

"Why, the end of the strong

I heard the words from the radio, and Cheng Jiemer did not work in another step to another.

This one of the slaves came to see, I hope someone can help himself, but no one responds to her.

Cheng Jie is playing on her face, breaking the slave focuses, fell on the ground, Cheng Jie knees a soft, and also squatting on her.

The elbow took over the abdomen of the sword slave, Cheng Jie turned over, and the left arm was broken into the mud. He moved to this slave, and this slave is not short.

Finally, Cheng Jie can't move, he reached out, and finally unrestrained.

In his last moment in front of him, countless sword slaves fell to the ground, tightly pressed the chest.



[About your body, I have solved it]

In the dark, the sound of the system sounded.

"How is this going?"

[You see ... is another world mirror]

[This is also one but you fail, the results of your own world]

[So, in order to prevent this future]

[Constantly fight]

[Thank you]

[Note: Your consciousness is about to return]

[3 ... 2 ... 1]


[End of sleep]

Welcome back

[I am Hanwu]

Cheng Jie woke up in a transparent hibernation, the hatch is open, and the Hanwu's holographic projection appears in front of Cheng Jie.

[Please don't panic, you may now feel dizzy, disgusting, please don't worry, this is normal)

[I am Hanwu, in the year of frozen, I have completed the task you gave me due diligence]

[Mrs. Li Bing, European sister, Chicheng Sister, Tiancheng sister, reputation, Yu Ying, Su Qing, a total of seven people also choose to enter sleep chains after you enter the sleep hatch.

[Now, it is time to awaken them.


Cheng Jie walked out his sleep with the help of the auxiliary arm.

The cold military took him to another room, and the seven hibernation cabins were neat in the room.

Cheng Jie walked to these hibernation.

Lying in the first sleep chamber is the European root. In addition to the color of the skin, she seems to be just asleep.

I looked at a circle and went to the last hibernation. He saw her in his memory.

"Han Wu ... The soul is successful?"

[Not completely successful, at least the success of Li Bing, only the success of Li Bing, "

Cheng Jie nodded, there is no smile on his face, "Okay, then stop this project, we should not need it."

[Confirmation, the project has been terminated]

"Help me awaken them ...", Cheng Jie sat on the chair and waited for the seven women's awake.



The first sentence of European Roots is "The Captain woke up?"

Then she saw Cheng Jie sitting on a chair and smiling.

Ou Roots quickly wanted to go out from sleep, but the legs did not listen to the call, and the body was one.

Cheng Jie helped her, whispered, "Well, I woke up."


The safety house that has not been used for a long time, a thin layer of gray is accommodated, and Cheng Jie huans looks around, and pick up the rag soaked and begins to wipe.

The seven women looked at each other and also started to pack their rooms.

When I was waiting for dinner, the safety house lit up light, and the reputation took the initiative to ask, and I was a maid, forcibly packaged dinner.

Of course, when everyone looks at Hajis and looking upstairs, everyone has reached some consensus, and three meals after the day may not need to help.

As for fry and fries ... this is the most popular meal on this dinner. Seeing a little bit of loveless expression, Cheng Jie touches her head, comforted, "Nothing, I will not cook, I don't have to go to Chi City after I am going to learn ..."

The reputation feels that he has been heard 10,000 hits * 1

"Isn't it difficult to eat it? Don't you delay you ..."

The reputation feels that he has been huddled at 10,000 points * 2

"This thing ... sometimes look at the talent, don't care too much ..."

The reputation feels that he has been hitted by 10,000 points * 3

"Okay, the captain, don't say it ..."

"Oh fine……"

[When your mouth becomes this ... poison ...]


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