Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 158 3-34. Crystal Night (below)


Young female angels were brought to a wall before the imperial soldier, and the heavy chain would lock them in the room.

More than 20 female angels are crowded in less than ten square meters, and their eyes are blind, endless darkness and silent swallowing their thoughts.

The imperial soldiers who have just taken these female angels from the room, take out the gas mask, slowly retreat.

In the room, the ventilation pipe on the ceiling poured an olive green cloud gas.

In not much, the gaseous gas swallows the figure of the female angels, and the small room filled with olive green poisonous gas.

As the first female angel fell, cough sound and vomiting sounded, they breathe, struggled, suffocating, so that their face gradually black.

I am helpless to lying on the ground, the mouth spit the white foam, the body is affected by poisonous gas, can only feel a messy disgusting; gradually, they have no breathing, this process is slow and lasting, the air is filled with chlorine Metal smell of nose.

After a long time, the imperial soldiers wearing a gas mask opened the iron gate, and a female angel with a flexible door posture fell down. Her nails have been broken by themselves, and dark red blood is left on the iron gate. The road mark was under.

Two empire soldiers drag this body to a Thunder transport vehicle, and pulled into the burning furnace next to the burner.

On the other hand, the body of the male angel just being executed was also pulled to the burning corpse, and I lost it in one.

Far away from dozens of kilometers, Cheng Jie sat on the sofa, and the ear offered the report.

[At present, the execution of all personnel has been completed by 95%, and 150,000 resource points are recovered]

"Why can these angels recover so much resource point?"

[We are starting research, the specific reason is still unknown]

... Two Thunder transport vehicles are covered with young angels to the base direction, where they are waiting for their endless experiments and research.

……That one……

"what happened?"

The cold is talking about it, and finally spits out.

never mind


Two imperial soldiers took a team of young angels into a Thunder transport vehicle.

An imperial soldier closed the hatch, drilling into the cockpit, launched a transport vehicle, and drove the camp.

After driving a few kilometers, the imperial soldiers reached out to close the positioning and automatic response system. The position of this Thunder transport vehicle disappeared in the sight of the dispatcher, the alarm rose, a team of rocket angels lifted, to this Thunder final The location is flying.

In the Thunder Crew, the two imperial soldiers united the bondage of these young angels, and the opening is eager to say, "You run."

These young angels who have just restored freedom have not moved, and they have witnessed their parents' tragic scenes. They have let them give up the escape, or, since then, they have never hoped to survive.

Seeing that pair of two-in-one eyes, the two empire soldiers are right, Qi Qi single knee, keeping with the young angels in a height, one of them opens "We commander to date such orders It is shameless and making the soldiers, but also a complete and unforgivable crime. In this regard, we don't dare to ask your forgiveness. "

"But think about everything, no matter what you want to revenge, you can't do it now, you have to do it now, just run, run far away, waiting for revenge ..."

...... In the distance in the distance, a blue spot is coming from a long time.

Everything here is displayed on the rocket angels, under infrared monitoring, the movements of the two empire soldiers are clear.

"Captain, confirmed the defending behavior of two empire soldiers ..."

Girl reported.

After a short silence, the communication channel sounded, "kill."


The armor behind the rocket angels is launched, the rocketball pops up, and the goal of the lower is smashed.

Two imperial soldiers on the ground lift the rifle, pulling the trigger, the bullets played to the rocket angels in the sky.

The first sound explosion sounded, fire and heat waves swallowed two people and the three young angels of the past.

It is like being exploded to return to reality, and there is a good look in the eyes of other young angels. They move their footsteps, run away from the jungle, the wings on the back, but they can't play at all effects.

... After ten minutes, the rocket angels stopped the fire pills.

Before leaving, the girl who served as a long-term position looked back at the helmet to show the continuous trembling humanoid source, and finally shook his head, and issued the return command.

Looking at his sisters starting to return, this girl slowly landed, find that heat source, leaned over to hold him into the arms.

... The next day, even though arrests and cleaning have not been completed, Cheng Jie has to board the unnamed times just repaired.

[All the tasks of Emler are handed over to the low level of handling)

"Well, I experimentally experimented the ship's space war transformation before departure. If you confirm it, let them go forward."


...... Take the space elevator to Chicheng and European, where Chicheng and Europe, received a command to expand the ship.

Lavender ripples circle, the body shape of the two warships gradually appeared.

The complete deployment of Ougen took the lead in completing, the more about 240 meters of the ship, the heavy-duty cruiser, the world, the four-seat 203mm main gun and six double-seat two-seat double-loaded 105mm deputy cannon, can emit particle beam, or emit kinetic energy warheads .

The four-seat torpedo launch pipe is replaced with a missile transmitter, four near antijuns and two-seat laser guns sequentially in the sides of the ship, instead of the original high-fire gun.

The end of the ship becomes a huge engine spout, light yellow light lit, and the ship started to move.

[After the transformation of the princes of the Open, the captain of the cruiser ship is slightly long, the ship design is not too large, the tail engine spout and the ship are integrated]

[As shown in the weapon transformation]

The list is listed, and the left side is the information before the transformation, and the right side is the transformed information.

There is another sidelion on the right side of the European ship.

[The difference between the renovation of Chi City is mainly reflected in three aspects of power output, ship protection and carrier machine]

There is almost no difference in history, in front of Cheng Jie, different from the European roots, the number of engine spouts in Chicheng tail is twelve, three groups, distributed in the tail of the paddle and eating waterline .

[Number of carrier: 65]

[These include 25 transformed century bomber, 35 transformed Apollo II fighters and 5 transformation goddess II bombs]

[The first batch of bubbles can take 15 century bomber, 20 Apollo II fighters and 2 goddess II bombers]

"Since they have the ability to combat, they have completed this mission in collaboration."


"You can leave after you are ready."

...... Soon, the end of the end of the unknown time sprayed blue light, and the figure left the port.


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