Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 136 3-12. Yuanhang (2)


[Task: Cracked the Tiangang Communication Technology and Transition Technology, completed]

[Reward has been issued]

[Welcome back, your actual sleep time is: November 21 hours, 215, 41 seconds]

[Sleeping people Cheng Jie, do you know your duties? ]

Cheng Jie's brain is paste, he can't think of anything, the sound of the ear seems to be together, and each sound is constantly repeating.

"Han Wu ... cold!"

He called loudly.

I'm here

"Where are we? I need to report!"

[We have arrived in semi-rival α]

A pair of shoes appeared in Cheng Jie's sight, and he looked up and looked up.

When he saw someone in front of him, Cheng Jie couldn't help but exclaimed. "Who are you ?!"

The female face in front of the peach blossom, skin crystal clear, with a slight pink, delicate.

A red dress, the size is good ... except for the chest ...

Long hair and waist, as if the black waterfall, tie with dark red silk hair on the end.

The tooth is white, as if it is the high school of the high school in Cheng Jie's imprint.

"Like ... too like ..."

what did you say? ]

"Amount, it's okay, who are you?"

[... Hanwu]

Cheng Jie surprised the eyes of the eyes.

"You will wait, you are cold! How do you have a different in my memory? And you ...", Cheng Jie said, and scored two times, gently poked the body of Hanwu.

[Cut, even if it is a child, more than 200 years should grow up, as for this body]

[This is the product of our awareness transfer technology and cloning technology]

[I personally design the body, then set into my people to settle and partially conscious]

The noddion of Cheng Jiemune.

He tried to get up, but his legs seem to be the same as yourself, completely not listening to the call, or Han Wu talks about him.

And the aroma on the cold martial arts also entered the nasal cavity of Cheng Jie.

"Even the smell is also very like ..."

like what? ]

"Like Li Bing's taste."



Ok! ]



[Captain arrived in the bridge! ]

The lighting lights that have not been lit in hundreds of years have not worked again, and several bulbs flashed two times, and then they were completely broken.


[This ship has been closed all advances]

[Current position is a semi-human horsema α]: 2.4 billion kilometers]

Skilled buckle, check the working status of the unknown era, and put it on the projection. Some blurred black and white photos.

"Why is it black and white?"

[Amount, because black and white is more reflected]

"So our observation equipment is now black and white?"

[It's not, it is only comprehensive transformation, you can use black and white patterns that are not affected by the resolution, you can better reflect the shade of objects and provide a clearer picture.

... Cheng Jiepic looks at the relatively bright stars in the projection, asked, "this gauter ... What is the prediction of our century?"

[Um ... still have, half-horses alpha] galaxy, hereinafter referred to as Nanmen II]

[The galaxy is mainly composed of three stars and a planet.

[A star quality is slightly greater than the sun, the self-speed is fast than the sun, the rays are yellow]

[B star volume is slightly smaller than the sun, the self-speed is more than the sun, slightly dark, the light is orange]

[The above group forms a double star system, but the direction of the two sides is reversed, so one of the two will be torn by the other party one day, and the quality of A star is large, but from the X-ray degree, The degree of B star is greater than A star, so .... Currently, anyone can win the conclusion.

"How do they maintain this balance?"

[Mainly because of their orbit speeds]

"C star?"

[As for C stars ... Its quality is small, almost the dwarf stars that are taken by the double star system]

"Dwarf star? Where is this word?"

[, ]

The cold martial arts smile.

Cheng Jie turned over white, and reached out and knocked on the cold.

"OK, just call it."

[What are you doing? ]

"Nothing, I want to knock."



"So, the planet? Is there life?"


[Even if there is, the ecological big shuffle for millions of years is enough to make any species unable to develop normally]

"Oh ...", Cheng Jie's face down.

[Why are you so interesting to this planet? ]

"You don't understand, this planet can be destroyed us N times ... War's theme is easy, the disaster theme moves easy, such a planet, who doesn't like it?"

[?? ? ? ]

The lower head of the cold martial arts.

"When you see you, you don't read the book, eat no culture," Cheng Jie continues to ridicule.

... Cheng Jie enjoys the look of the face of the cold face, not from the opening, "silly children, or too young."

[I am not a silly child, I am more than 200 years old! ]

"Oh, that is, old fool, anyway, not smart."


The cold is a flat, and a few tears have begun to be in the eyes.

Cheng Jutton, "You ... isn't it? This is crying?"

He hurriedly went up, but his hand stretched out has not met the cold, suddenly a problem - no, how did you cry?

From the quietly opened point, I saw Cheng Jie's efforts to think, and the cold Wu knows that he is fooling, and the tears are returned.

[Unhappy, talk about the plan given by the nautical group]

[Navo group plans to us, low energy accompanied by C ", expand the solar panel to supplement some energy, and release the carrier machine and go to the only planet on the three-star stars.

[If the results show that the planet can provide us with fuel, then we will take it close, if you can't, continue to accompany the C star, and start planning the next step]

"Yes, let's do it."


Yes, do I still need to sleep? "

[All can be

"Then, even if you leave, don't forget to leave some signals on the side, tell them the next step."


"Also, reminding Odney to let her see the South Gate 2", Cheng Jie suddenly remembers the second reason for himself - Odni hopes to find his own farta.


A few weeks later, there was a huge solar windsurf all over the unnamed time, and most of the cabins in the ship were dark. Even if the bridge is no exception, only the screens in front of the ship bridge are still bright.

[Carrier machine is ready]

"Receive, enter the ejector."



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