Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 156 3-32. Crystal Night (on)


Early the next morning, two male angels landed outside the door of Hi Na's house.

"What are you?"

Cheng Jie has just woken up by might, this is the first time with sleepy sleep, however, I haven't slept, first after Hi Na went out, after I didn't sleep, and another Screamed by might.

The Cheng Jie who did not wake up looked at the two people in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng Jie, this is your mission", the skin is in the left, the bronze male angel draws a letter from the waist to Cheng Jie.

"There is nothing else, let's first leave."

After passing the envelope, Cheng Jie got his head and closed the door.

And outside the house, two male angels look at each other, and another person asked, "Do you have to have the taste of Hi Na?"

The male angel just sent to Cheng Jie shook his head.


Sitting on the sofa, disassemble the envelope, mourning the night to put a breakfast on the coffee table in front of Cheng Jie.

"Since you have learned how human life habits, why should I face to give me a letter? Directly send a communication, is not faster?"

After the might stay in the city, "this task needs to be confidential, but also to follow the tradition, so it is also the way of sending information."

Cheng Jie means understanding, after all, there are people who believe that the earth is flat, the mobile payment is so advanced, and some people like people like to buy things with money.

There is no place to put on the tableware, Cheng Jie grabs two bread plugs into the mouth.

Chew in your mouth and start reading the letter.

But ... the text of the angel, Cheng Jie can't understand.

[New task has been reached]

[Task: Investigation]

[Description: Go to the big dog α star outside the 544 optical year, report according to the Star Monitoring Committee, the silent big dog α star suddenly suddenly blinks, so you need to go to investigation]

[This task cannot be rejected]

[5 days later]

[Reward: 100 task points]

... "big dog, more than 500 light years."

Point the terminal and apply to the cold military.

Good morning

"Good morning, pack up, after five days, we will set sail, the destination is a big dog, let the sailing group planned in advance."

[, Departure? ]

"Well, the task of the angel is starting after five days."


[Beginning to replenish the unnamed times]

[Navigation group starts planning route]

[Do you need me to pick you up to the base for preparation? ]

"Don't need it, the dispatcher is stationed here, ready for our army, and starts to clean up three days later."


... The night after three days.

Cheng Jie puts the picture on the TV of the living room.

A team of soldiers walked into the Thunder transport vehicle. After filled with soldiers, the transport vehicle opened on both sides of the main road and then turned off, and the two neatly contained squares of Thunder stopped on the roadside, waiting for the command.

On the airport runway, the first century bomber full of bombs just took off, hovering in the air, waiting for the other three boosts, then form a formation to attack to the target.

The armored divisor of the first group of Arma began to advance to Emil's main city, and the tsunami tank did not process the highway to press the asphalt road.

The blower flew from their head, near the city.

The steel calorie stepped over the fields of the highway, and the light knife was behind, and the ghost king armor than the steel calorie was followed behind the steel conver.

... [[The target party of this lock is six]

[Total control of 1 city - Emler main city]

"The whole Emil all the target parties are in the main city of Emilla, so this time, we have to rush to the root, can not leave any problems."

[This interpretation has more than 120,000 people]

"Well", Cheng Jie point his head.



- Emler main city -

People who are sleeping have heard the whistling of the top of the head, more than 200 days of teen dogs dispersed over the city, flying towards the city.

The sky dog ​​is neatly falling, and the robot will ring.

After three minutes, all this area, and the angels on the ground floor fell to the ground, the body was torn, and the blood gathered into a stream, and flowed into the sewer along the ground.

The angels just hide from the rain saw that the sky surrounded by their own, there was no further action. Several young angels felt this is a chance, they opened the Wings and tried to fly.

Angel just rushed out of the shield was found by Tian Dogs, and the intensive rain drove opened their body, wings were broken.

This scene was scared, I plan to keep up with the angels silently to recover the wings, but the angels don't know, this is their last chance.

Soon, the hitter flew to the top, locked the building in the area, the rocket bomb, with a rocket, I originally stood in the land of the land began to collapse, the angel inside was buried under the ruins.

In the outer circumference of the city, the tsunami tank blocks each road to the outside, and there is no road to the area, standing on a steel wave, the light knife is on the ground, and there is a husband who is doing Guan Wanfu.

Thunder transport vehicles began to enter the city, to open to the parties of each parties, ready to clean the underground facilities of these parties.

In the mountainous area of ​​the northwest of the main city, the other hidden base is very concealed by angel construction, after losing contact with the main city, the angels who are always in this will go to the main city.

Soon after they left, the century bomber appeared after the clouds above, the plane was opened, and a bomb was falling.

The angels just sent out will fall by the Rocket Angels.

- Main City Center -

- -

At present, the party of the ruling party is woken up. He looked outside the window, his heart felt was not good, immediately turned his lights, woketing his wife and daughter, and packed up and opened the door to leave.

The rain is dropped, and the party will hand give the wife an umbrella, put the daughter on the back, and the umbrella is moving to the private aircraft.

Place the daughter in the back seat, the wife also put the baggage into the trunk, then sit in the position of the co-driver.

The party Kui went around and opened the dome of the lifting platform.

Just started the engine of the aircraft, more than a dozen an imperial soldier rushed in.

The party Kui opened the door.

"I surrendered, don't ..."

His words were terminated by the guns, and several bullets took his life.

The female angel sitting at the co-pilot immediately took the control of the aircraft, ready forced pulling, a blue arrow, penetrating the glass, and penetrated the body of this female angel.

The lattice little girl is frightened by his parents being killed, and the eyes are filled with tears.

The female angel still didn't die, touched the golden show of the little girl, and the squeezed smile in the corner disappeared with tear.

An imperial soldier opened the door and saw the little girl on the back seat, and his face flashed.

Strive for a few seconds, and finally reached out.

... "We ... really want to kill such a child?" The empire soldier asked.

Looking at the little girl's pair of hatred eyes, the empire soldiers slowly put down the gun.

Just when he was preparing to kneel down, a gun was bid, and the bullet penetrated the head of the little girl, and the blood climbed his cheek, and the warm touch made him stunned.

...... The raindrops fall, and the heavy rain flips the blood on the ground.

This night, in addition to the Ministry of Migrant workers, other parties disappear on the land of Emil, more than 100,000 members were killed, and the urban drainage pipe was full of blood and rain.

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