Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 119 2-110. Integration (2)

... I have eaten breakfast, Cheng Jie set foot on flights to Australia.

Temporary and rest several times, after seven or eight hours, the Star River fell on the airport runway at the Australian base.

[Nowadays, the local time at 4:25 in the afternoon, the Huaxia Standard time is two or five in the afternoon]

[Please follow the armed guards to go to the chart]

Cheng Jie just walked down the plane, the two teams of the empire talked about him in the middle and walked into a Thunder.

The hatch is closed, and other empire soldiers board their thunder, and they will enter the underground.

After passing the tunnel, the vast baseline library appeared in front of Cheng Jie, and the huge battleship was parked on the machine.

[The warship is 1.2 kilometers long, 140 meters high, the ship is 120 meters, the controlled nuclear fusion reactive pile cluster, multi-capsule design, the cabin is expected to park 36 Apollo ", four bouss wells, the current warplate has been put into produce

[Clear and lower ship bridge, it can reduce the inside of the ship when necessary, provide protection for the ship bridge personnel with armor

[We have made some changes in terms of platform]

[Leave more platforms on both sides to carry a missile one type of weapons]

[The platform of the front of the ship is left, expected weapons such as assembly of the main gun]

[Space distribution inside the ship, leave some space]

[According to the newly added Soviet super-weapon data, we re-deploy the iron curtain device on the bridge of the warship, and the range can cover the entire ship, and each time it provides approximately half a minute protection time.

[In the core area, we cut the place where the original storage bomb was carried out, and the super wave destruction device was deployed.

[Armor, in addition to the conventional materials, we also put a large number of nano-mechanical insects, which can be repaired when armor is damaged. At the same time, in order to make up for the consumption of nano-mechanical worm, we will plan a manufacturing plant area in the core area, specializing in production Mechanical and various equipment and ammunition, as long as there is material, you can self-produce self-produced

[The front of the ship has left the platform, leaving space for proton weapons or super-large killing weapons]

... Huaxia standard time 12, the plane landed, when Cheng Jie returned to the safety house again, a large number of weapons development projects were on the horse, including the odd laser gun, near-anti-weapon, large double-mode beam gun, Shendu air defense system Surrurally.

All staff of the 38 computer cores and a technology park are also investigated.

At the same time, under the finalization of Cheng Jie, the weapons of the entire ship have been determined.

After a large number of Soviet engineers, they also brought new new blood ideas for each group, and improved the improvement of the existing equipment of the Rising Sun also started.

The Soviet engineer believes that the platform like steel and ghosts is only a single weapon. It is really a waste of evil. The least shoulder cannon is going on, and it is necessary to last, but for this, the engineers of Rising Sun said Opposition, and think that the homekee armor is for fast mobile, keep up with the speed of large teams, one but installed multi-weapons will result in slow operations.

In summary, when this problem is transmitted to Cheng Jie, Cheng Jie is also a bit confused. These two parties say it seems to be correct, so he simply let the two sides join hands to revisit a mechanical armor and give a few Key indicators - fierce, foldable, convenient transport, strong and reliable.

For the fire, the firepower is reliable, the Soviet engineer said it is very good, and it is very good for the folding and convenient transport of Rising Sun.

Then, in the second day, two groups prepared to transform Apollo and Tiangu have also reported to Cheng Jie, this problem is more complicated. After all, it is related to the problem of mount accelerators. The programs taken out of the two sides are very different. One party gives more protection and firepower, for this, do not hesitate to lose the speed, their explanation is - anyway, there is an accelerator.

One of the rising days pays attention to multi-purpose and speed. They think that the player will not be too large in the future war, too much attention to protection and fire resistance will restrict multi-purpose development.

The two sides have conducted a deep-depth friendly greetings on the other's motherland online, and the quarrel has been big. In the end, Cheng Jie is also made by the method, letting them have developed, and give an indicator - fire, speed, more Use, can mount the accelerator, can relax the requirements for the entry into the atmosphere, greatly not a pure space fighter.

...... The next day, Cheng Jie basically quarrels every day.

The two sides started from the main gun, and there was a constitutional and collaboration of the near-defense system, and the planning of the ship line was smaller to a position of a blocked laser gun.

However, after half a year, all this has been rewarded.

Regarding the planning plan for the ship space 12.0, finally the dust settled.

In addition to what the head is not changed, other changes have changed.

The second half of the ship is originally a power chamber. Now, the space of the power chamber is compressed by one-sixth. Internal protection is redesigned by the rising sun, and there is a foundation of some face recognition, sealing door, automatic fire extinguishing. Pack more security measures.

In the original design of the ejaculation, it is the only position that is like a big head is exposed. The two sides have reached the only consensus throughout the design, that is, the fragile power chamber is undoubtedly looking for death.

So the two sides have set up the armor here, but the plan to install the weapon is called by Cheng Jie, because the idea of ​​these Soviet engineers is to put the ammunition of these weapons together into the power chamber, Cheng Jie uses ass to know one What is the outer armor of the breakdown, that is the result of the whole family.

The more and heavy armor will have more internal space, so Cheng Jie expands the space of the organizer and increases two bolts.

The ship bridge is moved to the right, and the ship's layout looks at the aviation carrier close to the state.

The area where the bridge is located is installed according to the original plan, the nano-insect plant and the super wave destruction device, the huge cable is connected to the battlefield data antenna of the bridge, with the help of Hanwu and Anya, The computational power of the ship is enhanced, and all unnecessary programs are thrown into the trash.

The bridge, power cabin and large sectors other than the organic library, several main guns installed on the original ship were canceled, and more than 400 missile launch units were placed, and the bobs inside, except for routine warheads. Also equipped from the Soviet rocket launching car to get the multi-war tactical nuclear weapon, large amount of hydrogen bomb and a small amount of vacuum, which makes the Soviet engineer as a satisfaction.

The constitution of the near-defense system is from patriots, and the guardian 10 style (whites are Gaters can be switched out) and a small amount of ignition laser gun, and the three access to the show system, accept unified dispatch.

In addition to a large number of amphibotics, the organic library, the cabinet and the space that have to be occupied, the passenger cabin and the seating area are distributed, and the crest is mainly close to the principle, such as the natural living chamber of the person responsible for the power chamber.

Thanks to the foreseeable high automation, there are only two thousand and four hundred people, and almost all of the battle staff.

The maintenance of equipment is basically completed by the automatic device, only five hundred people are responsible for maintaining the automatic device.

Dynamic charts and maintenance account for a big head, and the number of nearly one thousand people will be ranked first.

Five hundred of the combatants, they are fighter pilots, the mechanics of the machine, or the airborne troops.

The four hundred people are the bridge personnel, including the military officers who can manually control most of the weapons platforms, responsible for assisting the scratch of the dispatching troops, responsible for the tactical officials of the tactical level.

There is almost no defense in the whole ship, because Cheng Jie thought about the warships around, although the space war can stand up to be discussed, but the absolute advantage is maintained in a space, the maidies are completely competent.

Now, in addition to the head of the ship, the only thing is similar to the proton on the weapon of the gun, the only thing that needs to be awaited is the fighter and combat.

Of course, everything on the drawings has to be implemented.


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