Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 125 3-1. Qihang (1)

[Note, near-defense system started, start cleaning fragment]

The first task of the unknown time to suck the emblem is to pour the ammunition on the fragments floating in those spaces.


[The task is completed, the reward has been issued]

[New task reached: through the asteroid belt]

[Task Reward: 100 task points, 1 lucky draw chance]


[At present, this ship has just risen to the second universe speed, being detached from the earthality]


[This sailing objective: half-man horses alpha] star, the South Gate 2]

[According to the maritime group plan, this ship will first drive to the Mars base. When they are about to arrive, they will be sent to the Mars base, mainly to collect the scientific and technological information of Mars base.

[It is expected that they have fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, they must return to the transport plane, then join us]

[Here, we can't slow down, and you must first accelerate with Mars gravity, it is expected to reach the speed of the third universe, that is, about 17 km per second.

[At this speed, the whole ship enters the preparation state, accelerate the main engine standby to save fuel, the ion engine continues to work, and attack the asteroid band with the current speed]

[If we successfully pass through the asteroid belt, we will restart the main engine, using the nuclear radiation generated by the fusion, and the reaction force generated by the injected ion is pushed to accelerate, and once again, the gravity of Jupiter is performed, and it is expected that this time After speeding up, we will be able to pull up the speed to about 75 km per second.

[After the second paragraph acceleration, this ship will go to Neptune, the main engine work, the ion engine work, accelerate to 150 kilometers, close the main engine, the ion engine continues to work]

[Restably began to slow down, this ship will be boiled and supplemented with fuel, and the fighter investigating Kebi Belt route is released. It is expected that the fuel is completed before the fuel is completed.

[But next ...]

"What happened next?"

[ ... you can look at the approximate views of our building builds

A three-dimensional image appears on the projection.

The blurred image is marked with all the planets after Jupiter, as well as the Neptune in the Kirbe Belt (thank you for using the same route in the Sena, and the big-scale cleaning of the shatter in the track) and is in the Kieb Pluto.

And the Kieb is densely labeled in white dots.

"These, no ..."

[Yes, there are currently in our data inventory, these original star fragments ... are collectively referred to as MSI]

[These MSI can't form planets, the largest celestial diameter known in the Whole Belt has no more than 3,000 km

[Unfortunately, we have to pass here, because the same time is expected to be in the world ... also in the Kubi Bo]

[When Crossing the Kieb belt, this ship will use all the armed forces to survive, including but not limited to vacuum burst, conventional missiles, proton hit guns, iron curtains, nano shields, super wave destruction devices, etc.

[After successfully crossing the Kiebs, the ship plan continued to send fighter investigations to get new map information]

[If you don't have access to the map information previously stored, then after planning, you will continue to use the main engine and ion engine to accelerate until the 5% of the radius ... This voyage requires a minimum of 200 years.

[During the time, you and your family will enter all sleep state, while other schievers work properly, after the death is replaced]

[Or more, the current plan given by the navigation group, if you approval, please sign here]

Cheng Jie picked up the pen and finally signed his name in the file.

[Authorization has passed, after entering the Kiebs)

Cheng Jie nodded.

He is still familiar with the location of each of the cabins in the unkamed era.

"Cambrian, the scientific research project in the ship can't stop, after all, we have not fully launched nuclear fusion technology, basically only borrowed the integration of the heritage, we must understand the normal temperature superconducting material and resistance of the uniformity of the uniformity in the reaction furnace as soon as possible. How is ultra-high temperature hot material production, these technologies don't understand, we can only eat old. "

[Reassuring, our research team has never stopped]

"Well, what about food?"

[Currently in the production area, food planting from nuclear gathering reactor is being trial running. If the experiment of artificial photosynthesis, we will continue to expand plant scale]

[Next, we will cooperate with the wireless transmission technology with the nuclear polyvertural reactor, remove the large number of lines under the whole ship as soon as possible, so as not to lose part of the combat power due to line damage in the battle.

"There is also a problem with communication, and the development of quantum confidential communication cannot stop, and at least the range of the entire ship is available."


"Right, our radar can probe how far is it?"

[Our radar ... can basically cover directly in the planet, but in space, because other objects are generally not the main force]

"How do we warned?"

[Mainly based on gravitational wave detection, after observation of some regional gravitation, the optical instrument will be scanned with radar, and finally confirmed the cause of abnormalities to achieve an early warning.

"That ... will we be very slow?"

[Not, the computer on the Odyssey prototype ship has been replaced, the unknown time number has the same calculation speed as the base, handling these data-going edges]

... drifting on the channel to the cabin, grab the next handle, Cheng Jie suddenly opened.

"How long does it take to Mars?"

[... "estimated eighty days]

"What is the highest speed we can achieve?"

[20% of the speed]

"Why is it not directly accelerating through the asteroid?"

[Fuel and security problems, we can't fill in the solar system, because we don't fully understand the situation in the whole solar system, such as the fragmentation of the explosion of the Mars base constitutes a threat to normal routes? What is Semdina destroyed, what extent? What's more, you will follow our previous cognitive star fields, everything depends on your own exploration.

[These are unable to determine, and we face two levels - asteroid belts and Kiebs, we all need plenty of motivation when we travel through these two levels, the asteroid belt is okay, the integration and the Banglian database Detailed depiction of the asteroid belt, but the Kieb belt can be said to be almost dark, in addition to knowing that all the obstacles, we have a few awareness coming from Sena's black box.


[According to their position, especially when close to the asteroid belt, if we continue to accelerate, then after, we will cost the fuel reduction]

And it is possible to encounter a fragment from Mars base.

[So, before using Jupitar to speed up the second paragraph, we still have to fly low speed]

[After brushing Jupiter, we will start acceleration until the vicinity of Hawangxing, the parking and fuel replenishment, and finally passing the Kieb belt]


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