Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 126 3-2. Karai (2)


"Bridge, Pelican First, Second Preparation, apply for offers."

[Bridge received, route planning has been sent, , two quasi-opened ship]

"Received the bridge, 1, two start shipping."

[Received, see later]

"Okay, see it later."

Two appearances of analogized version of the dimension (turbo jet engine has been replaced by a rocket engine) rolled out from the bombing well in the back of the ship. Because of the model, the fighter-specific accelerator is not applicable to them, so the transportation machine is currently unable to install the accelerator to provide a higher speed.

But despite this, it is much more fast than the unnamed times of the speed of the speed of various detectors in the previous multi-century.


After eight hours, the transport plane arrived in Mars base.

Although the picture is still unable to transmit, the photo has been delivered.

In the photo, the highest Olympus Mountain, the highest Mars, as if they were split from the middle, and the wreckage of the Mars base is covered in the huge section.

[Comparison according to the information, it should be the power set of the Mars base.

The previous day, the wake-up, still feels a bit nausea, he is covered with the eyebrows on the shipping platform, and the pictures of the trail return.

[Branch task has been reached: Mars base data]

[In the independent server in the Mars Base, there is also a large number of state-of-the-counter high-level technology. If it can be collected, it will help our current technology development]

[Task Reward: 100 Mission Point, Mall and Lottery Interface Wash]


"Han Wu, find the main server of the Mars base, copy the things inside."

[Directive has been reached]


[, two, put down the land team, then alert]

"Pelican one, two received, is putting down the land team."

The two transport planes originally on the Mars began to fall, when the transport plane stopped on the ground, the hatch door opened, and the land warfare team of full covered outer skeleton was first, then two unmanned sickle machine came from the cabin. Out.

The Marine Corps reorganizes the formation, with two unmanned sickle machines as a pioneer, and enter the Mars base at the fracture of Olympus.

The two transporters immediately looked down and went around Olin Pabas.


The next day, Cheng Xi woke up and received a notice from Hanwu.

[About 40,000 kilometers from Mars)

[It is expected to arrive after approximately one hour]

[At present, we have been able to pick up the picture of the land team, is it played? ]

Cheng Jie nodded.


In the projection, the line of perspectives belongs to the No. 1, the line No. 2 is the No. 2, and the No. 4 perspective belongs to the two unmanned sickle machine. The remaining perspectives are placed in each party, monitor.

The 34th perspective is also enough to understand the situation inside the Mars base.

The picture from the sickle machine has still been very stable, although sometimes there will be some up and down, the problem is not big.

Just when I looked at the picture at Cheng Jie, a thing suddenly hit on the camera and scared Cheng Jie Yum.

"what is this?"

Cheng Jie hurriedly cut his perspective to another sickle, and he saw the object that attacked the perspective.

That is a shrinking human body, he is tightly putting on the helmet of space clothes, and he should have never been able to do it yet, and then there is no chance.

The temperature here took his body temperature and took his life. After hitting the shell shell with the sickle machine, this body broke into several paragraphs, hit the surrounding metal.

It seems to touch what switch, this is still a complete channel that is lighted, and several hatches that have not been locked. It seems to be part of the cabin, and the door opened at the door, the cabin. The indoor thing got a force floating to the channel.

Paper, lamp, of course, there is a corpse.

There is no expression in the face, which seems to be killed in your sleep.

"The Pelican No. 1 calls ignean, returned to the team as soon as possible."

"Hyena is received."

Under the schematic of the captain, several players simultaneously lifted the things that floating in front of the front, the stabilizer continued to fine tuning, helping them to serve the rear sitting force of the firearms.

After they shot, the two sickle machines have also begun to scan the channel.



It is still two sickle opens, and the land team is followed, looking at the air of the fragment, they are low.

In the bridge, with Cheng Jie's standing, except for the radar group, other people in the bridge gathered in the cap, slightly down.

"Let the Marine Corps leave a text message to the human beings will come later."


What? ]

"Well ... Half Horse House α Star, this is, don't write anything."



Soon, the Marine Team was on the transporter, and the unnamed time of the unknown school also faintly appeared in the sky.

The two transporters are lifted, and the output power rises, leaving here.

After the transporter is parked, the bomb is turned off, and the ship starts with the power of the Mars to take the next destination speed.


[Left six turn to the engine is closed, there is one to three turn engines to prepare for fine-tuning]

[Hanging 101.5, longitudinal 000, current ship aviation direction to 010, longitudinal 000]

[3 ... 2 ... 1]

[Hanging 101.5, longitudinal 000, current ship aviation direction to 102, longitudinal 000 ... ion engine full power output]

[Main Engine Power: 15%]


[Hanging 101.5, current ship 101.5, longitational 000, main engine power rise ...]




[Break free of Mars, start to fly to the asteroids]

[Keep speed, after fifteen minutes, touch the asteroid belt]


Cheng Jie sat on the ship's platform, in the distance field in the distance, Niki Maicai is like a wall-like white spot, which is the hindrance in his forward direction.

[War preparation, war preparation]

The war is a warning, and the weapons in the bridge began busy.

[The left side to the tail, the right side is up to the ship, the whole staff enters the warranty]


With a loud noise, the bridge glass gradually covered with armle, and the bridge gradually decreased.

[After the bridge is sinking]

[Out of the external antenna]

In a dark bridge, the three hundred and sixty-degree screens lit, and loaded into the screen of these three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angle.

The overall situation of the ship has appeared on the projection of the ship.

[Browse - proton to hit the gun ready]

[Supermour-Super Wave Destruction Device Ready]

[Supermur-Iron Curtain Ready]

[Super Wusheng - Nano Punch Ready]

[ is ready]

[Rear anti-system update, ready]

[Missile unit is ready]

"Start, ready to pass."

The big sub-tag picked up the communication, broadcasting the whole ship.

"All, now start entering the asteroid belt, please pay attention to the impact warning."


Cheng Jie looks to the radar group that has just riser to the same height.

"Radar group, open the detection, cooperate with the navigation group, try to plan the best route."

"The radar group understands!"

"The sailing group understands!"




"Look at the boat."



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