Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 120 2-111. Integration (3)


Four months later, three documents were placed on the desk of Cheng Jie.

Open the file and see the newly developed fighter and the warfare machine.

This time, Rising Sun engineers have redefined multi-purpose, complex deformation mechanisms are canceled, multi-purpose, this time is defined in the anterior airproof in the anterior gas circle.

This is an ultimate pursuit of speed and firepower, in order to adapt to the requirements of fighting inside and outside the ancestor, although this is said, but mainly focused on the actress, and this gods like Su47 pre-flapping aircraft, using variable Before the design of the wing, after standing, it is a rhombic fighter fusion that fuses. When you fight in the air circle, by changing the wing shape, you can provide faster motor and stronger dog fighting capabilities, despite most of the time enemy. He will be cleaned by the fourteen airmiles loaded by her abdomen, but given the concept of the researchers of both parties, an excellent fighter is still prepared for the dog.

And in the air circle, what shape is not so important, the design of the design mainly considers the heat resistance of the fuselage, radiationability, improvement in the material, and the protection ... The body itself can say that using a high radical machine gun It can be tearned, but thanks to the experience of the tsunami tank, this time, Rising Sun has reset it to this fighter. Of course, the tsunami uses (three items on the top of the head) is impossible. Also appeared in the head of the header, after all, it is difficult to make it clicking from the radar, if the top three items are topped, this invisible function is not required.

So this time, Rising Sun places them below the pilot ejaculation seat, the price is ... The pilot can't shoot this time, or win or die.

Of course, according to the habit of Rising Sun, this fighter ... is self-explosion.

... The second is the document of the land team transporter.

This inspiration from the Jane River transport aircraft can carry a two drone and 500 full-depressed soldiers (an average 100 kg per person), in the expected, only two in the battleship.

... The third part involves the combat machine, divided into two.

One is a drone armor, mainly by the Sovietheca and harvester of the Soviet Union, and after the unmanned transformation of the empire.

The other is a light human controlled human armor (similar to the Iron and ghost people in the empire, but the volume is significantly narrowed, about 2 meters, feet).

The two brought together the re-allocated land team and orbit airborne soldiers.

The land team is basically landing after the track airborne soldiers, the purpose is to expand the control area, stabilize the line, etc., mainly logged in through the transport plane, and start the drone armor after landing.

The track airborne soldiers are more crude. These troops are more like a special forces, and a team is equipped with a light man-controlled manicure. The human control machine has first landed, priority to destroy the enemy near the landing area. Thick, then others ride the landing cabin (can refer to the manned rocket return cabin), perform tasks such as the opening of the landing field, penetrate damage, killing or kidnaping of enemy important goals.

...... I have seen three documents, Cheng Jie did not hesitate to sign his name on the last page, authorized all the plans to work.

[Authorization has passed]

[All plans began to implement, it is expected to be completed after three months]

[In this period, I suggest you completely handle the zombies that still wander on the planet.

"Yes, after all, we have to leave ..."

[The current global nuclear radiation has been basically varied]

"How much is the number of zombies we can currently count?"

[Shot ... The number of global zombies is expected to be around 800 million]

"The empty place bursts with vacuum, where you can't clean, send our armored troops to bomb, strive to get into the enemy ... Yes, ask the underground city before you start, if they can recover, we will not It takes too many force to use. "


... after a moment.

[Underground cities said that there is no such zombie in the underground city]

"Then start cleaning according to the plan."

... With the Directive of Cheng Jie, this silent planned planet lit up a blind eye-catching brightening when the exploit of the exploit, the explosion of the explosion.

After a few weeks of uninterrupted bombing, the results of the sixth target scan, the value given by Cambrun is reduced to 2 million.

However, due to most of the remaining two million zombies, some zombies are relatively close, so the fired land plan for the vacuum is no longer practical, and the final Cheng Jie ordered the group army to handle it. All plans for the crops threatened.

At this time, there is still two months away from the Punu time of Hanwu, and in these two months, Cheng Jie urges the implementation of the space elevator and other plans, one side is doing power to handover, and strive to leave the earth. This is a heavy civilization that can be run, and gradually develop, maybe you can catch up with yourself after many years.

Today, this is the last meeting of this power.

Today, there are two people who have a variant, and the survivors represent the first general of the three people, Cheng Jie army commanders (not long ago, because there is an outstanding performance in the battle of zombies), An Anya And Cheng Jie himself, a total of eight people.

The eight-person meeting is open to the underground city and all bases through live broadcast.

Cheng Jie first got up and summarized the previous agenda.

"People in the earth, in the previous meeting we finalized the development model, legal system, and the attitude of religious beliefs, etc. in the previous conference."

"Today's question is, we need to establish a complete set of administrative models and our cooperation and status problems."

"My thoughts are like this, including all army strengths, all the bases, unified belonging to Ania's system jurisdiction, the general promotion of the generals, and publicly expressed in major incidents, war, variants and Survivors need to accept the management of the army, but in addition, the army does not intervene too much to develop the development of the two, and respect the rights and interests of independent sovereignty ... "

Looking at the endless Cheng Jie on the stage, a piece in underground city.

"Isn't this a military political model? What usually do not intervene? You come to a war, isn't it still mean?"

"We ask to return the army control!"

I don't know where to come from, I will follow the sound of two and three in the underground city, soon ... this slogan resounds in the city.

However, the military power in hand does not care about these people's protests. In fact, he means that human and variant cooperation, self-developed, and finally reaches the armed protected from the base, restores the independent state of the pre-war.

But most of the survivors under the incitement of some people, excessively understood what he meant and thought this was ready to prepare the rhythm of armed control.

Plus the previously finalized, "base technology is not open to the outside, but publicly the original integrated database and the federal database", this is, which is misunderstood to keep the armed advantage for survivors.

However, this can be understood that these survivors' knowledge reserves, I want to digest the original integration and the state of the database.

The dissatisfaction of underground cities is gradually high. If you leave, then after two or three centuries, the base army staying here will have a large-scale war in the third war.

I know this point of Cheng Jie and Hanwu, and throw the most critical one in the last one.

"Finally, even though we will not open military equipment and our database, we will open limit, a large number of people who have a lot of scientific research capabilities in the variety of people with scientific research capabilities, and do their best for Ania Provide all support with the commander to provide reasonable programs ... At the same time, we admit that our combatants as a general person's personality, can put down the weapons, integrate into yourself, including marriage, employment, etc. ... "

[Sorry ... this is what I think is the most useful in the stage]

Han Wu said in the ear.

"However, we have resolutely resist any discrimination behavior, and we have the corresponding protection for all the people who are integrated, and they are accepted, we have corresponding protective measures, and for expressing gratitude, we will also accept our staff. People or variants are provided, including but not limited to legal support, all of us can provide, tripartite recognized, legal help. "


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