Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 133 3-9. First contact (middle)

This chapter recommends a soundtrack "Lastreunion"


[Confirm the damage effect ...]

[After confirmation, Sena Star is now collapsed, broken]

[According to the calculation, 80% of the fragments will be intercepted by Saturn, Jupiter intercept, 12% of the fragments will pass through the Earth, 6% of the fragments will be intercepted by the moon and Mars, 2% of the debris will be in the air layer Ash

"That is to say ... we succeeded?"


Cheng Jie was excited, but,,,,,, he was killed by the body.

"Can I pick up my helmet?"

of course can

After listening to the answer of the cold, Cheng Jie couldn't wait to pick the helmet and started to take off his space clothes. However, if he took off, the voice of the cold rings again.

[Note: Three unknown targets in front are approaching]

Three outer shapes of small shields appeared in front of Cheng Jie.

At the same time, the three hundred and sixty-degree surroundings of the surround ship bridge also projected the figure of three destroyers and marked the red border.

[Lock has been completed, I suggest us to start attacking the initiative]

"And slow, listen to me! Read all the weapons, lock the target, one but the other party fires, we immediately counterattack!"


The launch unit just turned off on the ship is again opened, and a seater is rotated, and the turret begins to accumulate.

[Missile filling up]

[Deputy Cannon storage ...]

[Note: The other party is trying to access our communication network]

[Network Defense is disintegrated ...]

[Our database is being read ...]

[Start emergency destruction all data]

[Action is forced to terminate]

[Unable to destroy threatened data]

[Prepare to cut off the database to supply power ...]

[Invalid operation ...]

[Invalid operation ...]

[Invalid operation ...]




The cold voice is quiet with the lights around.

"Han Wu? Han Wu!"

Responding to him is a strange female voice, "Hello, the earth ... fleet."

"you are?"

"We are an angel family from the War Alliance, ordered to rescue you."


"Demonstration? Who is the life?"

"War Alliance, in fact, every civilization persecuted by God is our allies."

Cheng Jie is soaked in two, asked, "But I see that your contact method is not as meeting between allies."

"We are not malicious."

"However, you invade our database to control our star ship."

The female voice was silent for a few seconds.

"But, in theory, the current situation, we can actually have a clean you in a few minutes."

This round of round, it's okay, it's not wrong, in fact, it is equivalent to the name of the unknown time, now yourself ... I have no effort.

"So ... what do you want to do?"


After five minutes, the woman sounded again.

"Shot ..."


After a few minutes, the lights in the bridge suddenly lit up, and the cold martial arts played the female voice from the channel.

[, this is still not able to get you wild! ]

Cheng Jie stared at the projection of Hanwu.

It seems that I feel that I am not very suitable, and the cold is so shy low.

[Amount ... I mean, I ... I can't let her mess with my home.

Cheng Jie Mo's underlying chin ...

"I understand, she is also annoying anyway."

"Right, what information did they read?"

[Check it out, in addition to the last few months, after the Mars, our sailing diary was read, and the others did not have to read and read it.

Cheng Jie's eyes, "Well, then ... I am interested."

"How much do you think of our technology?" Cheng Jie asked.

[... From the manner of intrusion, the other's technology seems to have not led us too much]

I heard the answer like this, Cheng Jie felt suddenly.

"Han Wu, sending them to them, think about it, sit down, calm down, talk to our equal dialogue, want to fight ... We will accompany it."


[Information has been issued]

In the angels and ships outside more than 10,000 kilometers, the female angel translated the information from Hanwu into angel language, and repeated it to the youth angel sitting behind him.

However, in this, she deliberately replaced some words into more radical and more insulting words when she translated.

She finished, she stood aside, waiting for the decision of the youth angel.

But ... she is expected, this usually is an impatient king, this should be angry at this time and then attacked the other party's king is unusually calm.

He got up and stared at the unknown emoticon of the distance.


"Passing my order! The fleet is not allowed to open fire, give them back, we are willing to accept the invitation to negotiate, place they are settled ... I personally go, you and me."


Soon, Cheng Jie received a reply, he received this reply, and the original smile on his face gradually disappeared.

[Why do you seem to be unhappy? ]

"Well, because ... I have encountered this anger family that I think, it seems to face them, still have to be careful ... Cancel all weapons to lock them, reply to them, if you can Three hours later, our ship will meet. "



- Three hours later -

- In the context of the conference hall of the temporary renovation of the unnamed time

When I was awakened, Inglagen and Chi City were standing behind Cheng Jie, and they were vigilant to stare at the two angels from the shape of the weirded aircraft.

The costumes on the two angels seem to flow in the water, gradually changing, the young angel's clothes quickly become the body on Cheng Jie, and the female angel is blue in Europe.

However ... the costumes of the European roots ... with the female angel proud figure and the outstanding posture, attract Cheng Jie's eyes for a while.

He walked forward to reach out.

Although the two angels did not know what they were shaking hands, they were still holding hands with the Cheng Jie.

Waiting for both parties, Cheng Jie took the lead in saying, "You look like our differences seem to be a pair of wings."

"Yeah, your form is also to have some access to us ...", the youth angel sorted out his wings.

Cheng Jie looks out curious, asked, "What is different?"

"Well ... In our expectations, you should be stronger, muscles are more developed, and the block is more right, maybe it will be fired."

Cheng Jie scratched his head, "I am sorry to let you down."

"No, the living body in the universe is not necessarily exactly the same, we also respect the characteristics of all civilizations."

... The two people talk about a few words, and Cheng Jie finally opened.

"Then let's go straight to the theme."

"it is good."


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