Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 135 3-11. Yuanhang (1)


[The quantum communication equipment and transition engine of the angels have arrived]

[Application for access channels]




"Hello, our device received it?" Said the female voice asked.

"Well, I received it."

... With him turning the file, a line of comments attracted his attention.

"After the intercepted particles are completely re-enact, by modifying observations, the effect of reaching the reticulous particles instantly arrived at the destination and started working."

"That, I ask, re-enact the particles?"

"Yes, we will help you complete this work."

After listening to the answer, Cheng Jie's brow wrinkled.

"What is the modification of observations?"

I heard this problem, the female voice over there was a dozen seconds.

"Sorry, you can not ask."

"Okay", Cheng Jie nodded.

"But this system wants to use it normally, or you have to use your platform?"


"Emmmm ... So, can this device can be replaced? Replace it with some of you, relatively simple, don't always communicate instantly, as long as the efficiency is better than our current equipment ..."

Cheng Jie said that naturally, I also thought of history books. The beautiful couple who was one of the first people who was in the predecessor, and the three brothers who wanted to engage in native. Next, let your native research and development power become jokes.

Plus the road of the original Chinese, and the technology that he seated high-run too many technology levels, it is easy to lead to the fault of its own scientific trees. Don't mention the use of this equipment, it is also subject to the angel, it is a copy of the granules and helps. send.


- Angel flagship -

"Elders, they reject our quantum communication equipment, and require some relatively simple, less technology."

The youth angel just being wokey is still a little confused, it seems that I haven't thought about it, he leaned over to report.

"Do you think that they are wise?" The old old open mouth.

"This ... from the long run, it is wise."

The old man is nodded. "Yes, many of us take over the civilization of the science and technology level in a short time, however, jumps through the research and development practice stage, and will not be able to enter the same height after rapidity. Although I have proposed this problem many times, it seems that the old home is not intended to make changes. "

Youth Angel smiled, "This is inevitable, they all think about to control these new civilizations, buy out their potential, this point, we look very clear."

"Yeah ... but it is precisely because we look too clear, it is crowded, even if you are the king of our future."

The two are inexplicably silent.

"What should I do if this?"

"Of course, it is something that really needs to be truly needed. I feel that it is very suitable for his request, and the speed is much more fast than the communication means of their current stage, technology is not so difficult ..."


- Named Times -

[The other party accepted our proposal, but because of what we need, they have no longer used, so there is only technical information, and there is no physical part.

"Yes, we will study it by our own", Cheng Jie has a smile, it seems that the other party is not the kind of civilization that controls.

However, if this point of view, if the two people in the opposite period know that I am afraid to laugh, after all, their external attitude is only a few factions in the Angel Empire.


[Also, the other party asks us where to go, they can us.

"Amount, truth, tell them our destination, as for us, this matter is not in trouble, look forward to our next meeting."



After a long time, the three angel destroys began to jump under the monitoring of the detectors that Hanwu.

All the data from the entire transition process is recorded by Han Wu.

After the Angel family, the scientific research area within the ship began, a large number of engineers were awakened and put into the resolution of the electric field over-range communication technology and the reverse engineering of the transition engine.

...... Time has come soon for more than a month, and Europe and Chicheng have already returned to sleep.

Today, after more than a month, with the analysis of the resolution of the electric field, Cheng Jie is a communication range ... or the message is sent out in an exponential growth.

Although I can only leave information in the way, but because there is no distance limit in theory, there is no other reliable communication ... Message, the first time, Cheng Jie approved Produced a set of equipment, joining the system of unnamed times, and left the first message to the Earth here.

"Semi League Alpha]

Then continue to advance towards the semi-troh alpha, and Cheng Jie chooses to go here. The reason is very simple - because in a lot of science fiction, it is the old home of the alien.

That's true ... Cheng Jie chooses this galaxy because it is so simple, if it is necessary to rise to the height ... barely because the galaxy in Odni seems to be similar to this galaxy.


[Because the transition engine is still resolving, it is temporarily unable to use]

[This sailing is expected to take more than 400 years in accordance with our current speed. According to the nautical plan, please enter the sleep state as soon as possible to maintain life.

"Good", Cheng Jie started.


Leaving the bridge, floating on the corridor leading to your compartment, Cheng Jie offshift, the army army took the space to take the space.

"So ... the things between four hundred years, please please."

Standing in front of the cabin, Cheng Jie presses the button, and the metal door in front is open.

[Well, we see it four hundred years later]

... walk into the cabin, look at another sleep cabin, Cheng Jie looks close to it.

"We are also seen after four hundred years."

He lie in the sleeping chamber.

[Sleep Chains have been closed]

[Beginning into the hypnotic gas]

The faint seems to have a white mist, and the fog enters the body with the breathing of Cheng Jie.


[Sleepers: Cheng Jie]

Sex: Male

[Director: Captain]

[Sleep time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 31 second]

[Expected sleep time: 11 days 11 hours 11 hours 11 days]

[Sleep Status: Normal]

[Visan: normal]


[Unknown Times continues to advance]

[Notice all crew, this traffic will be prepared to open energy-saving model, please enter the sleep chamber, I will wake up staff according to the wheel production system, maintenance of this ship]

[Notice all crew, this ship ...]


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