Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 157 3-33. Crystal Night (medium)

This chapter recommends a music from the "Cosmic Battleship Big and the Number" of the Gamiraz National Anthem - "Although I am commended my light" (although Netease has, it is difficult to find, it is recommended to go to B)


After the crystal night, the next day, the sky was bright, the black smoke produced by the building burning was not scattered, and the Tianguo machine has returned to the station before dawn, and the Rocket Angel army is hovering in the air. It is strictly searching the street. Alley, after all, there are some goals that happen to be cleaned when they were cleaned, and now they are now in the city.

The peripherals responsible for surrounding the city's armored units, killing the angels tried from escaled from the city, with the landing of the hit, the peripheral interception network is more sturdy.

A large number of Empire soldiers entered the city, and the search of the households.

Search for a whole six hours, noon, a lot of flyers were smashed by the century bombard.

Several teamed dogs fly across the sky, and the installed loudspeakers came out of an announcement.

[Notice of the Emler Castle All Residents]

[At 8 o'clock tonight, the new lord will explain in the Emil's Hall for this large-scale military action.

[Here, this announcement, look "


- Emler time is eight times -

- Emil Agreement Hall -

The light is on the speaker, and there is no one on the stage, the original announcement is the live broadcast of 8 points because Cheng Jie is late to delay in 15 minutes.

And this fifteen minutes, Cheng Jie has been waiting quietly at the waiting area.

When he saw that the angels of the reporter were gradually exposed on the desk, he knew that time, he knew that time.

Get up, the stuffed silver belt of gray silver troops is bleed. Before going to the stage, standing on the stage, standing on the stage, no sound for a long time, behind the back of the camera, looking at the camera under the camera.

Two olive leaves under the blue planet dragged the planet, and the two-handed long swords cross-implemented the entire identified armband shined under the light of the light, and the chest is on the chest marking.

Pen Sword hangs on the belt, Cheng Jie finally has a move, but it is reached out of the sword, put it in the light, then quotes into the sheath.

Several angels were anxious to raise their feet, and they showed that Cheng Jie saw here.

After the embarrassing silence, Cheng Jie finally opened his first syllable. "On the other side, there were two people holding the feet. If I write I should say, I don't seem to have forgotten the words."

"The above is written, which is a large-scale military activity last night. Our publicity is to bear all the responsibilities. This action is for Emil's unified political wind, and strives to join hands with the necessary means of common development of Emil .... "

"But no matter how I said, no matter how you understand, history records are clear and clear."

"Last night, it is a complete cleaning exercise, which is aimed at the enemy that I have opinion, and the miserable cleaning of their organization. In this action, we tried to kill 125,542 people."

Cheng Jie raised a report on the speaker, which clearly recorded the size details and detailed data of this dispatch.

"Among them, 85,554 male angels, 3,255 adult women's angels, 3,445 young angels."

All lenses are aligned with the report on his hand.

"Captive number, 0."

"You ... you are the slaughter!" The stage suddenly passed out.

Cheng Jie looks, a young male angel is full of anger.

Cheng Jie looked at him and tried backwards.

Soon, the venue has rushed in the venue, and squeezed into the crowd and took the angel to the angel.

"Emler, we are located in the edge of the empire, this means that it is a place where it is abandoned, how many years, this planet has not yet developed because of the colonial, but it is more harmonious to the Empire colonial colonial colonial The average of the planet. "

"Look at your surroundings, see the environment of your child's life."

"Dear, I admire you ... Admire you, even if you have to pay taxes to the ruling party and other party struggles, but also look at your own money to spend these useless places without revealing."

"I admire you very much, so I think, since you will not resist, then this person is in your head, why isn't it me?"

"So, start today, as your lord, I announced that in Emler Territory, in addition to other parties other than the Ministry of Migrant workers, anyone will be chased by us in any form of joining or helping these illegal organizations. ! "

"Today, I will give you everyone, because only work, you can survive, if you think that I am in the dictatorship, then I tell you, you are right ..."

"I don't accept people there are three roads, either leave, or kill me, the last one ... I give you a free bullet."

"the above."

Cheng Jie went to the stage, and Ji Na came out of the scene, and then she was a time to perform.

A moment of the two people missed, Cheng Jie whispers said, "Give you."

Hi Na is over, "Well."

... Through the second channel to leave the Dondance Hall, take the Thunder transport vehicle and return to the house of Hi Na.

"Hanwu, ready to engulf all the heavy work in Emil, including all factories and space ports."


[After annex, will it continue to use automatic production? ]

"No, hire an angel on Emil, key position and some executives to use our own people, other people hire from Emil, but if the performance appraisal is unqualified, the unqualified people are covered."


"Salary, unified standards with the pre-war, don't forget to control prices, any capital is suppressed to death."


[Said, around this big circle, is there really necessary? ]

"Soon, isn't it?"


"Right, cold Wu, began to build Emil, want to be rich ..."

[First repair ... understand]

[However, if you can't recruit people? Cambrian also said his doubts.

"You said, they don't come?"


"We ... don't leave people, I just told them very clearly, dead, leave, or kill me."


"First, in the main city, first build an example. Seeing us is that it is truly doing things for them, naturally can drive their enthusiasm."


Cheng Jie finished, caught in meditation, always feel, he did something to forget something.

"Han Wu, I always feel what I forgot, can you help me think?"

[What to forget ...]

[...... The transformation of the ship has been completed]

Cheng Jie jumped from the sofa, "Han Wu, pick me back to the base!"

what? ]


... at the same time, the arrest of the outside is still continuing, the gunshots will sound from time to time.


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