Red Alert Ship Mother

Chapter 160 3-36. Arrival (medium)


Cheng Jie and two departments quickly moved to the power room in the unnamed times, under the two planning, three people quickly arrived in front of the power room, but they were blocked from the inside lock before the power outage .

"Captain, the control panel is also powered off", the big deputy said, manually disassemble the control panel of the sealed door and internet the wire into its spacewear battery.

"Note: Space service battery is declining"

At the moment on which the power is turned on, there is a hint on the terminal on the terminal.

The control panel lit up, and the red alarm light flashed.

[Warning: Inti-access]

[Warning: Inti-access]

[Start blocking ...]

The big pair is rushing to enter your own permissions password on the panel.

[Iris Scan Confirmation]

[Please enter the captain]

"Note: Space clothes battery remaining power - 50%"

Cheng Ji flashed to the panel, starting to enter the password.

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 42%"

[Iris Scan Confirmation]

[Alert release, blockade progress abort]

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 38%"

[The power supply is insufficient, the sealing door cannot be opened normally]

[It is recommended to open it manually]

Cheng Jie and the second pair have stunned.

"Is it manual open?" Cheng Jie asked.

At the same time, the tutorial of the sealing door appears on the display of the triple space suit.

The two paired the eyes, and they ran to the sealing door, and the hands were pulled into the door and started to drive on both sides.

In the case where the automatic lock has been unwrapped, it blocks the two people with the weight of the sealed door itself, and the sealing door of the unknown time is a lot of light, but there are also nearly ten tons of weight.

Spaces with space clothes belong to industrial outer skeletons, maximum output power can drive about eight tons of objects.

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 28%"

Cheng Jie's outer skeleton emitted a metal twisted sound of the diabone, and the hydraulic system of the right arm started twisted.

The big pair looks at your own power, and look at the sealing door that is not able to open, and then this lost powerful hull, eventually adjusted the settings on the terminal.

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 18%"

"Note: Space clothes remaining power --8%"

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 1%"

The sealing door slowly opened a gap adopted by a person, and then recovered again to the state of the other two people pulled.

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 0%"

"Lighting stop, oxygen stop"

The big pair of personal terminals extinguished, the oxygen content in space suit gradually decreases with each breath, after three or four breathing, endless vertigo feelings.

"Captain, you first go to restart the power supply, I tried my power to access the large deputy space clothes", two pairs of pairs, support the body that the big deputy is falling.

Cheng Jie nodded, at the foot, drill over the door, under the white floor, is the location of the standby power supply, but in the design, it has never considered that one day to open the standby power housing directly to manually enable, So here, this floor is not designed to provide a way for people to enter, and the manual button of the backup power supply that should be rising on the other side is not rising normally because of the power off.

He left and right, "If you haven't remember, fire facilities should be nearby."

Sure enough, there is a red iron box on the right hand side corridor wall.

Take out the fire ax, Cheng Jie took the axle.

Lift the fire ax, the ax is made up of the floor.

In the continuous clearance of Cheng Jie, the metal's floor has a deep lazing, but before the axial fragmentation, it still did not break the block of the floor.

He will have a broken ax, and the ax is broken into two slowly drifting.

Until this, he noticed the tips on the space suit screen.

"Note: Oxygen consumption is too fast, please pay attention to breathing rhythm"

"Note: Space clothes remaining power - 50%"

Reaching out, waking wipe sweat, but the arm met the mask of space suit.

Cheng Jie double his hand, looked at the dent of the axis.

Just as he thought, the power chamber was bright, and the Cheng Jie rose a panel next to the panel, and the panel is written "Backup Power Manual Open"

Cheng Jie reached out and prepared to press the button, but almost at the same time, the lighting of the powerhouse was once again out.

At the sealing door of the entrance, the two power warning lights extinguished, and the space suits that lost power supply will never supply oxygen to the two deputy.


[Spare power back to normal]

[Wholesale Availability Recovery]


The sealed door at the entrance opened, Cheng Jie ran out, and the two people who were getting more farther, and the mask was opened for them.

"Han Wu!" Cheng Jie called.




"Hanwu, the medical support here is required, and the big second is in a coma ..."

Cold Wushen nodded and issued a task directive to the medical group.

Soon, the medical group took a coma two.

Cheng Jie noticed the slightly rotating camera.

He stared at the camera, opening the mouth, "Han Wu, we should talk."

If you hear Cheng Jie through a subroutine, the cold martial arts rose, and let yourself float in the air, turn it.

What is wrong with me? ]


Within 30 minutes after power failure, the spare power is restarted, and the cold martial arts will go online again.

After the standby power is restarted, the unnamed time recovery driver, the lighting is once again lit, and the whole ship will return to normal.

In the next few minutes, the death news of the large deputy and second pairs was successively transmitted, and the death notice outside this was sent, most of them died in hypoxia.

Finally, there are more than 150 people in all positions in the whole ship.

The rest of the people began to fill the vacancies and try their best to maintain the normal operation of the unnamed times.

Everything is restored, such as the beginning ...

Standing on the shipping platform of the ship bridge, Cheng Jie is thinking about how to communicate with the cold, his expression is very serious, and the passing of the bridge personnel have to report some things to him many times, but the end of Cheng Jie. Don't stop near the expression, a lot of things that are not particularly important is solved in their own departments.

... Staring at the stars and the stars outside the bridge portrait, Cheng Jie is hesitating and then three, and finally, I asked, "Han Wu, where are you?"


engine room

"I am looking for you", he got up, walked out of the bridge, walking into the elevator, pressing the buttons of the negative 4.

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