Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 134 3-10. First-time contact (below)


"What is a War Alliance?"

"Overall, we are in order to fight the united front of the praise, we have already contained the prai of the people in the range of one thousand astronomical units in recent months, but no matter how we attacked I can't break through the first defense. "

The youth angel has evoked Cheng Jie's interest, "Is their line of defense?"

The youth angel shakes his head, "that is not, but ... the ability of the gods to make them always surely, they are good at using every unresolved accident in the universe as the capital of the winning, such as ... Supernock broke out."

Cheng Jie seems to understand.


"Can you trouble you talk about the role of the War Alliance? Especially my weak and small civilizations join the process and treatment."

"Well, the attitude of the War Alliance has always been clear about other civilizations. This in order to fight against powerful opponents, we strive to strive for all possible power, we also agree that all civilizations are developed from weak and second."

"So, all relatively weak civilizations, we will send instructions, for example, if you have joined it, then our angel is your instructor."

Cheng Jie nodded.

"The joining method is divided into two kinds. One is to wait for civilization to get out of the female stars, and contact us, and then decide whether to join, the other is what you have, and I haven't left the mother's intervention, we will Directly dispatched the fleet and protect you. "

"After you decide to join, I am the first civilization that is in touch with you, nature is your guideline, the church in the rules and some requirements of our work in our star field, of course, don't worry, there will be no more constraints. "

"And the War Alliance provides you with the treatment, we will guarantee your safety, open all trade, you can buy some things, or used to analyze, improve the technology level, these welfare duration, it is until You have no longer exist or the war alliance system. "

Cheng Jie lifted up, "Exit? Can you quit after joining?"

"Yes, but ask if you don't sell our intelligence to hostile forces, one but find similar situations, the War Alliance will attack you, but there is no such thing as any civilization."

The Root seems to be a bit tired, she twisted the waist, and the snow white neck swayed.

The female angel opposite the opposite is also a model to learn the movement of the European root.

But it seems that I didn't feel this meaning. She quickly stopped her actions.


"Why is the whole universe grows into a shape ... I mean, there are two legs, two arms, a head."

In fact, Cheng Jie doubt this question for a long time, since he found that these claims to be a bird man and his own difference is just a pair of wings, this question is floating, I can't take it.

"Ah, this is because we won the body war."

"Sports War?"

Cheng Jie said, what is the meaning of the body, he understands that the war is what he also understands, but spelling together ... he doesn't understand.

"Yes, in 500 million years ago, it was our kind of civilization or childhood, the body in the universe was mainly three major categories, and the humanoid, half-man and poppent of you."

"Half, mainly said that I am very similar to human form, but there are some differences, and the body ... is named by the gods, they think that their shape is more advanced than other forms, this is also caused Very conflict. "

"Before the establishment of the War Alliance, the monk launched the war, the purpose is to clean up all other life forms of all non-bodies ... Similar to the cleaning of the Jewish nation during your history ..."

"No matter what level of civilization, three years after the war broke out, the War Alliance was established."

"The final result ... we have won, civilization in most of the Yinhe Department is a non-population, and all the body of the body is compiled by the title, with the continuous growth of the subsequent war process and the war alliance, gradually constitutes now The universe. "

... I don't know how long it took, the two sides ended, and two angels took the paper contracts signed by Cheng Jie to embark on their own aircraft.

Say goodbye to the aircraft, Cheng Jie turned back to his room, and the European and Chicheng also followed.

"If you need it two, you can continue to sleep ..."

If he finishes it, the two are smiling, and they are so busy, "can't, I have enough."

[Tomorrow, communication equipment and transition equipment from the angels will be delivered on time. After receiving, we will immediately develop crack and imitation]

[New task has been reached]

[Task: Crack the Tiangang Communication Technology and Transition Technology]

[Introduction: Advanced technology is the technology of interstellar travel, and the transition technology makes the interstellar activities easier. The meaning of these two technologies is the same as a 0-level civilization. The meaning of significant, the change of the epoch is coming]

[Mission Reward: 500 task point, 3 lottery opportunities]

... When you look at the taskbar in Cheng Jie, the female voice from the angel family sounded. "Note: After 5 seconds, the protection of you will be removed, please pay attention to the threat in the nearby cosmic environment,"

"4, 3, 2, 1, 0, release."

When the two words fall, the familiar impact alert sounds again.


[Impact warning: Please fix the body, ready to deal with the impact]

[Impact warning ...]

The reception system on the ship is once again put into work. Under the dispatch of Cambrian, all weapons once again launched an attack on the three-week threat.


[Task: Through the Kiebs, completed]

[Task Reward: 100 task points, 1 lucky draw chance, peacekeeprs technology drawings, have been issued]

...... Wrap the drawings of the peacekeepter into the scientific sector, then no longer pay attention.

Turned and walked to the bridge with two ships.


[Captain arrived in the bridge]

Several big springs salute, Cheng Jie back, sitting on the chair, indicating that they sit down.

Hanwu looked at the two stills of the warship, very intimately installed two seats in the ship's platform, although there is no function such as the track sliding and ejection driving like normal seats, but relative Standing and saying it.

The two left, buckled with the seat belt, and the European roots walked around, and appreciated the scenery of the universe outside the side of the side, while Chicheng was glanced at the ship bridge, and the eyes were in Cheng Jie, and looked at it.

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