Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 131 3-7. Syrupt (7)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Lastreunion"


The unnamed times final successful wear from the remaining star of Sena.

The Sena deissue after the ship is appeared, and Cheng Jiejing is waiting for the moment of Sena's broken.

However, two minutes have passed, although the hard bobbies wore a passage, but the scenes that collapse in the expected collapse did not appear in Sena, still dragged the broken body, this time the hit did not even Can change its track.

"Han Wu, what is going on?"

[Our impact seems to have not produced enough impact, it is recommended to launch a group of missiles immediately to intercept.




The launch unit just filling is once again opened, and the silver of the silver appears. They flew out from the ship to drag the blue flame, and went to their respective position.


As a group of light came, the damage report of Cambrian statistics also paid.

[Full-scale life ...]

"What about the effect?" Cheng Jie sat in anxiously.


[This is impossible ... no reason ...]

"Our attack is still invalid?"

[... Yes, I have calculated the position of each missile, it is impossible to blow up, but ...]

"Well, I know ...", Cheng Jie nodded, his heart already had an answer.

"It looks like it ... God already affects us ..."

what? ]

Cheng Jie waved, "Nothing ..."


[Etc ...... The track of Sena has changed]

"What changes? Will it affect the earth?"



[... After calculation, if Sena continues to advance according to the current track, most of the divided debris will be able to hit the earth directly.

Cheng Jie is silent.

Everyone in the bridge looks neatly to his position.

... "Please listen to everyone, my ship is about to turn the navigation, and the second impact on Sena ..."

[Our iron and nano-insects are still cool]

Han Wu reminded.

"Yeah. I know."

"Han Wu, release a warning ...", he finished, leaning on the chair, looking at the front of his face, the dark red star debris.


[Target 960, longitudinal 000, current navigation 000, longitudinal 000]

Several sets of steering engines on both sides of the ship started to work, and the spouts exudes light blue light.

The huge ship is 180 degrees towards 180 degrees.


[Target 960, longitudinal 000, current heading 060, longitudinal 000]

[Target forward, full power promotion]

[Launch unit is filled]

"Full bomb launch."

[Confirmation, full bomb emission]

The intensive missile is almost at the same time, and the dense silver white organism is like a wing, which is embellished up and down.


Cheng Jie points the screen of the cabinet, watching several girls in the inside of sleeping chains and sleeping.


[Wolverine fighters and Dragonfly transport units apply for take off, continue to bombing Sena]


[Confirmation, the attack order has been reached]


"Receive an Operation Order, start to push the accelerator below."

"Roger that."

"Roger that."

Fixture unlock, four fighters are connected to the distance of the accelerator instantly.

They scratched a long curved shape on a black background, and the head continued to accelerate.

Seeing these units did not leave the accelerator as in the scheduled, Cheng Jie picked up the communication, and received a few sets of the channel inside the fighter.

"Your flight operation has an error, separated immediately, and separates immediately."

Half, a voice is back.

"Report, full of fuel in the accelerator, four fighters are also full of oil, and we have expected to tear open a mouthful of mouth behind Semina."


"You ... you immediately separated, the ship of the unknown time is much robust than your body."

"Report, if there is an unknown emoticon, it is unacceptable loss, whether it is for us or for human beings."

"I repeat it again, separate, immediately ..."

The signal was cut off by the cold.

[If there is no name, we are structurally damaged here, we can't fix them]

[According to the calculation, this impact will result in the unnamed time, the main structure of the ship, the power cabin will be separated from the ship, we will be forever, meaninglessly floating in this star field ...]

Cheng Jie hesitated, but it is also a few tens of seconds he hesitated, and more than a dozen spots have been rapidly approaching Sena, they rushed into the passage of the unnamed time.

The driver of the long machine deeply sucking two sighs, pressed the launch button, a missile engine, and the battle department faithfully according to the first second.


The first group fired, and then the second group, the third group ... until the four fighter formations and the two transport machine formations were turned on in front of Cheng Jie.


[Improving the damage effect ...]

[The target track is again deflected, it is expected to be shredded when Jupiter, resulting in large amounts of debris, 70% will fall into Jupiter, 20% is expected to fall in Mars and the moon, 10% directly hit the Earth]

The broken star in the picture began to get a slowly disintegration, and several huge cracks spread.

But wait for a moment, I expected that Semdina's split did not occur.


[Amendment ...]

[Target tracks change again]

[According to the current track, the target will be torn when Saturn Jupiter will be shredded, and 10% of the generated fragments will fall into Saturn, 15% will be trailed by Mars, 5% will be intercepted by the moon, and the remaining 70% will be possible. Directly hit the earth]

"Calculate the intercept program, do not hesitate to prevent it from devastating to the Earth."


[Calculate intercept scheme ...]


[This ship mass: 320,000 tons]

[Carrying ammunition more than 20,000 tons]

[With the blasting of the power cabin, all ammunitions in a moment of impact, the power of the explosion is equivalent to 25 times the total quantity of the three-strident warhead, and it is expected to directly tear the target directly.

[Is it executed? ]

In the screen, the blue spot representing the unnamed time has entered the passage that she hit, the lens is long, the glare ray overflows from both sides of the channel, and Sena's star is constantly expanding, and finally broken into countless blocks.

"carried out."


[Is it agreed to use the crew to use escape cabin? ]

Cheng Jie nodded.



[The following will be the last broadcast of this ship]

[First, thank you all in the past few months, there is no name, cold and all human beings, thank you for your payment.

[Second, in view of the next action plan, the captain has allowed all personnel to evacuate through the recent escape cabin]

[...... More ... I wish you all good luck ...]



[The distance of the distance is expected to have thirty seconds ...]

The harsh impact warned the resounding through the ship and bridge, and the red emergency light replaced another illumination light source.

[This ship escape cabin is enabled: 0%]


Cheng Jie abstracts the helmet of space clothes, deep breathing every oxygen.

Reaching out of the projection in front of him, he looked at the space around the bridge, as if he felt the cold of the bones, and then he looked at the direction of the sun. The radiant sun was weak, but there was a blue planet. There is a smart species above, one, and infinite species.

[Distance to hit it is expected to be twenty seconds ...]


"Qin Shi Ming Yue Han Dynasties"

"Wanli Changzhi is not still still"

"But make Longcheng will be" "

"Don't teach! Hu Gama Yinshan ..."

[The distance of the distance is expected to have three seconds ...]

[2, 1 ...]


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