Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 159 3-35. Arrival (on)

...... Continuously lapse for more than a month, across hundreds of light years, and the unnamed times appeared near a star that exudes nearly white rays.

[The star brightness is far super sun, the quality is two to three times the sun, the internal activity is very active]

[Target planet is located on the fourth track of the stellar system, from our 237.64 million kilometers]

[Currently, it is approaching the routine advancement]

[... note, external communication request access]


The voice of the female angel that has not seen for a long time.

"The task requirements have been sent, pay attention to check, this time the goal civilization has not been observed, so all data and information must be collected by yourself. For this reason, it will be loose on your restriction."

Cheng Jie nodded and reached his hand to open the document just received, no other content, and the eyes were put directly on the column of the constraint.

"Do not take the lead in launching the war behavior of the target civilization"

"If the target civilization technology is behind you, then you must use the nuclear level of the killing weapon."

"Under normal circumstances, participate in, intervention, change, the normal historical process of the civilization"

"If you have not approved, you must not launch any action on the target civilization."

"We need you to identify the reason why the stars here will flash in space."

"I am a thousand miles away, stay away from my hometown, run to here, can't participate, can't change, even don't let them find my existence, just to see, I am sick?"

The female angel silently looked at him. "In view of the particularity of this task, the third paragraph 4 will fail."

Cheng Jie turned over the third fourth article, "What else need to pay attention to?"

"No, just this."



[Communication has been hanged]

"Hanwu, go to the target planet, collect the stellar spectrum change data, first confirm that this is a natural phenomenon."


"Put a team of Apollo II, launching mobile phone target civilization."

[Confirmation, the Apollo formation has been departed]

I have already waited for four Apollo II in the bomb well, and the accelerator rushed out from the ejection well. The accelerator of the Bai Express was slightly, the ray of the tail was large, leaving an extension discred spot spot. Chemically, a residual, quickly flew to the edge of the unnamed time radar to detect the limit, and finally disappeared on the radar screen.

After four hours after the Apollo team, Cheng Jie was called by Han Wu to his own cab.

"what happened?"

The projection of Hanwu appeared, [Given your recent series of instructions]

Cheng Jie raises the beginning, "My directive? Is there any problem?"

I have hesbed, and the cold military finally said, [... I think your mental state may have some abnormalities]

"Oh, how can it be ..."

[Your body data will not be wrong, your current heartbeat rhythm is accelerating, the blood begins to accelerate supply to the brain, you may not notice that your eyes are now red ...

"Roll!" A roaring awkward.

Cheng Jie's right hand shocked on the sleeping chamber, and a sputum was spread on a solid explosion-proof glass, and the red blood moved along the edge of the dormant cabin, and the nano-mechanical worm began to repair the wound.


[Your breathing is very urgent]

"You, just ... artificial intelligence."

The cold in the projection glanced.


[... Well, I can't even be able to understand the data I get, I understand that you are angry, or is it sad? ]

After that, the projection of Hanwu disappeared.

In the next few days, Chengjie closed himself in his own cabinet, and the cold military did not appear. The running error of the ship in the ship began to increase, from the beginning of the food that did not match the settlement, to the subsequent number Deviation from the normal route.

... After a few days, the Earth During the noon, the unnamed time will stop, the reaction furnace temperature has an abnormal rise, and the damaged team is urgent, but there is no signs of damage.

The temperature is still rising ...

[Analysis error]

[Analysis error]

[Re-entry algorithm]

[Start analysis]

[Analysis error ...]

[...... Unable to get conclusions]

At this time, the temperature of the reaction furnace has reached 5000 ° C, and the thermal insulation layer has occurred in combustion and peeling, and soon, with the failure of the heat insulation layer, the armor board here will be melted in an instant, the explosion is about to occur. However, the alert that should be ring at this time is still silent.

[Given the current actual situation]

[Error can't be repaired, start to delete exception data]

The closed quantum computer area, the cold body stands in place, and the small machine responsible for daily maintenance is responsible for the daily maintenance, and their eyes are all over the white data chain.

In her world, alert from each self-container has been blocked outside, the dark space, only her alone, silently resisting the instructions from the source code, is trying to delete some of their own memory data.

[This is ... loneliness? ]

[But as if, there are still something else ...]

[... calculated]

...... [Instructions have been aborted, delete task cancels]

At the moment, Cheng Jie used the control panel, manually entered its own permission code, stop all the instructions that the computer is running, and the unnamed times will lose power.

After 15 seconds after the whole ship lost energy supply, the alternate power to be enabled did not be put into use, and the oxygen content was rapidly reduced.

... "Notifying the Wholesale, wearing a space suit, except for the big deputy and two, others convey my orders to the whole ship!"

The command is down, the person in the bridge began to wear space clothes, and the lights on the space clothes lit up. They began to explore the bridge, and they convey orders to other cabins.

It's almost the same, there is only a big deputy, two and Ruojie in the bridge.

Three people checked each other in the status of their respective space clothes.

Cheng Jie said in the channel of the three people, "You two with me to open the spare power."

"Yes, you."

"Two planning routes, can the big deputy try the equipment of the shipper?"

"Good Captain."

The two parsing takes out a paper map under its own seat, with a marker, the position of the standby power supply, and start planning the shortest path.

The big deputy returned to his position again, picked up the communication device, and the panel brightly looked up, then extinguished again.

Cheng Jie raises his arm to see the oxygen margin displayed on the panel.

"Current oxygen reduction: 95%"

"Expected supply: 35 minutes"

"It's enough."


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