Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 132 3-8. First contact (on)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Lastreunion"


"Not long ago, the Star Monitoring Committee, at the location of the Silver River hunter arm near the inner edge, found a civilization that was trying to rush out of the female star."

A male angel with a transparent wings, the shape and the human male, standing on the podium, finger flexible on the panel, a picture of the picture.

"In subsequent monitoring, they broke out a comprehensive nuclear war, and used biochemical weapons, leading to its civilization, then, the Star Test Commission canceled its concern."

In the picture, the mushroom cloud produced by the nuclear bomb rose, and the city was destroyed.

"But in the last scan, we found that their recovery is extremely amazing. At present, there is already a ship that is trying to leave the female stars, but at the same time, we have found that their actions are being affected by the gods."

"With the unified vote of the War Alliance, we decided to rescue them and tried to pull it into our camp."

The man closes the panel, and the photo disappears.

"This action, the War Alliance approved us - Angel family, dispatched three destroyers."

"Three minutes ago, we have confirmed the approval of the War Alliance. At present, the battle is ready, requested to leave the port."

...... In the distance in the distance, the dispatcher is viewing the file.

[Mobilization document has been confirmed to the War Alliance]

"Okay, Tianqi Fleet, you number: 005--2-3, please confirm the number."


"Received, being adjusted."


Seeing that the fleet on the interface has fed back to the designated number, the dispatcher issued an instruction allowed by the port.

"Stand in Hong Kong, I wish you good luck."

In the port, the robotic arm of three destroyers is slowly opened.


"Okay, 00523 is leaving Hong Kong."

The three destroyer did the rays, as if the small shield is slowly accelerated.


- Flagship ship bridge -

"Ready to jump ... confirm the target location."

"Confirmed, starting folding, ready to transition."

The space before the ship began to distort, and a passage gradually appeared.

Three destroyers accelerate into the channel and disappeared in this star field.


Among the transition tunnels, the object in front is near, the optical wave frequency is raised, the wavelength is shortened, and the optical wave frequency moves to the electromagnetic spectrum blue end, which is a blue light curtain for the front space.

In contrast, the object behind it is far away, the optical wave frequency is lowered, the wavelength is long, the spectral line moves to the red end, and the red curtain is built behind.

In the bridge, two male angels suspended in half of the air, looking at the red-blue interlocking outside the glass window.

"How long is it ... How long does it take for a civilization that is directly excited by the goddess?" The relative elderly male angel is open.

"The last such civilization, led us to form the current war alliance, we have to form the confrontation of the praise", and the youth angels respectfully low.

After the mechanical door behind, a beautiful female angel flew in.

"The elders, king, jumps are about to complete", the female angel monk, reported to the two.

The elderly angel, known as the elder, helped her, saying, "Unnecessary gift, our future ... Wang Hao."

I will look at her and look at the youth angel standing behind.

The youth angel flash flashed a look, but finally nodded.

The old man passed through the hands of youth angels, put in the female angel hand.

"Well, the notification fleet is preparing to fight, and strive for the target signal in the fastest time."

In the words, his bodybreated yellow fragments disappeared in the air.

When he disappeared, the hand held by the two instantly.

Youth Angel is a little scratched, "the amount, the sister ..."

"Nothing, after all, it is elders", female angel smiles.


"Note: The fleet transition has been completed, and the target signal has been obtained."

The soft female voice came.

The light around the two is dark, and it is inspired that everything around the panoramic sunroof is as clearly projected.

The two will put their eyes in front of the front, where, a broken dark red star is solving, this less than half of the radiance of the central center of the star is gradually weakened, and the remaining star is divided into five pieces. Wandering around.

"Note: The mission goal has been destroyed, is it announced that the mission failed?"

The woman appears again.

The female angel looked at the scene in front of him, and the beauty flashed in a melody.

She seems to have just responded, "this ... how would be like this? For five hundred years, finally waited for a civilization that was stared at the gods in the growth period!"

After that, she fell into the ground, and the wings behind him disappeared.

Seeing the female angel as if it crashed, the youth angel hesitated for a moment, finally issued an instruction, "launched the four-dimensional computer, access the universe memory, ready to adjust the observation."



"Four-dimensional computing module is enabled ... is being involved in the latitude projection process ... Backup Cosmic Memory ..." The radiance is connected together, forming a light curtain that envelopes this space.

"Start adjustment of observation results ...", in the light curtain, an object of a cryopreeda appear, a black material inside is picked out from the white rays from the nucleus.

"……carry out."


With the silence of the female voice, the front flashed a fire, the fire is in the fire, the ship is being reshaped.

Inside the unnamed time, everything is like a general, Cheng Jie's downward command is revoked, and the instant is stopped in this case, and the unknown time is recovered.


"The target observation result is modified ... is establishing the memory of the universe ..."

"carry out……"

"I am modifying errors ..."


The unnamed times of the emotion, one hundred and eighty-eight degrees, instantly moved to the crushing Senina, just right, after the first collision of Sena, the position is separated.


"carry out……"

"Close four-dimensional computer."

Two angels were gradually dimmed, and everything returned to the previous look.

"Well, let us meet them together."

The wings behind the female angel flanted two times, and the body swayed.

The youth angels have been hurried up to support her, and she is half embroidered.


"It is compiling each other language ..."

"Crack is completed, the content has been issued."


Shortly after the female voice fell, the angels in the three destroyers began to try to contact the earth ... Chinese.

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