Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 127 3-3. Qihang (3)


[First batch of forty missiles have been launched]

[Made in the cleaning of the route]

... [Missile Hit]

"Radar group!"

"Report, radar group data has been sent."

"Report, the navigation group new route has been sent!"

[Route change, heading 118, longitudinal 000, current ship aviation direction 120, longitudinal 000]

[Left one to three turn to the engine boot ...]

[Enter the route, the ship is headed by 118, longitudinal 000]

[Main Engine Power: 5%]


[Impact warning, new goals in front of the flight]

"Navigation group, planning route."

The big pair is said to the connector.

"Unable to plan, other routes are also blocked, only this road."


[Proton impact gun emission]

Yellow beam is wrapped in hydrogen ions from the head of the ship, the bridge screen, the five beam launched, the asteroid that has been treated in front of the red is about to be hit.

... After a while, the asteroid lit up with the light, and the target where the shif was blocked, and the fragments were scattered.

[Goal disappears, channel empties]

[Proton impact gun cool ... It is expected that cooling will be completed after 1 hour]

I have an unequal Cheng Jiequan, the harsh alert sounds again.

[Amendment: A large amount of debris is flying to our channel]

In the meteorite pile on both sides, dozens of marked red targets are close to themselves.

"Han Wu, what reason?"

[Should be a crushing asteroid to smash some other things]

"Navigation group, planning route."


The distance between the two sides is constantly reduced, Cheng Jie once again look at the column of the ship's state.

Finally pressed the nano group.

[Nanima population is authorized, started after three seconds, duration: 10 minutes]

[3, 2, 1, open]

The blue light curtain is covered with the ship of the unnamed times. A large amount of fragments just smashed the blue ripples on the nano, and then crushed into more fine pieces drifting.

"Only ten minutes of shields, accelerate."

[Start acceleration, main engine power: 15%]




[Stable, speed is accumulating]


Ten minutes later, the nano worm swayed and immediately disappeared.

[Impact warning! ]

[Rear anti-system start interception]

...... The patriot on the ship continuously emits the missile, and the fireman 10-style shell forms a flaky to the sky.

The laser gun is aimed at the target. The red area is lit up on the stained meteorite. The temperature is soaring, the outer casing is burned, the core is warmed, and the steam is sprayed from the outer casing wearing, forming the thrust, pushing this meteorite. Waterway in the unknown era.


The gun tube of the defense 10 began to red, the patriotic ammunition consumes an empty, and several ignition-based laser guns have to be cooled.

A close-up anti-weapon is matte. In the end, only the defender 10 on the side of the bridge is still launching ammunition.

...... Nothing, as the defender fails with overheating, it is not waiting to stop, and the sound of the cold is ringing.

[... "all platforms around the anti-defense system are cool, unable to play]

[Will be separated from the asteroid belt]


[Impact warning]

[Impact warning]

[The whole ship's fixed body, ready to deal with the impact]

[Missile has been launched]

From the Cambridge, you can see that the launch unit on the huge hull is opened, the missile rises, and flying toward the front 180 degrees.

... a group of fires, the launch unit is closed, the missile is reloading.

[Impact warning]

[Will be impact]

[Expected contact area ... Bridge]

I heard this sentence, Cheng Jie slowly spit out, "."

Then I saw the front of the Cambridge in the impact, the light flashed, and then it appeared from the chair to be separated, the head was hit by something, and then coma.


[The task is completed, the reward has been issued]

[The new task has been reached: passing through the Kiebs]

[Task Reward: 100 task points, 1 lucky chance, peacekeeprs technology drawings]


When he recovered awareness, he was lying on the 0002 cabin, and Li Bing's sleep chain is around himself.

Woke up? ]

"Well ...", touched the forehead, it seems to be a little swollen.

[You are quite bad, just fell down the lights.

"... Hey, I am life ... What is we?"

[Successfully separated from the asteroid belt, the damaged bridge has been repaired, no death, two injuries, one is you, there is an engineer in the powerhouse]

[His hit when he happened, he didn't work and fixed himself, and it happened.

"What is this meteorite? Such hard, hit the sword bridge to make the people of the powerhouse injured."

[Well, the first is that the meteorite collided is relatively hard, and then we are also trying to hide, the result is not escaped, just by it.



The two were silent, and then laughed.

"Okay, let's go to Jupita now?"

[Yes, we have made some adjustments to the voyage plan. At this stage, we will start to speed up, so as to get to Neptune as soon as possible.


[That ... just ask you to go to sleep]

"Harmony ... well."


Take off the clothes, Cheng Jie lies in the dormancy.

The end of the sleeping cabin is soft, warm, the whole hibernation is not cold, and the temperature adjustment system is adjusting the temperature at each stage. After the start of Cheng Jie sleep, the temperature here will decline.

The hatch is closed, the glass on the hatch is gradually changing, the color is deepened, and the interior can not see the outside, and the outside is not seen inside.

[Sleeping people currently have no abnormalities, you can sleep]

After the detection, the information of the hibernation hatred lists the information of Cheng Jie, including the name, gender, and other basic information and current life status.

[Injection Hypnosis Gas]

Spilled the faint angle in the change in the change in both sides.

After several breathing, Cheng Jie gradually felt that it is not inhibitory.

[We are in the sea "]

This is the last sentence he heard, and then entered the sleep state.


[Sleepers: Cheng Jie]

Sex: Male

[Director: Captain]

[Sleep time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 31 second]

[Expected sleep time: 1 year 159 days]

[Sleep Status: Normal]

[Visan: normal]


[Unknown Times continues to advance]


After the second paragraph accelerated, the speed of the name is raised to 150 kilometers per second. After calculating the fuel consumption, the navigation plan change again, and the cold martial arts decided to sprint the Neptune to Neptune.


[Sleep Duration: 0 year 162 days 18 hours 41 minutes 01 seconds]

[Expected sleep time: 0 years 359 days]


The speed of the unknown time has reached 301 km per second before preparing to begin deceleration.


[Sleep Duration: 0 minutes and 30 seconds 211 days]

[Expected sleep time: 0 years 154 days]


[The slowdown is completed, and it is parking into the Neptune orbit]


carry out……

[Preparing to wake up the ship]


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